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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Nan Demo Iu Koto o Kiite Kureru Akane-chan
Song title
Romaji: Nan Demo Iu Koto o Kiite Kureru Akane-chan
English: Akane-chan Will Listen to Whatever You Have to Say
Official English: Seyana.
Original Upload Date
December 28, 2017
Yuzuki Yukari (VOICEROID and VOCALOID), Kotonoha Akane, Tsurumaki Maki and Kotonoha Aoi
GYARI (music, lyrics, illustration)
nakyamurya (guitar)
6,900,000+ (NN), 23,000,000+ (YT), 390,000+ (YT, autogen)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (autogenerated by YouTube)
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


The following translation was made by Magenetra, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on their tumblr.
Singer Yukari Jun Yukari Onn Yukari Lin Akane Akane and Aoi Akane and Yukari Maki
Japanese Romaji English
聞いてよアカネチャン! kiite yo akanechan! Hey, listen, Akane-chan!
ん? n? Hm?
良いこと思いつきました ii koto omoitsukimashita I just thought of something great!
なんや? nan ya? What?
watashi I’m…
有名実況者になります! yuumei jikkyousha ni narimasu! Going to become a famous Let’s Player!

せやな seyana Definitely
せーやっ seeya' For sure
せーやっ seeya' For sure
せーやっ seeya' For sure
せーやっ seeya' For sure
せーやっ seeya' For sure
せーやっな。 seyanna. Absolutely.

今話題のゲームがあるんですよ ima wadai no geemu ga arun desu yo There’s this popular game out right now
うん un Yeah
面白そうなので私もやってみようと思うんです omoshiro sou nano de watashi mo yattemiyou to omoun desu It looks fun, so I think I’ll try too!
うん un Okay
まあゆかりさんは天才ですから? maa yukari san wa tensai desu kara? Well, I’m such a genius right?
うん un Oh?
敵を華麗にバッタバッタやっつけるわけです teki o karei ni battabatta yattsukeru wake desu So I should be able to pick up my weapon and splendidly blow away everyone else!
うん un Yeah

それを生放送したりですね! sore o namahousou shitari desu ne! So I’ll stream the whole thing live!
うん un Yeah
動画アップしてですね! douga appu shite desu ne! And upload the video!
うん un Yeah
その結果ランキングに載るわけです! sono kekka rankingu ni noru wake desu! And I should shoot up to the top of the popularity rankings!
うん un Yeah
そしてみんなにチヤホヤされてですね! soshite minna ni chiyahoya sarete desu ne! And then everyone will love me!
うん un Yeah

ゆかりちゃんカワイイ〜! yukarichan kawaii~! “Yukari-chan’s so cute~!
カッコイイ〜!って!! kakkoii~! tte!! So cool~!” They’ll say!!
うん un Yeah
言われちゃうんです!!!! iwarechaun desu!!!! They’ll all say that to me!!!
うん un Yeah
いや〜困っちゃいますね〜 iya~ komacchaimasu ne~ No~ That’ll be embarrassing~
うん un Yeah

ね!いい考えでしょ! ne! ii kangae desho! Hey, isn’t that a great plan?!
アカネチャン! akanechan! Akane-chan!

わかる wakaru I get it
ヤッター!! yattaa!! Yay!!

Seyana... Seyana... Definitely…
Soyana... Soyana... That’s right…
Sorena... Sorena... So true…
Arena... Arena... That thing…
わかる wakaru I get it
Seyana! Seyana! Definitely!
Seyana! Seyana! Definitely!
Seyana! Seyana! Definitely!
Seyana! Seyana! Definitely!
Soyana! Soyana! That’s right!
Soyana! Soyana! That’s right!
ほんま honma So true!
Sorena! Sorena! So true!
Sorena! Sorena! So true!
Sorena! Sorena! So true!
Sorena! Sorena! So true!
Wakaru Wakaru I get it
(Wakaru) (Wakaru) (I get it)
知らんけど〜 shiran kedo~ Although I don’t understand at all~

せーやっ seeya' For sure
せーやっ seeya' For sure
せーやっ seeya' For sure
せーやっ seeya' For sure
せーやっ seeya' For sure
せーやっな。 seeyanna. Absolutely.

私のギターソロを聴いてよアカネチャン! watashi no gitaa soro o kiite yo akanechan! Listen to my guitar solo, Akane-chan!

どうかな!?アカネチャン!! dou kana!? akanechan!! How was it!? Akane-chan!!

ええんちゃう? eenchau? Pretty good?

ヤッター!! yattaa! Yay!!

わかる(感銘) wakaru I get it (Impression)
わかる(明察) wakaru I get it (Insight) 
わかる(達観) wakaru I get it (Enlightenment)
わかる(博識) wakaru I get it (Knowledge)
わかる(天下無双) wakaru I get it (Unequalled)

Seyana! Seyana! Definitely!
Seyana! Seyana! Definitely!
Seyana! Seyana! Definitely!
Seyana! Seyana! Definitely!
Soyana! Soyana! That’s right!
Soyana! Soyana! That’s right!
ほんま honma Really
Sorena! Sorena! So true!
Sorena! Sorena! So true!
Sorena! Sorena! So true!
Sorena! Sorena! So true!
Wakaru Wakaru I get it
(Wakaru) (Wakaru) (I get it)
知らんけど〜(楽器とか) shiran kedo~ Although I don’t understand at all~ (about instruments and such)

ラ ララ ラララ ラ ラ ラ ラ ラ ラ ra rara rarara ra ra ra ra ra ra ra rara rarara ra ra ra ra ra ra
ララララ ラ ラララ ラ ラ ラ ラ ラ rararara ra rarara ra ra ra ra ra rararara ra rarara ra ra ra ra ra

聞いてよ…アカネチャン… kiite yo… akanechan… Hey, listen… Akane-chan…
どしたの? doshita no? What’s wrong?
さっき言ってた話題のゲーム… sakki itteta wadai no geemu… The popular game I mentioned before…
めちゃくちゃ難しいんです… mechakucha muzukashiin desu… It’s ridiculously hard…
おまけに対戦相手が… omake ni taisen aite ga… And on top of that one of the other players was saying…
「天才なら最弱装備で1位になってみろよw」とか "tensai nara sai jaku soubi de ichi i ni natte miro yo wara" to ka Stuff like “if you’re such a genius then get 1st with the crappiest gear lmao”
めっちゃ煽ってくるんです… meccha aottekurun desu… Totally baiting me…

やってやろうじゃねえかよ この野郎! yatte yarou ja nee ka yo kono yarou! I’ll show this jerk!
まあゆかりさんは天才ですから!?!?!? maa yukarisan wa tensai desu kara!?!?!? Well, ‘cause I’m a genius, right!?!?!?
8秒で全員ぶっ飛ばしてやりますよ!!!!!!! hachibyou de zenin buttobashiteyari masu yo!!!!!!! I’ll kill all of you in eight seconds flat!!!!!!!
特にあの煽ってきたやつ絶対許さねえからなあ!?!?!?!? toku ni ano aotte kita yatsu zettai yurusanee kara naa!?!?!?!? I especially won’t go easy on that guy who was trying to bait me!!!
地獄の果てまで追い詰めて jigoku no hate made oitsumete I’ll chase you to the depths of hell
5000兆回後悔させてやりますよ!!!!!!! gosenchou kai koukai saseteyari masu yo!!!!!! and make you regret it five quadrillion times!!!!
ね!?!?そう思うでしょ!?!?!?!アカネチャン!!!!!!! ne!?!? sou omou desho!?!?!?! akanechan!!!!!!! Right!?!?!? Don’t you think so!?!?!?!?!? Akane-chan!!!!!!!!

あほくさ ahoku sa That’s dumb

ええええええええええええええええええ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
ええええええええええええええええええ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
ええええええええええええええええええ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehh!?

やめたら?このゲーム yametara? kono geemu How about you give up on this game?

せやなあ! seyanaa! Definitely!
せやなあ! seyanaa! Definitely!
せやなあ! seyanaa! Definitely!
せやなあ! seyanaa! Definitely!
そやな! soyana! That’s right!
そやな! soyana! That’s right!
ほんま honma Really
それな! sorena! So true!
それな! sorena! So true!
それな! sorena! So true!
それな! sorena! So true!
Wakaru Wakaru I get it
(Wakaru) (Wakaru) (I get it)
やめよかな yame yo kana Maybe I’ll just give up…

Seyana. (食い気味) Seyana. Definitely. (enthusiastically)
Soyana! Soyana! That’s right!
Sorena! Sorena! So true!
Arena! Arena! That thing…!
Wakaru Wakaru I get it!
(Wakaru) (Wakaru) (I get it)
ほんま honma Really
Sorena! Sorena! So true!
Seyana! Seyana! Definitely!
Soyana! Soyana! That’s right!
Arena! Arena! That thing…!
Wakaru Wakaru I get it
(Wakaru) (Wakaru) (I get it)

知らんけど〜 shiran kedo~ Although I don’t understand at all~
知らんがな〜 shiran ga na~ How should I know~

せーやっ seeya' For sure
せーやっ seeya' For sure
せーやっ seeya' For sure
せーやっ seeya' For sure
せーやっ seeya' For sure
せーやっな。 seeyanna. Absolutely.

English translation by aquariantwin

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