Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
The Age of Swords and Blades
Song title
Traditional Chinese: 刀劍春秋
Pinyin: Dāojiàn Chūnqiū
English: The Age of Swords and Blades
Original Upload Date
February 5, 2014
litterzy (music, arrangement, guitar)
Dazuiba Lang (lyrics)
Rabbit Jei (bass)
mtjjn (violin)
Jiang Wu Luan Wan (mastering)
CuTTleFiSh (mix)
Sangen, Weizhi, Jiemo (illustration)
amaisoya (PV)
575,000+ (BB), 100+ (YT)
bilibili Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint)

Alternate Versions

The Age of Swords and Blades
Producer self-cover
Upload date: October 14, 2016
Featuring: litterzy and Zhuan Chang Langren


The following translation has not been reviewed or its accuracy verified. It may be removed if found to be inaccurate. If verified, this message will be removed. If you are a native speaker, feel free to check this translation.

Chinese Pinyin English
孤灯下一管烽烟写前朝 Gūdēng xià yī guǎn fēngyān xiě qián cháo Amongst a time of war, I praise the deeds of a previous dynasty beneath a lonely light
汗青里壮士肝胆不会老 Hànqīng lǐ zhuàngshì gāndǎn bù huì lǎo The brilliant names of those strong men, their valor, shall never die
百世功过在铁笔中铸造 Bǎishì gōngguò zài tiěbǐ zhōng zhùzào Honor that will be carried for a hundred generation are cast by iron pens
悬千金一字无惧世人告 Xuán qiānjīn yī zì wú jù shìrén gào And I tell the world, betting upon a thousand pieces of gold, that I am fearless

只身向斜阳问故老 Zhīshēn xiàng xiéyáng wèn gù lǎo Heading towards the settling sun alone for my dear elders,
一路戴星月存芳草 Yīlù dài xīng yuè cún fāng cǎo I note the beautiful flowers along the way as I wear the stars and the moon upon my head
纵然功名尽去同侪讥我清高 Zòngrán gōngmíng jǐn qù tóngchái jī wǒ qīnggāo I care not for the fame--my peers laugh at my self-righteousness
藏诸昆仑待后人瞧 Cáng zhū kūnlún dài hòu rén qiáo But my deeds are hidden in the Kunlun mountains, waiting for the future to see!

笔似刀 见血方高 斩尽浮华才能称好 Bǐ sì dāo jiàn xiě fāng gāo zhǎn jìn fúhuá cáinéng chēng hǎo My pen's a sword, stained with blood, only satisfied after beheading every bit of superficiality
心似刀 玉陛之下 不为折腰 Xīn sì dāo yù bì zhī xià bù wéi zhéyāo My heart's a blade, refusing to submit under jade and royalty
笔似刀 能断分毫 春秋曲直如明镜照 Bǐ sì dāo néng duàn fēnháo chūnqiū qūzhí rú míngjìng zhào My pen's a blade, cutting sharply, reflected by songs of the ages like a clear mirror
心似刀 逝水之上 刻我名号 Xīn sì dāo shì shuǐ zhī shàng kè wǒ míng hào My heart's a sword, carving my name into the waters of history.

三生淬炼笔墨锻龙雀刀 Sān shēng cuì liàn bǐmò duàn lóng què dāo For three lives, I have smelted my words and my weapons
随作古英雄纵马向天笑 Suí zuògǔ yīngxióng zòng mǎ xiàng tiān xiào Like those ancient heroes I laughed at the sky upon my horse

不辞追疾风问劲草 Bùcí zhuī jífēng wèn jìng cǎo Not caring about stepping on the grass, I chase the wind
一心向青山听鼓角 Yīxīn xiàng qīngshān tīng gǔjiǎo Yet I am devoted to the good life, listening for the drums of war
纵然红尘见弃俗人斥我狂傲 Zòngrán hóngchén jiàn qì súrén chì wǒ kuáng ào Of course, the vicissitudes abandon me and those commoners call me insane,
藏诸昆仑待后人瞧 Cáng zhū kūnlún dài hòu rén qiáo But my deeds are hidden in the Kunlun mountains, waiting for the future to see!

笔似刀 见血方高 欲斩妖星乘虹冲霄 Bǐ shì dāo jiàn xiě fāng gāo yù zhǎn yāoxīng chéng hóng chōng xiāo My pen's a sword, stained with blood, desiring to cut down monsters and rise into the clouds
心似刀 千军之前 肯把头抛 Xīn sì dāo qiān jūn zhīqián kěn bǎtóu pāo My hearts a blade, willing to lose my head in front of a thousand soldiers
笔似刀 我一肩挑 往苍茫辟地厚天高 Bǐ shì dāo wǒ yì jiān tiāo wǎng cāngmáng pì dì hòu tiān gāo My pen's a sword that I carry upon one shoulder, separating the evil from the good as I travel to the edges of the world
心似刀 如贯山岳 不动不倒 Xīn sì dāo rú guàn shānyuè bù dòng bù dǎo My heart's a blade, firm like the mountain

身似刀 已无脂膏 独立风中难挽形销 Shēn sì dāo yǐ wú zhīgāo dúlì fēng zhōng nán wǎn xíng xiāo My body's a sword, already without riches (or fat), unable to withhold my glory as I stand alone in the wind
心似刀 沥我碧血 书我情操 Xīn sì dāo lì wǒ bìxuè shū wǒ qíngcāo My heart's a knife that wrings my bright-coloured blood to write my sentiments
我似刀 能断分毫 不能改滔滔世间潮 Wǒ sì dāo néng duàn fēnháo bùnéng gǎi tāotāo shìjiān cháo I am a blade, cutting sharply yet unable to change the filthy world
心似刀 墙上岁月 霜冷一鞘。 Xīn sì dāo qiáng shàng suìyuè shuāng lěng yī qiào. My heart's a sword, freezing and cold upon the aged wall

笔似刀 见血方高 欲斩妖星乘虹冲霄 Bǐ sì dāo jiàn xiě fāng gāo yù zhǎn yāoxīng chéng hóng chōng xiāo My pen's a sword, stained with blood, desiring to cut down monsters and rise into the clouds
心似刀 千军之前 不为折腰 Xīn sì dāo qiān jūn zhīqián bù wéi zhéyāo My hearts a blade, not bowing in front of a thousand soldiers
笔似刀 我一肩挑 往苍茫辟地厚天高 Bǐ sì dāo wǒ yì jiān tiāo wǎng cāngmáng pì dì hòu tiān gāo My pen's a sword that I carry upon one shoulder, separating the evil from the good as I travel to the edges of the world
心似刀 如贯山岳 不动不倒 Xīn sì dāo rú guàn shānyuè bù dòng bù dǎo My heart's a blade, firm like the mountains

English translation by Hibana-Chan


This song was featured on the following albums:

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