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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Kyoumei shi Yukaru
Song title
Romaji: Kyoumei shi, Yukaru.
English: Resonate and Bond.
Original Upload Date
March 13, 2021
Yuzuki Yukari V4 (Power, Whisper, Natural) and Yuzuki Yukari Rei
SLAVE.V-V-R (music, lyrics)
15,000+ (NN), 77,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
頻脈(ときめき)(おか)しくなって(とびら)施碇()ざす tokimeki ga okashiku natte tobira o tozasu My heart, fluttering too quickly, is getting strangely out of order, so I anchor shut the doors of my eyelids, as a favor.

感情(きもち)混乱(くる)った 不純(にご)った(よる)太陰(つき)はない kimochi ga kurutta nigotta yoru ni tsuki wa nai My feelings are in chaos. There’s no moon in sight on this foul night.
射干玉(くろ)反射(ひかり)憎悪(きら)って 展望()遮蔽(かく)したのさ kuro wa hikari o kiratte me o kakushita no sa The pitch-black darkness abhorred the light of a reflection, masking its outlook by concealing its eyes.
愚者(いのち)(ねむ)森閑(せいじゃく)(あい)せ 馬鹿者(わたし)呼吸(いき)(ころ) inochi ga nemuru seijaku o aise watashi wa iki o korosu The fool’s life lies dormant. Show the quiet your grace! Idiot that I am, I’ll chain up my breathing till it’s well and truly stifled.
この無音(ちんもく)壊崩(こわ)せるのは 情人(おまえ)だけだろう kono chinmoku o kowaseru no wa omae dake darou You’re the only one who can break this soundlessness, dearest.

吾背(おまえ)はそう目論(のぞ)んでる 右に同じ(I do) omae wa sou nozonderu I do This is what you’ve schemed and dreamed, my mirror self: I do too.

盲目(This is love) This is love Love is blind.
(おまえ)しか()たくない omae shika mitakunai I wish to lay eyes on naught but thee.
くれくれ くれよ愛を(Gimme gimme Gimme your love) Gimme gimme Gimme your love Gimme, gimme, gimme your love.
開碇(Open my eyes) Open my eyes Lift the anchor from my eyes.
この(よる)()らすお前(つき)になってくれ kono yoru o terasu tsuki ni natte kure Be the moon that will brilliantly illuminate the night in me.
結末(かぎ)選択() kagi o tore Take the key and choose your ending,
You use key You cull it You use key You cull it Yuzuki Yukari!

薄明(あさ)腑抜(おび)瞳孔()()じるから asa ni obie me o tojiru kara Because I turn cowardly before the faint light of morning and close my eyes (no pupils in sight here!),
方々(すべ)()えて射干玉(くろ)だけが(のこ) subete kiete kuro dake ga nokoru Everyone is disappeared, leaving only the pitch-black darkness.
この虫けら(じゃくしゃ)(よる)一見(のぞ)くには 光源(かぎ)がいるだろう kono jakusha no yoru o nozoku ni wa kagi ga iru darou I suppose the glowing key is here for a quick peek at the weak insect’s nightfall.

共存(いぞん)しあってる 闇と目(Resonance) izon shiatteru Resonance We coexist, codependent on each other; the darkness resonates with our eyes.

盲目(This is love) This is love Love is blind.
(おまえ)しか()たくない omae shika mitakunai I wish to lay eyes on naught but thee.
くれくれ くれよ愛を(Gimme gimme Gimme your love) Gimme gimme Gimme your love Gimme, gimme, gimme your love.
開碇(Open my eyes) Open my eyes Lift the anchor from my eyes.
この(よる)()らすお前(つき)になってくれ kono yoru o terasu tsuki ni natte kure Be the moon that will brilliantly illuminate the night in me.

無我夢中(This is love) This is love I lose myself in love.
(おまえ)だけ()ていたい omae dake mite itai I only wanna see you, my moon.
くれくれ くれよ愛を(Gimme gimme Gimme your love) Gimme gimme Gimme your love Gimme, gimme, gimme your love.
開碇(Open my eyes) Open my eyes Lift the anchor from my eyes.
この(わたし)()らすお前(つき)になってくれ kono watashi o terasu tsuki ni natte kure Be the moon that will brilliantly illuminate me in the night.
結末(かぎ)選択() kagi o tore Take the key and choose your ending,
You use key You cull it You use key You cull it Yuzuki Yukari!
Hey you use key You cull it…… Hey you use key You cull it…… Hey, Yuzuki Yukari...

English translation by MeaningfulUsername

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