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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song contains questionable elements (Violence, Self harm, Murder); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
All external links may also contain questionable elements.
The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice.
Song title
Romaji: Shuudou Shoujo to Guuzou Shoujo
English: Nun Girl & Idol Girl
Original Upload Date
May 23, 2011
Hatsune Miku, GUMI, and Camui Gackpo
CosMo (music, lyrics, illustration)
590,000+ (NN), 290,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Note: This song has been known as "Nun & Idol Girl" in Western fandom but "Nun Girl & Idol Girl" is a more accurate translation.

Singer Color
Miku Gray
GUMI Green
Gackpo Purple

---街は等しく救う 未来絶たれた者たちを 忘却の彼方に"罪"を置き去りにしてまでも---
---Machi wa hitoshiku sukuu mirai tatareta mono tachi o boukyaku no kanata ni "tsumi" o okizari ni shite made mo---
---The town equally rescues those who were severed from the future, even up to making their "sins" be deserted in a distant oblivion.---

Japanese Romaji English
「 ? あれ?」 "? are?" "? Huh?"

街外れの教会で 私は一応聖職で machi hazure no kyoukai de watashi wa ichiou seishoku de In a church in the outskirts of town, I have a tentative vocation,
何故この仕事なのかは まったく分からないんだけどね? naze kono shigoto nano ka wa mattaku wakaranain dakedo ne? Though I don't wholly understand why I have this job, do I?

神父の目を盗んで こっそりとダラダラモチャモチャ shinpu no me o nusunde kossori to daradara mochamocha Stealing a glance at the priest's eyes, I'd secretly just kinda slack off.
あとはステンドグラス磨きと 暇をもてあまして適当にお祈り ato wa sutendo gurasu migaki to hima o mote amashite tekitou ni oinori Afterwards, I polish the stained glass, then I have way too much free time, and offer up a perfunctory prayer.

今日も迷える子羊たちの懺悔の声に耳を傾ける kyou mo mayoeru kohitsuji tachi no zange no koe ni mimi o katamukeru Today as well I will lend my ear to the confessing voices of the lost lambs.

「恋人が見つからないんです><」 "koibito ga mitsukaranain desu > <" "I can't find my lover. > <"

はいはいイイ人見つかるといいね hai hai ii hito mitsukaruto ii ne Yes, yes, it'd be nice to find a good person.
お悩み相談所かここは!? (間違ってはないけど...) onayami soudansho ka koko wa! ? (Machigatte wa nai kedo... ) Is this a consultation office for troubles!? (Though that's not quite incorrect...)

一日が終わり ichinichi ga owari One days end.

<< PC起動 スイッチオン>> <<PC kidou suitchi on>> <<PC Start UP (Switch On)>>

ああ、忘れていたよ。ゴメン→  形式 かたちだけの 感謝 いのり << 物欲 ヨク薄イシ>> ←平和な証でしょ! aa, wasurete ita yo. Gomen → keishiki katachi dake no kansha inori <<butsuyoku yoku usu ishi>> ← heiwana akashi desho! Ah, I forgot. SORRY → A prayer of thanks for appearance's sake <<WORDLY DESIRES, GREED, WEAK>> ← It's peaceful proof!

分別(フィルタ)失くしたモニタが 吐き出し続けるのは firuta nakushita monita ga hakidashi tsuzukeru no wa What the monitor that lost its discretion (filter) continues to spit out
退屈なDisりあいと 宗教戦争(せんそう) もどきばかり taikutsuna disri ai to shuukyou sensou modoki bakari is only boring Disreason, and something like religious wars.

ねえお願い電脳ガイドさん こんな地味な私でも nee onegai dennou gaido san konna jimina watashi demo Hey, please, computer guide. Even though I'm this plain,
刺激的な毎日が送れるヒントを頂戴 shigekiteki na mainichi ga okureru hinto o choudai Please give me a hint so I can spend every day stimulatingly.

「 では 偶像少女 <<アイドル>> などやってみてはいかがかな?」 "dewa aidoru nado yatte mite wa ikaga ka na?" "Then how would you like to try being an idol girl (idol)?"

超☆展☆開 chou☆ten☆kai Ultra☆Evo-☆lution.
キーボード叩いて 変★身 ネットでアイドル kiibo0do tataite hen ★ shin netto de aidoru Striking the keyboard, my meta★morphosis into an idol on the net.
愛と夢その他いろいろ 振りまく天使(自称)よ! ai to yume sonohoka iroiro furimaku tenshi yo! A (self proclaimed) angel who lavishes lots of stuff like love and dreams, etc.!

無☆問☆題 mu☆mon☆dai No☆Prob-☆lem.
大量爆撃(たくさん)のお祈り「 (アナタ)に幸ありますように☆」 takusan no oinori "anata ni sachi arimasu you ni ☆" A bombardment (lots) of prayers. 「So that there is happiness for you (thee) ☆」
楽しいことしたほうが 神様も喜ぶに決まってる! tanoshii koto shita hou ga kamisama mo yorokobu ni kimatteru! It is decided that God will also be delighted if I do enjoyable things!
(Ready?) (READY?) (Ready?)

