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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song contains questionable elements (Violence, Mild Sexual Themes); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
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Sasuke HitoMania
Song title
Romaji: Hito Mania
English: Humaniac / Human Enthusiast[1]
Original Upload Date
August 5, 2023
Kasane Teto
Haraguchi Sasuke (music, lyrics, video)
4,900,000+ (NN), 35,000,000+ (YT)
14,000,000+ (YT, autogen)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YouTube)


The following translation was made by CoolMikeHatsune22, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on their website.
Japanese Romaji English
興奮してきた koufun shite kita I'm getting a 'lil turned on
人様の業で hitosama no gou de Thanks to the acts of people around
センター分けの sentaa wake no Stab you in the crown of your head
つむじ刺す tsumuji sasu With your hair styled in a middle part

アホの aho no You saw, right?
吐血見てると toketsu miteru to That moron who coughed up blood
チョキで choki de So don't think you can win
勝てる気すんな kateru ki sun na By playing scissors, got me?

手抜くぞ tenuku zo I'm cutting corners!
すぐ抜くぞ sugu nuku zo I'm gonna cut some corners!
スポーツ supootsu Sports
スポーツ supootsu Sports
腰抜けよ koshinuke yo You coward
子供の前で kodomo no mae de Wait! The one who's
着ぐるみを脱ぐ kigurumi o nugu Taking off their mascot costume in front of the kids
『な~~んだ?』 “na~~nda?” "iiisss~~?"

A.私 A. watashi A. None other than me
ビバ良くない! biba yokunai! Viva misery![2]
ただ物足りない! tada monotarinai! Nothin's ever enough!
うん、 un, Y'know,
小さくなってく器で chiisaku natteku utsuwa de This box I'm in might just be gettin' a lil too small, but
トびたい! tobitai! I wanna jUmp uP HiGh!
トびたい! トびたい! tobitai! tobitai! uP HiGh! uP HiGh!
ポリエステル仕事 poriesuteru shigoto Is a polyester job
はムリか wa muri ka Really all that bad?
金で殺して kane de koroshite Kill it all with cash and money,
愛を買うね。 ai o kau ne. I'm gonna buy me some love,
すまんね。 suman ne. Real sorry o' me

晩年 bannen Reaching the twilight years

あ…消した。 a… keshita. Ah... I've deleted it
環境の為に。 kankyou no tame ni. Having read the room
X(ツイッター)だけの tsuittaa dake no An expert only in the realm of 'Twitter,
”人マニア” ”hito mania” "A human enthusiast"
罠の wana no Each time you stare
墓穴見てると boketsu miteru to at the hole you've made me dig myself in,
塩を shio o It's salt, poured straight
かける傷! kakeru kizu! On my wound!

恋人の前で koibito no mae de The one who's beaten black and blue
血まみれになる chimamire ni naru In front of their special someone
『な~~んだ?』 “na~~nda?” "iiisss~~?"

A.お前 A. omae A. It's _yOU
ビバ良くない! biba yokunai! Viva misery!
ただ??????(物足りない!) tada monotarinai! Nothin's ever enough!
うん、 un, Y'know,
小さくなってく器で chiisaku natteku utsuwa de This box I'm in might just be gettin' a lil too small, but
トびたい! tobitai! I wanna jUmp uP HiGh!
トびたい! トびたい! tobitai! tobitai! uP HiGh! uP HiGh!
ポリエステル仕事 poriesuteru shigoto Is a polyester job
はムリか wa muri ka Really all that bad?
金で殺して kane de koroshite Kill it all with cash and money,
愛を買うね。 ai o kau ne. I'm gonna buy me some love,
すまんね。 suman ne. Real sorry o' me

ああ…すまんね。 aa… suman ne. aAah... My B, my B,
最高だよ saikou da yo It's the real shit!
本当! 本当! hontou! hountou! Fr fr!
小さく成ってく冠婚葬祭 chiisaku natteku kankonsousai All those coming of age and familial rites[3] might just be boxing me in, but
蹴りたい! keritai! I wanna kick 'em all!
蹴りたい! 蹴りたい! keritai! keritai! 'Kick 'em all! 'Kick 'em all!
生きろ。 ikiro. Live yer life.
悪意も akui mo Along with the ill will and grudges,
恥も haji mo The shame,
償いも tsugunai mo The feeling of atoning for somethin',
全毒 背負って zendoku seotte It won't do if you just keel over and die,
くたばらにゃ kutabara nya Without bearing 'em all,
いかんね。 ikan ne. Now would it?

