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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Kyou mo Sakura Mau Akatsuki ni
English: At This Dawn When Cherry Blossoms Are Dancing Again
Original Upload Date
July 12, 2018
Oji (guitar, bass)
Gom (bass)
cake (piano)
AtsuyuK! (drums)
Yamako (video)
Mogelatte (logo)
YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
サクラ舞う暁に 僕たちは夢を見ていた sakura mau akatsuki ni bokutachi wa yume o mite ita At daybreak when the cherry blossoms were dancing, we were having dreams.
Wow Wow 空に描いて走れ Go my way Wow Wow sora ni egaite hashire Go my way Wow Wow Paint them in the sky and run. Go my way

白銀の鬣が帰る場所探してる hakugin no tategami ga kaeru basho sagashiteru A silver-haired guy is looking for a place to return home
戻れないあの頃の記憶辿って(Wow) modorenai ano koro no kioku tadotte (Wow) following the memories of a time that can't come back.
会えなくなったけど離れ離れじゃないよ aenakunatta kedo hanarebanare janai yo We didn't get to see each other, but we're not apart.
泣いて笑った思い出たちが今も今も naite waratta omoide tachi ga ima mo ima mo The memories of us laughing and crying are even now, even now
ここにいる koko ni iru living right here.

今日もサクラ舞う暁に(Wow oh oh) kyou mo sakura mau akatsuki ni (Wow oh oh) At daybreak again today when the cherry blossoms were dancing (Wow oh oh)
僕たちは夢を見つけた bokutachi wa yume o mitsuketa we found our dream.
Wow (Wow)Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow)
位置について走れ(Go my way) ichi ni tsuite hashire (Go my way) On your mark, run! (Go my way)
今もどこかで見てる ima mo dokoka de miteru So that you won't be laughed at
あいつらに笑われないように aitsura ni warawarenai you ni by those who are even now watching from somewhere,
Wow (Wow)Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow)
夢を描いて走れ yume o egaite hashire paint your dreams and run.
Go my way Go my way Go my way

熱くなる傷口が僕をまだ走らせる atsuku naru kizuguchi ga boku o mada hashiraseru My burning wounds still make me run,
戻りたいあの頃の記憶抱えて(Wow) modoritai ano koro no kioku kakaete (Wow) holding onto the memories of that time I want to go back to. (Wow)

昔の自分を重ね合わせて笑う mukashi no jibun o kasane awasete warau I superpose myself with how I used to be and laugh.
弱さ隠したあの日の僕が今も今も yowasa kakushita ano hi no boku ga ima mo ima mo As I was that day when I hid my weakness, even now, even now
ここにいる koko ni iru I'm right here.

今日もサクラ舞う暁に(Wow oh oh) kyou mo sakura mau akatsuki ni (Wow oh oh) At daybreak again today when the cherry blossoms were dancing (Wow oh oh)
僕たちは夢を掴んだ bokutachi wa yume o tsuka nda we grasped hold of our dreams.
Wow (Wow)Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow)
位置について走れ(Go my way) ichi ni tsuite hashire (Go my way) On your mark, run! (Go my way)
リスタートできるなら risutaato dekiru nara If we can restart,
あいつらと居場所見つけて aitsura to ibasho mitsukete and find a place with them,
Wow (Wow)Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow)
理想描いて走れ risou egaite hashire draw your ideals, and run.
Go my way Go my way Go my way

いくつものさよならを繰り返す ikutsu mo no sayonara o kurikaesu I'll say goodbye over and over many times.
一つだけ真実を見つけたよ hitotsu dake shinjitsu o mitsuketa yo I found the only one truth.
傷は増えるのに過去は過去のまま kizu wa fueru noni kako wa kako no mama Though getting more and more wounded, the past stays the past.
まばゆい答えに手を伸ばして mabayui kotae ni te o nobashite I reach my hand out to the glaring answer.

会えなくなったけどいつでも繋がってるよ aenakunatta kedo itsudemo tsunagatteru yo We didn't get to see each other, but we'll always be connected.
泣いて笑った思い出たちが今も今も naite waratta omoide tachi ga ima mo ima mo The memories of us laughing and crying are even now, even now
ここにいる koko ni iru living right here.

今日もサクラ舞う暁に(Wow oh oh) kyou mo sakura mau akatsuki ni (Wow oh oh) At daybreak again today when the cherry blossoms were dancing (Wow oh oh)
僕たちは夢を見つけた bokutachi wa yume o mitsuketa we found our dream.
Wow (Wow)Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow)
位置について走れ(Go my way) ichi ni tsuite hashire (Go my way) On your mark, run! (Go my way)

いつか会えた時には itsuka aeta toki ni wa Someday when we've gotten to meet,
ただいまってきっと大声で! tadaima tte kitto oogoe de! I'll surely shout aloud "I'm home!"

今もどこかで見てる ima mo dokoka de miteru So that you won't be laughed at
あいつらに笑われないように aitsura ni warawarenai you ni by those who are even now watching from somewhere,
Wow (Wow)Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow)
夢を描いて走れ yume o egaite hashire paint your dreams and run.
Go my way Go my way Go my way

English translation by Anonymous and ElectricRaichu

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