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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
ImaSukiNiNaru HoneyWorks
Song title
Romaji: Ima Suki ni Naru.
English: Right Now, I'm In Love With You.
Original Upload Date
November 15, 2014
Hatsune Miku
HoneyWorks: shito (music)
shito, Gom (lyrics)
HoneyWorks (arrangement)
Oji (Kaizokuou) (guitar)
shito (bass)
cake (piano)
Yamako (video)
Kapi (breath help)
1,600,000+ (NN), 22,000,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
認めたら認めちゃったら mitometara mitomechattara If I admit, if I get to admit it
隠すことも諦めそうだ kakusu koto mo akiramesou da I'll give up on trying to hide it
今好きになる ima suki ni naru Right now I'm falling in love with you

頼りなくって目立たなくって逃げてばかりだ tayorinakutte medatanakutte nigete bakari da Can't be relied on, doesn't stand out, always running out
「見てるほうがイライラします」 "miteru hou ga iraira shimasu" "Just looking at you makes me irritated!"
先輩だってわかんなくてぶつけた言葉 senpai datte wakan nakute butsuketa kotoba Without knowing you were an upperclassman, I said such harsh words
出会いなんて最悪でした deai nante saiaku deshita Our encounter was the worst

それからはいつも気づいてる sorekara wa itsumo kizuiteru After that, I always notice you
目が合えば先に笑ってくれる me ga aeba saki ni waratte kureru When our eyes meet, you'll be the first one to give a smile
困るんだその無邪気さは komaru nda sono mujaki sa wa It bothers me, that innocence

いつか好きになる気づいた itsuka suki ni naru kizuita One day I'll realise that I've fallen in love
あと何回?ねえ目が合えば・・・ ato nankai? nee me ga aeba... After how many time? Hey, when our eyes meet...
カウントダウン止まって kauntodaun tomatte The countdown stopped
認めたら認めちゃったら mitometara mitomechattara If I admit it, if I get to admit it
隠す声が震えちゃうんだ kakusu koe ga furuechau nda The voice I hide will tremble
今好きになる ima suki ni naru Right now I'm falling in love with you

近くになって遠くなって少し変わって chikaku ni natte tooku natte sukoshi kawatte I've become closer to you, I've become further to you, having changed a little bit
きっかけ知ってる仕方ないよね kikkake shitteru shikata nai yo ne I know the reason, so it really can't be helped
前からずっと想ってたって偉くはなくて mae kara zutto omotteta tte eraku wa nakute I've been thinking of you for a long time, it's not something great
人気なんて出なくていいのに ninki nante denakute ii noni I wish if you didn't become so popular
それからは二人曖昧で sore kara wa futari aimai de After that, our relationship becomes vague
目が合えば先に逸らしてしまう me ga aeba saki ni sorashite shimau When our eyes meet, I'll be the first to turn away
困るんだでも話したい komarun da demo hanashitai I feel bothered but I want to talk to you

昨日より今日の二人が kinou yori kyou no futari ga Compared to yesterday, the two of us today
あと一歩?ねえ近づけば ato ippo? Nee chikazukeba One more step? Hey if I get closer...
カウントダウン進んで kauntodaun susunde The countdown continues
伝えたら伝えちゃったら tsutaetara tsutaechattara If I tell you, if I get to tell you
多分距離ができちゃうかもね tabun kyori ga dekichau kamo ne Probably it will make a distance between us
今届けます ima todokemasu Right now I'm delivering it to you

タイミングそれは最悪で taimingu sore wa saiaku de The timing is really the worst
書き上げた手紙渡せず隠す kakiageta tegami watasezu kakusu I hid the letter I wrote without being able to pass it on
困るんだ”泣き跡”なんて komaru nda ”naki ato” nante It bothers me, something like ”tears tracks”
口にした「好き」の言葉も kuchi ni shita "suki" no kotoba mo The word "like" that I end up saying
あと一歩?ねえ近づけば ato ippo? Nee chikazukeba One more step? Hey, if I get closer
届いたのかな今は todoita no kana ima wa Will it reach you ? Right now
抑えても溢れちゃうから osaete mo afurechau kara Because it will overflow even if I suppress it
全部全部わかってたのに zenbu zenbu wakatteta noni Even though I've known all about it

ねえまた声をかけますね nee mata koe o kakemasu ne Hey, I'll greet you once again

English translation by Felicia Indriani Bunawan


This song was featured on the following albums:

Notable Derivatives

ImaSukiNiNaru HoneyWorks
Amatsuki's cover
Featuring: Amatsuki
ImaSukiNiNaru HoneyWorks
cake's piano ver.
Producer(s): cake

External Links

