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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Boku no Shiawase-chan Saru Onna
Song title
Romaji: Boku no Shiawase-chan
English: My Dear Little Happiness
Original Upload Date
August 9, 2022
Kaai Yuki
Saru Onna (music, lyrics)
Niconico Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
来世君が猫になるのなら raise kimi ga neko ni naru no nara If you’d like to be a cat in your next life,
僕が捕まえて殺してあげる boku ga tsukamaete koroshite ageru Then I’ll capture and slaughter you.
ピンクの毛皮を引き剥いで pinku no kegawa o hikihaide I’ll peel and strip your pink skin
小さな心臓食べてあげる chiisana shinzou tabete ageru And eat up your tiny heart.

今生君は死ぬほど憐れな女で konjou kimi wa shinu hodo awase na onna de Since you’ll be an extraordinarily pitiful woman
どうしようもないお馬鹿だから doushiyoumonai obaka dakara And a hopeless idiot till you die,
復讐なんてしないままで fukushuu nante shinai mama de I’ll kindly refrain from getting revenge on you.
見殺しにしてあげる migoroshi ni shite ageru Let me just abandon you to your fate.

あぁ、幸せになれないみたいだね aa, shiawase ni narenai mitai da ne Aah, it looks like you can’t find happiness.
お陰様でこっちは楽しんでるよ okagesama de kocchi wa tanoshinderu yo Thanks to that, I’m having a lot of fun.
あぁ、なんて可哀想な子 aa, nante kawaisou na ko Aah, you poor little thing!
無様に踊る buzama ni odoru Dancing such a miserable dance,
愉快愉快愉快愉快愉快愉快 yukai yukai yukai yukai yukai yukai What fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun—

愉快だね!!! yukai da ne!!! What awful fun it is!!!

君がボロボロで這いつくばってる姿は kimi ga boroboro de haitsukubatteru sugata wa How tattered you are, groveling in the dirt, that is.
ごめんなさいって言ってみなよ gomennasai tte itte mina yo Try and say you’re sorry,
絶対許してあげない! zettai yurushite agenai! I’ll never forgive you!
一生僕を目の敵にしていて isshou boku o me no kataki ni shite ite Feel free to detest me as long as you live.

死ぬ前にまた会いにおいで shinu mae ni mata ai ni oide Come and see me again before you die.
ちゃんと僕が見ていてあげるから chanto boku ga mite ite ageru kara I’ll make sure I’ll enjoy seeing you go!
そんなに憎けりゃ殺しにおいで sonnani nikukerya koroshi ni oide If you hate me that bad, then come and kill me.
一緒に地獄にいこう issho ni jigoku ni ikou Let’s go to hell together.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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