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Ima Chotto Dake Wadai no Kamisama
Song title
Romaji: Ima Chotto Dake Wadai no Kamisama
English: The Current Topic Talked About Just A Bit, God
Original Upload Date
June 5, 2013
HoneyWorks : shito (music)
shito, Gom (lyrics)
Kaizokuou (guitar)
Shito (bass)
Yamako (video)
760,000+ (NN), 7,600,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
はるか昔々平成時代 Haruka mukashi mukashi Heisei jidai A long, long time ago, during the Heisei period,
高天原(たかまがはら)は今日も晴天です Takamagahara wa kyou mo seiten desu the heavens have fine weather, just like always
人間監視任された Ningen kanshi makasareta Regular gods were everywhere,
どこにでもいる普通の神様です Doko ni demo iru futsuu no kamisama desu entrusted with the task of observing the humans

パパの目から生まれ17年 PAPA no me kara umare juu-nana-nen Born from papa's eyes, age 17,
日向のお国の彼にご執心 Hinata no o-kuni no kare ni goshuushin infatuated with a boy from the sunny country
パパの鼻から生まれた PAPA no hana kara umareta Born from papa's nose
弟だけには気づかれないように見守るよ Otouto dake ni wa kizukarenai you ni mimamoru yo I'll look over my younger brother so he won't notice

めそめそ泣けば雨が降る Mesomeso nakeba ame ga furu If she cries, sobbing, rain falls
あーあ傘がない Aaa kasa ga nai Oh no, he doesn't have an umbrella
あなた笑えば涙止む Anata waraeba namida yamu If you smile, then the tears stop
神様だって単純さ Kamisama datte tanjun sa Even gods are simple

舞いて祀れや タンタカタッタッター Maite matsure ya TANTAKA TATTATTAA Dance and worship! Tantaka tatatta
雲間覗く視線待った Kumoma nozoku shisen matta She waited, her gaze peeking through the clouds
届け誰かが タルレガタッタッター Todoke dareka ga TARUREGA TATTATTAA Reach, someone, taruregatatataa
愉快な音釣られてしまった Yukai na oto tsurarete shimatta She was lured in by that pleasant sound

パパの目から生まれ17年 PAPA no me kara umare juu-nana-nen Born from papa's eyes, age 17,
日向のお国の彼にご執心 Hinata no o-kuni no kare ni goshuushin infatuated with a boy from the sunny country
「人間なんだって?」 "Ningen nan datte ?" "She he's a human?" The little brother says,
弟が「どいつだ?こいつか?」 Otouto ga "Doitsu da? Koitsu ka?" "Who? This guy?"
やりたい放題大暴れ Yaritai houdai ouabare Rampage as much as you want

ダメだ手に負えない仕事放棄 DAME da te ni oenai shigoto houki It's no good, abandonment of my responsibility
高天原(たかまがはら)は今日も曇天です Takamagahara wa kyou mo donten desu The heavens have dull weather, like always
雲隠れしたと噂の Kumogakure shita to uwasa no It's rumored that she disappeared
今ちょっとだけ話題の神様です Ima chotto dake wadai no kamisama desu in the topic currently talked about a little, god

見守らないと嵐が吹く Mimamoranai to arashi ga fuku when they're not watched over,
やいの大わらわ Yai no ouwarawa storms blow
あなた笑えば花が咲く Anata waraeba hana ga saku When you smile, flowers bloom
神様だって複雑さ Kamisama datte fukuzatsu sa even gods are complex

舞いて祀れや タンタカタッタッター Maite matsure ya TANTAKA TATTATTAA Dance and worship! Tantaka tattattaa
笑顔覗く空を待った Egao nozoku sora wo matta She waited for a sky with a smile peeking through
探せ神様 タルレガタッタッター Sagase kamisama TARUREGA TATTATTAA Search for her, taruregatattattaa
愉快な声届かなかった Yukai na koe todokanakatta Those pleasant voices didn't reach her

めそめそ岩の奥響く Mesomeso iwa no oku hibiku Sobbing resounds within the rock,
もう邪魔は居ないよ Mou jama wa inai yo there's nothing to get in their way
岩戸開いて笑いましょう Iwato hiraite waraimashou Let's open the rock door & smile
神様なだめは大変さ Kamisama na dame wa taihen sa Calming gods is dificult

舞いて騒げや タンタカタッタッター Maite sawage ya TANTAKA TATTATTAA Dance and make merry! Tantaka tatatta
さあさ一緒に踊りましょ? Saa sa issho ni odorimasho ? Come, shall we dance together?
今日も明日も タルレガタッタッター Kyou mo ashita mo TARUREGA TATTATTAA Today and the day after, taruregatattatta
愉快な音釣られてしまった Yukai na oto tsurarete shimatta She was lured out by that pleasant sound

嵐止んで花が咲く Arashi yande hana ga saku the storm stops, and the flowers bloom
今日も笑顔で見守った Kyou mo egao de mimamotta Today, too, she watched over them with a smile

English translation by Coleena Wu


This song was featured on the following albums:

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