English translation by CoolMikeHatsune22, proofread by Violet

Translation Notes

  1. The suffix マニア "-mania" can also mean "person who is enthusiastic about knowing something to an uncomfortable degree", e.g. レールウェイ・マニア "railway mania", "train freak"
  2. This was translated as "Viva unhappy" in the original version of this translation, but has been changed to remove any would-be misunderstanding regarding the intent of the line. As context, 良くない "yokunai" is used as interjection, meaning something along the lines of "But that's not okay (to me) at all!" or "But I don't want that!". (The current translation of this line, "Viva misery" is taken from Will Stetson's English cover.)
  3. 冠婚葬祭 are referring to the four important ceremonial occasions for family relationships in Japanese culture: the coming-of-age ceremonies, the ceremonies of marriage, funeral, and venerating the ancestors.

The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
止めずに聴け!!!!!! tomezu ni kike!!!!!! Listen without pausing!!!!!!

ヨロシク♭ yoroshiku Thanks for coming ♭

興奮してきた koufun shite kita I’m getting ticked off
人様の業で hitosama no gou de By the deeds of a mortal;
センター分けの sentaa wake no Stabbed him in the crown
つむじ刺す tsumuji sasu Of his middle-parted head!

アホの aho no Look at that
吐血見てると toketsu miteru to Idiot coughing up blood,
チョキで choki de Wanna throw
勝てる気すんな kateru ki sun na A few bricks at him so bad![1]

手抜くぞ tenuku zo I’m cutting corners!
すぐ抜くぞ sugu nuku zo Quick to cut corners!
スポーツ supootsu Sports
スポーツ supootsu Sports
腰抜けよ koshinuke yo You little coward
子供の前で kodomo no mae de What takes off its costume
着ぐるみを脱ぐ kigurumi o nugu When kids are watching?
『な~~んだ?』 “na~~nda?” “Gueeeeess what?”

A.私 A. watashi A. yours truly
ビバ良くない! biba yokunai! Viva unnice!
ただ物足りない! tada monotarinai! I’m far from satisfied!
うん、 un, Yeah,
小さくなってく器で chiisaku natteku utsuwa de With my ever-dwindling caliber,[2]
トびたい! tobitai! I wanna get high![3]
トびたい! トびたい! tobitai! tobitai! Get high! GET HIGH!
ポリエステル仕事 poriesuteru shigoto Polyester jobs
はムリか wa muri ka Are no-go?
金で殺して kane de koroshite I’ll kill ‘em all with money
愛を買うね。 ai o kau ne. And buy me some love.
すまんね。 suman ne. My bad.

晩年 bannen Closing years

モウイッチョ♭ mou iccho Another round ♭
爆破ソロ (0.5秒) bakuha soro (rei ten go-byou) Explosion solo (0.5 sec)

あ…消した。 a… keshita. Ah... deleted it.
環境の為に。 kankyou no tame ni. For the sake of the milieu.
X(ツイッター)だけの tsuittaa dake no X(Twitter)-only
”人マニア” ”hito mania” “Humaniac!”[4]
罠の wana no Look at that
墓穴見てると boketsu miteru to Trap setting itself up,
塩を shio o Have some salt
かける傷! kakeru kizu! Poured on the wound!

よかったら*←のコメントで埋めて欲しい yokattara * no komento de umete hoshii Type a lot of asterisks and fill up the screen!
ありがとう arigatou Thanks[5]

恋人の前で koibito no mae de What gets bathed in blood
血まみれになる chimamire ni naru When its lover is watching?
『な~~んだ?』 “na~~nda?” “Gueeeeess what?”

A.お前 A. omae A. you bonehead
ビバ良くない! biba yokunai! Viva unnice!
ただ??????(物足りない!) tada monotarinai! I’m ??????
うん、 un, Yeah,
小さくなってく器で chiisaku natteku utsuwa de With my ever-dwindling caliber,
トびたい! tobitai! I wanna get high!
トびたい! トびたい! tobitai! tobitai! Get high! GET HIGH!
ポリエステル仕事 poriesuteru shigoto Polyester jobs
はムリか wa muri ka Are no-go?
金で殺して kane de koroshite I’ll kill ‘em all with money
愛を買うね。 ai o kau ne. And buy me some love.
すまんね。 suman ne. My bad.