楽しいのもつかの間 ちょっと浮かれすぎていたわ tanoshii no mo tsuka no ma chotto ukare sugite ita wa It was enjoyable for a brief time. I was having a bit too much fun.
しばらくして 飽きられて 人も まばらになってしまった! shibaraku shite aki rarete hito mo mabara ni natte shimatta! After some time, I got tired of it, and the people also grew sparse.

湧き出す不快な暴言に 思わず waki dasu fukaina bougen ni omowazu Without thinking, I answer the ugly words thrown at me with
ムカつく、なんなのアイツラ mukatsu, nanna no aitsura "These guys make me sick"

見せつけてやるワ! 見せてやるわ! mise tsukete yaru wa! misete yaru wa! I'll show you! You'll see!
投げつけた言葉が どんな結果を生むのか!! nagetsuketa kotoba ga donna kekka o umu no ka! ! What kind of fruit the words you threw at me will bear!!

とっさに握ったのは禍々しく光る刃 tossa ni nigitta no wa magamagashiku hikaru yaiba What I grasped at once was an ominously shining blade.
すべてを "思い出す" ここで何を"懺悔"したかったのかを subete o "omoidasu" koko de nani o "zange" shitakatta no ka o I "remember" everything, and what it was I wanted to "confess" here.

過去の私もアイドルで 同じように居場所失って kako no watashi mo aidoru de onaji youni ibasho ushinatte My past self was also an idol, and lost their place to be, same as me;
無い頭搾った結論 あてつけにと nai atama shibotta ketsuron atetsuke ni to The mindlessly whittled-down conclusions and insinuations.

「リスカ中継でも……」 "risuka chuukei demo......" "Even broadcasting my self-harm......"

痛み背負う聖女(という設定)がいいので 教会へと タカタカトコトコ itami seou seijo (to iu settei) ga ii node kyoukai e to takata kato kotoko A saint burdened with pain (or such a setup) is good, so I scurry towards the church.
死ぬ気は特にないけれど 大袈裟なナイフ宛てがい ここで一旦停止? shinu ki wa toku ni nai keredo ougesa na naifu ategai koko de ittan teishi? Though I don't especially feel like dying, I've allocated such a grandiose knife. Is this a temporary stalemate?

「そっか、不法侵入だったわ」 "sokka, fuhou shinnyuu datta wa" 「Ah yes, I was trespassing.」

掴まれた肩 背後には若い 神父(おとこ) tsukamareta kata haigo ni wa wakai otoko My seized shoulder. Behind me was a young priest (man).
あわてて振り払おうとしたその手にはまだ awatete furiharaou to shita sono te ni wa mada I panic, and in the hand I tried to shake him off with I still had...

「運命の悪戯なのか 手放し忘れたナイフが……」 "unmei no itazura nano ka tebanashi wasureta naifu ga......" "Is this a prank of fate? The knife I forgot to drop......"
「 必然の因果なのさ 手放し忘れたナイフが…… 」 "hitsuzen no inga nano sa tebanashi wasureta naifu ga......" "It is inevitable cause and effect. The knife I forgot to drop......"

こんなに悲しい 紅色 は生まれて初めてみた konna ni kanashii akairo wa umarete hajimete mita It was the first time in my life I saw such a sad shade.
誰が 何を どうして どうしたら  解 ワカラナイヨ?? dare ga nani o doushite doushitara kai wakaranaiyo?? Who, what, how come, why did it-- I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY??

こんなに滑稽な理由で誰かが死んでもなお konna ni kokkeina riyuu de dareka ga shinde mo nao To think someone would die for a reason this comical, and yet
無かったことにできれば……と思う 救いようが無いわ nakatta koto ni dekire ba…… to omou sukuiyou ga nai wa thinking "if only I could make it so that this never happened..." won't offer me any salvation.

ここで ごめんなさい続けたら 神様は koko de gomennasai tsuzuketara kamisama wa If I continue to say that I am sorry here, then God
私のしたこと全部を 赦してくれるかな watashi no shita koto zenbu o yurushite kureru ka na Would forgive all that I have ever done, I wonder?
( “不幸” ヲ サヨナラ ) ( “fukou” o sayonara) (GOODBYE "MISFORTUNE")

ここで ごめんなさい続けるから 神様は koko de gomennasai tsuzukeru kara kamisama wa Since I'll continue to say that I am sorry here, then God
私のしたこと全部を 赦してください watashi shita koto zenbu o yurushite kudasai Please forgive all that I have ever done.

私が背負うには あまりに重すぎるから watashi ga seou ni wa amari ni omo sugiru kara Because it is much too heavy for me to bear.

もう未来へは進まない どんよりと溜める続けるのは mou mirai e wa susumanai don'yori to tamari tsuzukeru no wa I will not advance to the future anymore. What continues to heavily collect
鳴り止まない懺悔の (こえ)と 降り続く後悔の (あめ)だけ nari yamanai zange no koe to furi tsuzuku koukai no ame dake Are only confessing thoughts (voices) that won't shut up and rain (tears) of regret that continues to fall.

English translation by BerrySubs


This song was featured on the following albums:

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