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Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
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Song title
Romaji: Henshoku
English: Unbalanced Diet
Original Upload Date
October 15, 2019
Hatsune Miku
Kashii Moimi (music, lyrics)
Shirasaki Maguru (illustration)
190,000+ (NN), 1,700,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
ダーリン、ダーリン、私を愛して。 daarin, daarin, watashi o aishite. Darling, darling, love me.
もっと、もっと、壊れるくらい。 motto, motto, kowareru kurai. More, more, until I break.
ダーリン、ダーリン、全然足りない。 daarin, daarin, zenzen tarinai. Darling, darling, still insufficient.
ねえもう、いっそ。私を... nee mou, isso. watashi o... Hey, instead, will you...
食べて? tabete? Eat me?

ねえ、お腹がすいたの。 nee, onaka ga suita no. Hey, I've gotten hungry.
欲しくて、欲しくて、しかたないの。 hoshikute, hoshikute, shikatanai no. I wanted it, I wanted it, what couldn't be helped.
ねえ頂戴?頂戴? nee choudai? choudai? Hey, please? Please?
甘くて咽せちゃうくらいの蜜。 amakute musechau kurai no mitsu. A honey so sweet it parches my throat.

ねえ、楽しいことしたいの。 nee, tanoshii koto shitai no. Hey, I want to do something fun.
貴方も私と「おんなじ」でしょう? anata mo watashi to "onnaji" deshou? You and I are "the same," aren't we?
くすぐって、暴いて、今だけ。 kusugutte, abaite, ima dake. Inciting, divulging, in this moment.
魔法が解けるまえに。 mahou ga tokeru mae ni. Before the magic comes undone.

ねえ、ダメってことわかっているはずなのに。 nee, dame tte koto wakatte iru hazu nano ni. Hey, I know it can't be done.
ねえ、堪らなく貴方が欲しい。 nee, tamaranaku anata ga hoshii. Hey, I want you so much I can't take it anymore.

ダーリン、ダーリン、私を見つめて? daarin, daarin, watashi o mitsumete? Darling, darling, will you look at me?
もっと、もっと、溢れるくらい。 motto, motto, afureru kurai. More, more, until it overflows.
ダーリン、ダーリン、まだダメ...やめないで。 daarin, daarin, mada dame...yamenaide. Darling, darling not yet...don't stop.
もっと、ずっと、私を... motto, zutto, watashi o... More, continuously, will you...

味わって? ajiwatte? Savor me?

ねえ、気分が悪いの。 nee, kibun ga warui no. Hey, I'm feeling bad.
苦しい、寂しい、今会いたい kurushii, sabishii, ima aitai Anguishing, lonely, I want to see you now.
ねえ、楽しいことだけしたいけど、 nee, tanoshii koto dake shitai kedo, Hey, I only want to do fun things,
それは罪だから。 sore wa tsumi dakara. But that's a sin.
私は... watashi wa... I am...

「ダーリン、ダーリン」 "daarin, daarin" "Darling, darling"
(「きこえてる?」) ("kikoeteru?") ("Can you hear me?")
(「私がどこにいるか、」) (watashi ga doko ni iru ka,") ("Where I am,")
(「もうわかったでしょう?」) ("mou wakatta deshou?") ("You know that now?")

「ダーリン、ダーリン」 "daarin, daarin" "Darling, darling"
(「一緒に罪を、」) ("issho ni tsumi o,") ("Shall we atone")
(「償いましょう?」) ("tsugunaimashou?") ("For our sin together?")

ダーリン、ダーリン、ひとりは寂しいの。 daarin, daarin, hitori wa sabishii no. Darling, darling, I'm lonely by myself.
だから、もっと、強く抱きしめて。 dakara, motto, tsuyoku dakishimete. So, more, hug me tightly.
ダーリン、ダーリン、全然足りない。 daarin, daarin, zenzen tarinai. Darling, darling, still insufficient.
ねえもう、いっそ。私を... nee mou, isso. watashi o... Hey, instead, will you...
食べて? tabete? Eat me?

English translation by Anonymous


This song was featured on the following album:

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