ああ…すまんね。 aa… suman ne. Ah... my bad.
最高だよ saikou da yo It’s smashing,
本当! 本当! hontou! hountou! Fo sho! Fo sho!
小さく成ってく冠婚葬祭 chiisaku natteku kankonsousai With those ever-dwindling formal ceremonies,
蹴りたい! keritai! I wanna bunk off!
蹴りたい! 蹴りたい! keritai! keritai! Bunk off! BUNK OFF!
生きろ。 ikiro. You must live.
悪意も akui mo Ill will,
恥も haji mo Shame
償いも tsugunai mo And atonement,
全毒 背負って zendoku seotte Gotta bear all those poisons
くたばらにゃ kutabara nya When you go die,
いかんね。 ikan ne. Well, right?

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

Translation Notes

  1. Literally translated, this line should be “You feel like you can win by playing scissors, right?” I would assume this means that the middle-parted guy is パー (paa), which, when interpreted as “paper,” would lose to scissors, while it’s also a slang word that refers to a person who’s stupid or not right in the head.
  2. Perhaps related to the idiom 器が小さい (lit. the vessel/container is small), which means someone is narrow-minded or incompetent.
  3. The verb とぶ (tobu) is usually just “to fly” (飛ぶ) or “to jump” (跳ぶ), but when used informally it also means “to get high (on drugs),” in which case it tends to be written in katakana like トぶ.
  4. I know that many people now refrain from using the word “man” to mean “all humanity,” and while I do respect that choice, let me just go with “Man Maniac” this time because I want that M alliteration so bad. If you want to repost this translation and also be more gender-neutral, feel free to replace the word with “human” or something like that (I digress, but you can even do something crazy like “Humaniac”).
  5. On YouTube broadcast, there are two more lines: ※実際にニコニコでいただいたコメントです (lit. these are the actual comments I got on Niconico) and おかげさまでとっても綺麗です (It looks great thanks to you all).

Notable Derivatives

Hito Mania Tsukino Mito
Tsukino Mito's cover
Featuring: Tsukino Mito
Producer(s): mocoborn (movie), Sankakuzuwari (mix), Higuchi Kaede, Lain Paterson, Levi Elipha, Akabane Youko, Joe Rikiichi (screaming)
Hitomania Teto Synth v
yasai31's cover feat. Teto (Synthesizer V)
Featuring: Kasane Teto
Producer(s): yasai31 (tuning, illustration, movie), suratsol (UST)
Rinu hitomania
Rinu's cover
Featuring: Rinu
Producer(s): kain (mix)

Hito Mania Kaga Sumire
Kaga Sumire's cover
Featuring: Kaga Sumire
Producer(s): Mizuwataame (movie), RION (mix), raderaderader, Kawase, Yakumo Beni, Kaminari Qpi (screaming)
Hito Mania - Will Stetson
Will Stetson's English cover
Featuring: Will Stetson
Producer(s): binfy (video), Breadbox (lyrics), niu arx (mix)
Lauren iroas hito mania
Lauren Iroas' cover
Featuring: Lauren Iroas

Hito Mania Remix/Mashup Mitsumori
If another Vocaloid producer made "Hito Mania", it would probably turn out like this:
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Mitsumori (tuning imitation, arrangement imitation)
a "What if" Remix of Hito Mania in a arrangement of Darling Dance, Mahou Shoujo and Chocolate, Mind Brand, apricot and Rakuraku Anrakushi
Hito Mania Shion
Murasaki Shion's cover
Featuring: Murasaki Shion
HIMEHINA - Hito Mania
HIMEHINA's cover
Featuring: HIMEHINA (Tanaka Hime and Suzuki Hina)
Producer(s): 夏虫 (creative director), Yurio (supervisor), ぬっこ (movie), 中島稔, 柳田椎渚 (stylist), 大山徹也 (sound director), すずきゆうか (recording), 田宮空 (mixing)

Isekaijoucho - Hito Mania
Isekaijoucho's cover
Featuring: Isekaijoucho
Producer(s): hover 052m (illustration), $KIYAKI$KI (mixing)
Sung by the voice provider for the CeVIO and VOICEPEAK SEKAI
Gigi Murin - Hito Mania
Gigi Murin's cover
Featuring: Gigi Murin
Producer(s): toki (guide), VESEN (mixing), ‪Izzy Delore (animation, video, stop motion)
Hito mania 293project
293project's MV
Featuring: Kasane Teto

External Links

