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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
When first love ends
Song title
Romaji: Hajimete no Koi ga Owaru Toki
English: When the First Love Ends
Original Upload Date
December 12, 2008
Hatsune Miku
ryo (music, lyrics)
Miwa Shirow (illustration)
Niconico Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
はじめてのキスは涙の味がした hajimete no kisu wa namida no aji ga shita The first kiss tasted like tears
まるでドラマみたいな恋 marude dorama mitai na koi like love in dramas
見計らったように発車のベルが鳴った mihakaratta you ni hassha no beru ga natta As if it was just waiting for me here, the departure-bell rang

冷たい冬の風が頬をかすめる tsumetai fuyu no kaze ga hoo o kasumeru A chilly winter wind brushes my cheek
吐いた息で両手をこすった haita iki de ryoute o kosutta With a blow breath I rubbed both hands
街はイルミネーション 魔法をかけたみたい machi wa irumineeshon mahou o kaketa mitai The city is lighted by an illumination, as if magically casted.
裸の街路樹 キラキラ hadaka no gairoju kirakira Naked boulevard trees twinkle

どうしても言えなかった doushite mo ienakatta I just couldn't say it
この気持ち 押さえつけた kono kimochi osaetsuketa I supressed the feeling I had
前から決めていた事だから mae kara kimete ita koto dakara Because I had already decided
これでいいの kore de ii no It's all right
振り向かないから furimukanai kara Because I won't look back

ありがとう サヨナラ arigatou sayonara Thank you, goodbye
切ない片思い setsunai kataomoi A bittersweet, unrequited love
足を止めたら思い出してしまう ashi o tometara omoidashite shimau If I stop moving on, I might remember
だから dakara so
ありがとう サヨナラ arigatou sayonara Thank you, goodbye
泣いたりしないから naitari shinai kara I won't cry at all, so...
そう思った途端にふわり sou omotta totan ni fuwari The moment I thought that, softly
舞い降りてくる雪 maiorite kuru yuki Snow began to come down
触れたら溶けてきえた furetara tokete kieta When I touched it, it dissolved and disappeared

駅へと続く大通り eki e to tsuzuku oodoori A boulevard that continues to the station
寄り添ってる二人 楽しそう yorisotteru futari tanoshisou A couple snuggling together must feel good
「ほら見て初雪!」 "hora mite hatsuyuki!" "Hey look, it's the first snow of the season!"
キミとあんな風になりたくて kimi to anna fuu ni naritakute I wanted to be like that with you
初めて作った hajimete tsukutta I made it for the first time
手編みのマフラー teami no mafuraa A hand-knitted muffler

どうしたら渡せたんだろう dou shitara wataseta ndarou What could I have done to hand it to you?
意気地なし 怖かっただけ ikuji nashi kowakatta dake A coward, I was just scared
思い出になるなら omoide ni naru nara If I'm going to remember this
このままで構わないって kono mama de kamawanai tte I can go along with this...?
それは本当なの? sore wa hontou na no? Is that true?

ありがとう サヨナラ arigatou sayonara Thank you, goodbye
いつかこんな時が来てしまうこと itsuka konna toki ga kite shimau koto Someday a time like this will come...
わかってたはずだわ wakatteta hazu da wa I knew that, right?
なのに na no ni yet
ありがとう サヨナラ? arigatou sayonara? Thank you, goodbye?
体が震えてる karada ga furueteru My body's trembling
もうすぐ列車が来るのに mou sugu ressha ga kuru no ni The train is coming in any minute
それは今になって sore wa ima ni natte It's now
私を苦しめる watashi o kurushimeru troubling me

繋がりたい tsunagaritai "I want us to be connected"
どれほど願っただろう dore hodo negatta darou How much did I desire that
この手は空っぽ kono te wa karappo And my hand is empty
ねえ サヨナラってこういうこと? nee sayonara tte kou iu koto? Hey, this is what we call goodbye?

行かなくちゃ ikanakucha I have to go
そんなのわかってる sonna no wakatteru I know that
キミが優しい事も知ってる kimi ga yasashii koto mo shitteru I know that you are sweet too
だから dakara so
「……この手を離してよ」 "...kono te o hanashite yo" "...Please let this hand go"
出会えてよかった deaete yokatta I'm happy that we met
キミが好き kimi ga suki I love you

ありがとう サヨナラ arigatou sayonara Thank you, goodbye
一言が言えない hitokoto ga ienai I can't say a single word
今だけでいい 私に勇気を ima dake de ii watashi ni yuuki o Just for a moment, give me the courage to speak
「あのね――」 "ano ne—" "Hey, um ..."
言いかけた唇 キミとの距離は0 iikaketa kuchibiru kimi to no kyori wa zero The lips that were about to speak, the distance to you was zero
……今だけは泣いていいよね ...ima dake wa naite ii yo ne ... I can cry, just this time
もう言葉はいらない mou kotoba wa iranai There is no need for words any more
お願い ぎゅっとしていて onegai gyutto shite ite Please, keep holding me tightly

来年の今頃には rainen no imagoro ni wa By this time next year
どんな私がいて donna watashi ga ite What will I be like
どんなキミがいるのかな donna kimi ga iru no ka na What will you be like... I wonder

English translation by Anonymous, reviewed by ElectricRaichu


This song was featured on the following albums:

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