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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song contains questionable elements (obsessive love, implied sexual themes); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
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Imawakagiri nakiso
Song title
Romaji: Ima wa Kagiri
Official English: One Night Stand
English: Once and for All
Original Upload Date
March 15, 2021
Hatsune Miku
Nakiso (music, lyrics)
Kusuriya (illustration)
64,000+ (NN), 310,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
あ えっと 悪くはないの? a etto waruku wa nai no? Oh, I mean, don’t you feel bad about it?
悪びれる素振りはない warubireru soburi wa nai You make no apologies.
あ その 私たち終わらないといけない? a sono watashitachi owaranai to ikenai? Oh, um, do you think we have to break up?

繰り返さないの? kurikaesanai no? Why don’t we repeat this?
永遠にとは言わないから eien ni to wa iwanai kara I wouldn’t say forever.

真っ赤っかな嘘つかないで ねぇ makkakka na uso tsukanaide nee Don’t tell me an out-and-out lie[1], dear.
まんまと掛かって 屑に惚れて manma to kakatte kuzu ni horete I was clean taken in and smitten with a scum.
まるで馬鹿みたいじゃん marude baka mitai jan I feel like an idiot.
真っ赤っかな嘘つかないで お願い makkakka na uso tsukanaide onegai Don’t tell me an out-and-out lie, please.
使い捨てられたい訳ないから tsukai suteraretai wake nai kara By no means do I want to be thrown away.

まぁ君のように maa kimi no you ni Well, a demon like you,
はなから終わらせる気しかない hana kara owaraseru ki shika nai Who only wishes to finish it all along,
悪魔には似合わない akuma ni wa niawanai Does not deserve it.
そもそも運命のはずがない somosomo unmei no hazu ga nai To begin with, this cannot be a fate.

「繰り返さないよ」 "kurikaesanai yo" “I won’t repeat it.”
え? なんで なんで e? nande nande What? Why. Why.

真っ赤っかな嘘つかないで ねぇ makkakka na uso tsukanaide nee Don’t tell me an out-and-out lie, dear.
まんまと掛かって 屑に惚れて manma to kakatte kuzu ni horete I was clean taken in and smitten with a scum.
まるで馬鹿みたいじゃん marude baka mitai jan I feel like an idiot.
真っ赤っかな嘘つかないで お願い makkakka na uso tsukanaide onegai Don’t tell me an out-and-out lie, please.
使い古されたいから愛して tsukaifurusaretai kara aishite I want to be used time and time again, so love me.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

Translation Notes

  1. 真っ赤っか (makkakka) is an emphatic form of 真っ赤 (makka; bright red). A word 真っ赤な嘘 (makka na uso; literally “bright-red lie”) denotes a lie which is downright, flagrant, or obvious. This time, I adopted “out-and-out” as a translation of 真っ赤っか, simply because I wanted to imitate the rhythm of 真っ赤っか. In addition, note that 真っ赤っか (makka) is sung with extra one or two っか’s right after it, which results in 真っ赤っかっか or 真っ赤っかっかっか.

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