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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
A Thousand Year Solo
Song title
Romaji: Sennen no Dokusouka
English: A Thousand Year Solo
Original Upload Date
April 27, 2008
yanagi (music, lyrics)
Yuu (illustration)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)

Alternative Version

Miku Symphony 2020 orchestral version
Upload date: 3.Feb.2021
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra (instrumentalists)


Japanese Romaji English
ひとり灰色の丘 hitori haiiro no oka Alone on a gray hill,
乾いた枯草踏みしめて kawaita karekusa fumishimete Stepping on the withered grass.
思い巡らせる omoi meguraseru I let my thoughts wander,
空の彼方に sora no kanata ni Into the far side of the sky

風に揺れる花びら kaze ni yureru hanabira The flower petals waver in the wind,
柔らかなあなたの微笑み yawaraka na anata no hohoemi Like your gentle smile
淡い記憶のかけら awai kioku no kakera The fragments of faint memories,
セピア色の向こうの幻 sepiairo no mukou no maboroshi Like an illusion on the far side of sepia

誰も知らない dare mo shiranai Let's play a song
歌を奏でよう uta o kanadeyou Known to no one
この身が錆びて kono mi ga sabite Even if this body
停まろうとも tomarou to mo Is to rust and stop
崩れかけた墓標に kuzurekaketa bohyou ni I will continue to sing
歌い続けよう utai tsuzukeyou To the collapsing gravestone
あなたの anata no The song
残した歌を nokoshita uta o You left behind

この体は全て kono karada wa subete Although this entire body
作り物でしかないけど tsukurimono de shikanai kedo Is nothing but artificial
この心はせめて kono kokoro wa semete At least this heart,
歌に捧げていよう uta ni sasagete iyou Let it be dedicated to you in songs

沈む夕陽に向かう shizumu yuuhi ni mukau Towards the setting evening sun,
色あせたギターを片手に iroaseta gitaa o katate ni A discoloured guitar in one hand.
響くこだまに踊る hibiku kodama ni odoru A silhouette dances
影法師 kageboushi In the resounding echoes

擦り切れた指先は surikireta yubisaki wa The worn out fingertips
光を鈍く照り返して hikari o nibuku terikaeshite Dully reflect the light
口ずさむメロディは kuchizusamu merodi wa The melody I hummed rides the wind
風に乗って空の向こうまで kaze ni notte sora no mukou made To the other side of the sky.

かすかに軋む kasuka ni kishimu The slight creaking
銀の歯車 gin no haguruma Of the silver gears
響いてゆく hibiite yuku Its dull vibration
鈍色(にびいろ)の鼓動 nibiiro no kodou Reverhebrates
ガラスの瞳に garasu no hitomi ni The sky that is reflected
映るこの空は utsuru kono sora wa On these glass eyes
どんな まやかしだろう donna mayakashi darou Just how factitious is it?

この月の下で kono tsuki no shita de Underneath this moon,
もうめぐり逢うこともないけど mou meguriau koto mo nai kedo There's no longer a way to meet you again, but
この空に向かって kono sora ni mukatte Towards this sky,
歌い続けていよう utai tsuzukete iyou I will still continue to sing

あなたと出逢った anata to deatta Even the hill full of violets
すみれの丘も sumire no oka mo Where I met you
幾千の夜に ikusen no yoru ni Over thousand of nights,
灰色の亡骸(なきがら) haiiro no nakigara Only grey remains are left behind

この体は全て kono karada wa subete Although this entire body
作り物でしかないけど tsukuri mono de shikanai kedo Is nothing but artificial
この心はせめて kono kokoro wa semete At least this heart,
歌に捧げていよう uta ni sasagete iyou Let it be dedicated to you in songs
この月の下で kono tsuki no shita de Underneath this moon,
もうめぐり逢うこともないけど mou meguriau koto mo nai kedo There's no longer a way to meet you again, but
この空に向かって kono sora ni mukatte Towards this sky,
歌い続けていよう utai tsuzukete iyou I will still continue to sing

English translation by hokorichan


This song was featured on the following albums:

The refine version of this song was featured on the following album:

The d.g.mix was featured on the following album:

The kaoling mix was featured on the following album:

  • VOCALOID民族調曲集

The DIVA Edit was featured on the following album:

The orchestral version of this song was featured in the following albums:

External Links

