Song title | |||
"今好きになる。-triangle story-" Romaji: Ima Suki ni Naru. -triangle story- English: Right Now, I'm In Love With You. -triangle story- | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
December 29, 2014 | |||
Singer | |||
GUMI | |||
Producer(s) | |||
shito (music, lyrics) Gom (lyrics) HoneyWorks (arrangements) cake (piano) Yamako (video) Orebanana-P (voice tuning) | |||
Views | |||
520,000+ (NN), 3,200,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
"I'll always be by your side." |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
認めても認めちゃっても | mitomete mo mitomechatte mo | Even if I recognize and accept it, |
君のことは諦められない | kimi no koto wa akiramerarenai | I can’t give up on you. |
今も好きです | ima mo suki desu | I’m in love with you even now. |
頼りなくって目立たなくって逃げてばかりの | tayorinakutte medatanakutte nigete bakari no | What's so great about that senpai |
先輩なんてどこがいいんだよ | senpai nante doko ga ii nda yo | Who’s unreliable and inconspicuous and prone to running away? |
学年なんて関係なくて強がったけど | gakunen nante kankei nakute tsuyogatta kedo | I put on a brave front despite the difference in our grade levels, |
出会いなんて見たくなかった | deai nante mitakunakatta | But I never wanted to see your encounter. |
それからはいつも気づいてる | sore kara wa itsumo kizuiteru | Ever since then, I’ve come to realize |
目が合うと二人笑顔に変わる | me ga au to futari egao ni kawaru | That you break out in smiles when your eyes meet. |
困るんだその優しさは | komaru nda sono yasashisa wa | His kindness has me in a fix. |
いつか好きになる気づいた | itsuka suki ni naru kizuita | I realized that, someday, you’d be in love with him. |
あと何回?ねえ目が合えば・・・ | ato nankai? nee me ga aeba... | How many more times will your eyes meet, hey?... |
カウントダウン止まって | kauntodaun tomatte | Stop the countdown. |
認めても認めちゃっても | mitomete mo mitomechatte mo | Even if I recognize and accept it, |
君のことは諦められない | kimi no koto wa akiramerarenai | I can’t give up on you. |
今も好きです | ima mo suki desu | I’m in love with you even now. |
近くになって少しぐらいは認めるけれど | chikaku ni natte sukoshi gurai wa mitomeru keredo | I accept that you’ve been getting a little closer to him, |
譲るなんてそんな気無くて | yuzuru nante sonna ki nakute | But I have no intention of handing you over. |
前からずっと想ってるって一番だって | mae kara zutto omotteru tte ichiban da tte | You’re the one I’ve always thought was the best, |
二人きりは見たくないんだ | futarikiri wa mitakunai nda | And I don’t want to see the two of you together. |
いつからか君は曖昧で | itsu kara ka kimi wa aimai de | Since who-knows-when, you’ve been evasive, |
目が合えば先に逸らしてるよね | me ga aeba saki ni sorashiteru yo ne | And you’ve glanced past me when our eyes have met. |
困るんだその恋の |
komaru nda sono koi no kao | Your lovey-dovey expression has me in a fix. |
昨日より“好き”の気持ちが | kinou yori “suki” no kimochi ga | Are your feelings of “liking him” more than yesterday |
あと一歩?ねえ近づくよ | ato ippo? nee chikazuku yo | Just one step away? Hey, they’re getting closer. |
カウントダウン進んで | kauntodaun susunde | The countdown keeps going. |
伝えたら伝えちゃったら | tsutaetara tsutaechattara | If I tell you, if I just come out and tell you, |
多分距離ができちゃうかもね | tabun kyori ga dekichau kamo ne | Maybe a distance will be able to develop between us. |
ずっと想うよ | zutto omou yo | So I'll just always think of you. |
状況は今も最悪で | joukyou wa ima mo saiaku de | Things are going awfully even now, |
書き上げた |
kakiageta serifu iezu ni owaru | And they’re ending without me being able to say the lines I wrote down. |
弱いんだ・・・見つめられると | yowai nda... mitsumerareru to | I’m weak...when you fix your eyes on me. |
口にした好きの言葉も | kuchi ni shita suki no kotoba mo | Is even letting these words of love come out of my mouth |
あと一歩?ねえ近づけば | ato ippo? Nee chikazukeba | Just one step away? Hey, if I could have only gotten closer, |
届いたのかな ずっと | todoita no kana zutto | Would they have always reached you? |
変わらずに隣にいるよ | kawarazu ni tonari ni iru yo | I’ll stay by your side without changing a thing |
全部全部わかってるから | zenbu zenbu wakatteru kara | Because I understand completely, completely. |
ねえまた一緒に帰ろう | nee mata issho ni kaerou | Hey, let’s go home together again. |
English translation by MeaningfulUsername
This song was featured on the following albums: