Song title | |||
"余花にみとれて" Romaji: Yoka Ni Mitorete English: Captivated by the Late-blooming Sakura | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
December 8, 2024 | |||
Singer | |||
MEIKO SP (Original) and 25-ji, Nightcord de. | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
430,000+ | |||
Links | |||
YouTube Broadcast | |||
Commissioned song for the unit 25-ji, Nightcord de. for the game Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku. |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
私たちが思うよりも | watashitachi ga omou yori mo | This world is far less kind |
この世界は優しくないから | kono sekai wa yasashikunai kara | than we think it is, |
せめて私くらいはあなたの | semete watashi kurai wa anata no | But I, at the very least, |
そばに いたかったんだ | soba ni itakatta nda | wanted to be by your side. |
ザラついた手触りの言葉で | zara tsuita tezawari no kotoba de | With words that are coarse to the touch, |
あなたのこと汚した私は | anata no koto yogoshita watashi wa | I dirtied you, |
妙に目にしみる茜色に | myou ni me ni shimiru akaneiro ni | Strangely, I'm sewn into place |
縫い付けられたままで | nuitsukerareta mama de | By the crimson seeping into my eyes, |
動けないままで | ugokenai mama de | Rendered unable to move. |
きつく抱きしめて くしゃくしゃになった | kitsuku dakishimete kushakusha ni natta | Tight in my embrace, you crumpled, |
あなたの孤独を見つけたのに | anata no kodoku o mitsuketa no ni | Even though I had found your loneliness. |
もう傷つける場所もないあなたの心臓が | mou kizutsukeru basho mo nai anata no shinzou ga | Your heart, which had no place left unscathed by wounds, |
切なくなるくらい柔らかく音を立てて | setsunakunaru kurai yawarakaku oto o tatete | Sang out a sound that was so gentle that it was heartrending. |
酷く膿(う)んだ傷を抑さえながら | hidoku unda kizu o osae nagara | Shoving down and hiding your dreadfully festering wounds, |
それでもあなたは笑っていたのでしょう | sore demo anata wa waratte ita no deshou | You were still smiling despite them, no? |
それがどうしようもなく嫌なのです | sore ga doushiyoumonaku iya nano desu | I hated that with every fiber of my being— |
せめて私の前では泣いてほしいのに | semete watashi no mae de wa naite hoshii no ni | At least in front of me, I wanted you to be able to cry. |
ボクたちが息をする世界は | bokutachi ga iki o suru sekai wa | The world in which we draw breath |
もうとっくに壊れていたけど | mou tokku ni kowarete ita kedo | Has been broken for a very long time, |
それでもあなたと見たその色は | sore demo anata to mita sono iro wa | But even so, the colors I saw with you |
ただあまりにも美しかったんだ あぁ | tada amari nimo utsukushikatta nada aa | Were so breathtakingly beautiful. |
歩き方を忘れた私たちは | aruki kata o wasureta watashitachi wa | We'd forgotten how to walk, |
どこまで行けるのかな | doko made yukeru no kana | so just how far can we go? |
どこにも行きたくないのなら それでもいいよ | doko ni mo ikitakunai no nara sore demo ii yo | If you don't want to go anywhere at all, that's okay as well. |
ここで話をしようか 何も話したくないなら | koko de hanashi o shiyou ka nani mo hanashitakunai nara | Let's talk right here, but if you don't want to talk, |
ここから見える景色を見ていよう | koko kara mieru keshiki o mite iyou | Then let's just gaze at the scenery that is in view. |
なにも見たくないのなら ずっとこのまま | nani mo mitakunai no nara zutto kono mama | If you don't want to look at anything, then |
ふたり目を閉じていようよ | futari me o tojite iyou yo | Let's stay like this, the two of us, our eyes shut, |
あなたが いればいいよ | anata ga ireba ii yo | As long as you're here, that's enough for me. |
その躰の真ん中で | sono karada no man'naka de | Within that body, |
軋んで割れそうな | kishinde waresou na | Creaking like it was about to shatter, |
噛み殺した声が 聞こえて走り出した | kamikoroshita koe ga kikoete hashiridashita | I heard a voice that was strangled down, through your teeth gritted, and started sprinting. |
私が今すぐ そばに行くから | watashi ga ima sugu soba ni yuku kara | I'll be right by your side, |
あなたはあなたのままで待っていて | anata wa anata no mama de matte ite | So wait for me as you are. |
その指先が | sono yubisaki ga | Those fingertips of yours, warm with body heat |
体温が触れた ボクの心臓は | netsu ga fureta boku no shinzou wa | Brushed against my heart, which |
隠せないくらいにあなたへと音を立てて | kakusenai kurai ni anata e to oto o tatete | Sang out a cry in your direction, so loud that it couldn't be hidden. |
酷く爛れて濁っていた空さえ | hidoku tadarete nigotte ita sora sae | Even the sky, horribly inflamed and muddied, |
切なくなるくらい透き通って見えた | setsunakunaru kurai sukitotte mieta | Appeared so beautifully clear that it tore at my heartstrings. |
私たちの心臓が 音を立てて | watashitachi no shinzou ga oto o tatete | Our hearts sing out a sound, |
重なるくらい 近づいたなら | kasanaru kurai chikazuita nara | And if they are able to get so close as to overlap, |
壊れたままで進んで行く 世界の中 | kowareta mama de susunde yuku sekai no naka | Despite the fact the world is moving on, still broken, |
それでもふたりで 息をしている | sore demo futari de iki o shite iru | The two of us will nevertheless breathe in it, together. |
English translation by Shiru
External Links
- YouTube Broadcast - 3DMV ver.