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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song contains questionable elements (mild sexual themes); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
All external links may also contain questionable elements.
The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice.
Song title
Romaji: Hachigatsu no Yoru
English: August Night
Original Upload Date
November 30, 2022
Silent Siren (original)
TechnoSpeech (tuning)
YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
君の好きなところ kimi no suki na tokoro The things I like about you
変な癖があるところ hen na kuse ga aru tokoro Your weird quirks
無表情なのに キュっと muhyoujou nano ni kyutto Though you’re expressionless,
上にあがる口角 ue ni agaru koukaku The corners of your mouth lift up tightly

合格点をあげるよ goukakuten o ageru yo "I’ll give you a passing grade
上手くできてるね umaku dekiteru ne You’re doing well, you know"
褒めてくれる 君はいったい homete kureru kimi wa ittai You’re praising me -
何を見てるの nani o miteru no What exactly are you looking at?

さら さら さら さら なびくふたりの sara sara sara sara nabiku futari no More and more and more and more, we’re giving in
まだ まだ まだ まだ 微妙な距離も mada mada mada mada bimyou na kyori mo Still, still, still, still, the subtle distance between us
ゆら ゆら ゆら ゆら 揺れる気持ちも yura yura yura yura yureru kimochi mo Slowly swaying, rolling, shaking, these trembling feelings
微かに指先が君に 振れる 触れ 溢れ kasuka ni yubisaki ga kimi ni fureru fure afure Weakly, my fingertips, shaking, touch you, overflowing,
重なる kasanaru We overlap

八月の夜 募る i love you hachigatsu no yoru tsunoru i love you This August night, it’s getting stronger, I love you
帰り道に買ったアイス残して kaerimichi ni katta aisu nokoshite I’ll save the ice cream we bought on the way home
また次を また次を mata tsugi o mata tsugi o Again next time, again next time
どうにか作っていたんだ dounika tsukutte ita nda Somehow I was making a next time
少しずつ酔う ゆらり漂う sukoshizutsu you yurari tadayou Getting a little drunk, I float, swaying
冷凍保存した 記憶溶かして reitou hozon shita kioku tokashite I thaw out deeply frozen memories
また君に また君に mata kimi ni mata kimi ni Again, again
会える理由ずっと探してるんだ aeru riyuu zutto sagashiteru nda I’m always looking for a reason to see you again

君の好きなところ kimi no suki na tokoro The things I like about you
子供みたいに笑うところ kodomo mitai ni warau tokoro How you laugh like a kid
愛おしくなるメロディー そっと itooshiku naru merodii sotto A lovely melody
ふたり包む音色 futari tsutsumu neiro Gently wraps us up in its timbre

迷路を進んでくように探り合った夜 meiro o susundeku you ni saguriatta yoru One night, we explored each other like we were making our way through a maze
夏の感触 君の感触 natsu no kanshoku kimi no kanshoku Summer’s touch, your touch…
この夏が終わる前に kono natsu ga owaru mae ni Before this summer ends,

さら さら さら さら なびくふたりの sara sara sara sara nabiku futari no More and more and more and more, we’re giving in
まだ まだ まだ まだ ぎこちのなさも mada mada mada mada gikochi no nasa mo Still, still, still, still, this awkwardness
ゆら ゆら ゆら ゆら 揺れる気持ちも yura yura yura yura yureru kimochi mo Slowly swaying, rolling, shaking, these trembling feelings
微かに指先が君に 振れる 触れ 溢れ kasuka ni yubisaki ga kimi ni fureru fure afure Weakly, my fingertips, shaking, touch you, overflowing,
重なる kasanaru We overlap

八月の夜 募る i love you hachigatsu no yoru tsunoru i love you This August night, it’s getting stronger, I love you
絡まり 空回り 遠回りして karamari karamawari toomawari shite Entangled, spinning our wheels, we take a detour
また好きを また好きを mata suki o mata suki o Again, love; again, love
どうにか抑えていたんだ dounika osaete ita nda Somehow I was pinning it down
少しずつ酔う ゆらり漂う sukoshizutsu you yurari tadayou Getting a little drunk, I float, swaying
冷凍保存した 記憶溶かして reitou hozon shita kioku tokashite I thaw out deeply frozen memories
また君に また君に mata kimi ni mata kimi ni Again, again
会える理由ずっと探してるんだ aeru riyuu zutto sagashiteru nda I’m always looking for a reason to see you again

気のせいかな 夏のせいかな 上がる体温 ki no sei kana natsu no sei kana agaru taion I wonder if it’s my imagination, or maybe it’s summer’s fault, that my temperature’s rising
1ミリを縮めたい ichimiri o chijimetai I wanna shrink it by a millimeter -
君との世界を kimi to no sekai o This world I share with you

さら さら さら さら なびくふたりの sara sara sara sara nabiku futari no More and more and more and more, we’re giving in
まだ まだ まだ まだ 微妙な距離も mada mada mada mada bimyou na kyori mo Still, still, still, still, the subtle distance between us
ゆら ゆら ゆら ゆら 揺れる気持ちも yura yura yura yura yureru kimochi mo Slowly swaying, rolling, shaking, these trembling feelings
微かに唇が君に 振れる 触れ 溢れ kasuka ni kuchibiru ga kimi ni fureru fure afure Weakly, my lips, shaking, touch you, overflowing,
重なる kasanaru We overlap

八月の夜 募る i love you hachigatsu no yoru tsunoru i love you This August night, it’s getting stronger, I love you
絡まり 空回り 遠回りして karamari karamawari toomawari shite Entangled, spinning our wheels, we take a detour
また好きを また好きを mata suki o mata suki o Again, love; again, love
どうにか抑えていたんだ dounika osaete ita nda Somehow I was pinning it down
少しずつ酔う ゆらり漂う sukoshizutsu you yurari tadayou Getting a little drunk, I float, swaying
冷凍保存した 愛を溶かして reitou hozon shita ai o tokashite I thaw out a deeply frozen love
また君に また君に mata kimi ni mata kimi ni Again, again
会える理由ずっと探してるんだ aeru riyuu zutto sagashiteru nda I’m always looking for a reason to see you again

八月の夜にふたりは 振れる 触れ 溢れ hachigatsu no yoru ni futari wa fureru fure afure This August night, the two of us shake, touching, overflowing
重なる kasanaru We overlap

English translation by ManekiKoneko

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