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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai -FLYING SONGS- Omoiai
Song title
Romaji: Ani ni wa Himitsu
English: A Secret from my Older Brother
Original Upload Date
December 31, 2023
shito (music, lyrics)
Gom (lyrics)
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YouTube)


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his website.
Japanese Romaji English
華は枯れない hana wa karenai Flowers won't wither
君は負けない kimi wa makenai You won't lose
僕の兄貴は boku no aniki wa My big brother
僕以外に負けない boku igai ni makenai loses to no one but me

兄弟なのに kyōdai na no ni Though we're brothers
口も利かない kuchi mo kikanai we don't communicate well
君は僕に何も勝てない kimi wa boku ni nani mo katenai You can't win against me at anything
出来の悪い兄貴を持った deki no warui aniki o motta I have a big brother who's not quite there
僕の足を引っ張るなよ boku no ashi o hipparu na yo so don't get in my way

同じ家にいて onaji ie ni ite We lived in the same house,
同じご飯食べて onaji gohan tabete ate the same food,
同じ家族がいて onaji kazoku ga ite had the same family,
違う夢を見た chigau yume o mita but had different dreams
なんかムカついた nanka mukatsuita It made me kind of irritated
逃げんなよ・・・ nigenna yo … Don't run away …

大切だけど taisetsu dakedo I care about him,
心配だけど shinpai dakedo I worry about him,
口にはしない kuchi ni wa shinai but I won't say it out loud
兄弟だから kyōdai dakara because we're brothers
華は枯れない hana wa karenai Flowers won't wither
君は負けない kimi wa makenai You won't lose
僕の兄貴は boku no aniki wa My big brother
僕以外に負けない boku igai ni makenai loses to no one but me

兄弟だから kyōdai dakara Because we're brothers
似ているところ nite iru tokoro we have similarities,
顔が良くて性格悪い kao ga yokute seikakuwarui a handsome face and bad personality
これを言うと怒られるけど kore o iu to okorareru kedo He'll get mad at me if I say this,
負けず嫌いそこまで一緒 makezu kirai soko made issho but we're alike right up to hating to lose

たまに会話して tamani kaiwa shite We sometimes talk,
たまに散歩して tamani sanpo shite we sometimes go for a walk,
たまにケンカして tamani kenka shite we sometimes squabble,
いつも折れてくれて itsumo orete kurete but you always give in to me
そういうとこだよ sōiu toko da yo That's how it is
認めてる・・・ mitomete'ru … I accept that …

お互い秘密 otagai himitsu We know
知ってるけれど shitte'ru keredo each other's secrets
口にはしない kuchi ni wa shinai but we don't tell
兄弟だから kyōdai dakara because we're brothers
胸に刺さった mune ni sasatta It resonated with me
“夢は逃げない” yume wa nigenai You won't lose your dream
僕の兄貴は boku no aniki wa My big brother
今輝いて見える ima kagayaite mieru shines right now

気づいてる? kizuite'ru? Have you noticed
笑顔が増えたこと egao ga fueta koto how much more he smiles?
気づいてる? kizuite'ru? Have you noticed
兄貴を好きなこと aniki o suki na koto how much I love my brother?

大切だけど taisetsu dakedo I care about him,
心配だけど shinpai dakedo I worry about him,
口にはしない kuchi ni wa shinai but I won't say it out loud
兄弟だから kyōdai dakara because we're brothers
華は枯れない hana wa karenai Flowers won't wither
君は負けない kimi wa makenai You won't lose
僕の兄貴は boku no aniki wa My big brother
誰にも負けない dare ni mo makenai loses to no one

お互い秘密 otagai himitsu We know
知ってるけれど shitte'ru keredo each other's secrets
口にはしない kuchi ni wa shinai but we don't tell
兄弟だから kyōdai dakara because we're brothers
胸に刺さった mune ni sasatta It resonated with me
“夢は逃げない” yume wa nigenai You won't lose your dream
僕の兄貴は boku no aniki wa My big brother
今輝いて見える ima kagayaite mieru shines right now

English translation by ElectricRaichu


This song was featured in the following albums:

  • 告白実行委員会 -FLYING SONGS- オモイアイ (Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai -FLYING SONGS- Omoiai)

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