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Song title | |||
"乌云潮信" Traditional Chinese: 烏雲潮信 Pinyin: Wūyún Cháoxìn English: The Dark Clouds and the Message of Tide Official English: My depression | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
February 4, 2023 | |||
Singer | |||
Luan Ming and Luo Tianyi | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
13,000+ | |||
Links | |||
bilibili Broadcast | |||
在去年病情有些反复的情况下我写下了这首歌词(诗)的前半部分。在读过雪莱的致云雀后,我怀着希望补全了这首歌词,给了它一个温柔的结局。其实本来想自己初投稿一周年27号发的x但后天就开学了所以提前发了! |
Singer | Luan Ming | Luo Tianyi | Both |
Chinese | Pinyin | English |
【他人的痛苦是.... | [Others' Pain Is... | |
在所爱的花丛中产下害虫的蝴蝶Destiny | A butterfly that lays pests among beloved flowers - Destiny | |
在巨浪中扬帆却溺死于水井的水手Despair | A sailor who sails through huge waves yet drowns in a well - Despair | |
照亮长夜却在黎明到来的前一刻熄灭的蜡烛Desire | A candle that lights up the long night but extinguishes just before dawn - Desire | |
而我的痛苦是My depression...... | And my pain is - My depression... | |
一朵渺小的、微不足道的、却横亘在我的双眼与这美丽的世界之前的……乌云 | A tiny, insignificant dark cloud, but blocks the view between my eyes and this beautiful world... | |
Worrow[1] and melancholy, anger and pain.】 | Sorrow and melancholy, anger and pain.] | |
乌云 有千种瑰奇的姿态 | wūyún yǒu qiān zhǒng guīqí de zītài | The dark clouds have a thousand magnificent and wondrous shapes, |
每一种都遮蔽着我的某个未来 | měiyīzhǒng dōu zhēbì zhe wǒ de mǒugè wèilái | each one veiling a certain kind of my future |
电线杆上沉默着的乌鸦 | diànxiàngān shàng chénmò zhe de wūyā | The crows silently perched on the power poles, |
是否是被悲伤夺去了色彩 | shìfǒu shì bèi bēishāng duóqù le sècǎi | are they the ones whose color was stolen by sorrow? |
世界在某一天只剩下灰白 | shìjiè zài mǒu yītiān zhǐ shèngxià huībái | Someday, the world reduced to gray and white |
我们是否坠入过同一片云海 | wǒmen shìfǒu zhuìrù guò tóng yīpiàn yúnhǎi | Did we ever fall into the same sea of clouds? |
伸展开僵硬的躯体 | shēn zhǎnkāi jiāngyìng de qūtǐ | Stretching out (my) stiff body, |
假装挣扎后才沉溺 | jiǎzhuāng zhēngzhá hòu cái chénnì | pretending to struggle before (I) sink |
有人夺走我的骄傲 | yǒurén duózǒu wǒ de jiāo'ào | Someone took my pride away, |
却质问我为何尖叫 | què zhìwèn wǒ wèihé jiānjiào | yet questions why I scream |
有人为我带上脚镣 | yǒurén wèi wǒ dàishàng jiǎoliào | Someone put shackles on my feet, |
却质问我为何不舞蹈 | què zhìwèn wǒ wèihé bù wǔdǎo | yet questions why I don't dance |
有人遗弃我于孤岛 | yǒurén yíqì wǒ yú gūdǎo | Someone abandoned me on an isolated island, |
却质问我为何不回来 | què zhìwèn wǒ wèihé bù huílai | yet questions why I don't return |
那些人称的指代 | nàxiē rénchēng de zhǐdài | The personal pronouns they speak of, |
没有一个是为了我存在 | méiyǒu yīgè shì wèile wǒ cúnzài | none of them exist for my sake |
我在无人的角落里写着悲伤的歌 | wǒ zài wúrén de jiǎoluò lǐ xiě zhe bēishāng de gē | I write sad songs in an empty corner |
呜咽着撕扯着诗行间的空白 | wūyè zhe sīchě zhe shīháng jiān de kòngbái | Sobbing, tearing at the blanks between my verses |
我的名字被放逐在世界之外 | wǒ de míngzi bèi fàngzhú zài shìjiè zhīwài | My name exiled beyond the world, |
成为构筑那乌云的模块 | chéngwéi gòuzhù nà wūyún de mókuài | becoming the modules of that dark cloud |
他们仍在做着假设 | tāmen réng zài zuò zhe jiǎshè | They still hypothesize, |
假设我回归大地的模样 | jiǎshè wǒ huíguī dàdì de múyàng | hypothesizing what I would look like if I returned to the earth |
他们不解于我的不原谅 | tāmen bùjiě yú wǒ de bù yuánliàng | They don't understand my unforgiveness, |
将此视作我新的罪状 | jiāng cǐ shìzuò wǒ xīn de zuìzhuàng | and see it as my new crime |
伤口结痂后脱落 | shāngkǒu jiéjiā hòu tuōluò | The wound will scab over and fall off, |
就可以假装我不曾受伤 | jiù kěyǐ jiǎzhuāng wǒ bùcéng shòushāng | so I can pretend I was never hurt |
时至今日我仍无法将那种疼痛遗忘 | shízhìjīnrì wǒ réng wúfǎ jiāng nàzhǒng téngtòng yíwàng | Even now, I can't forget that pain, |
他们却已经开始编造乌云散去的假象 | tāmen què yǐjīng kāishǐ biānzào wūyún sǎnqù de jiǎxiàng | while they begin to fabricate the illusion of the dark clouds dispersing |
乌云 是天穹伤疤上的华盖 | wūyún shì tiānqióng shāngbā shàng de huágài | The dark clouds are the canopy on the firmament's scar, |
翻涌撕扯后又将我掩埋 | fānyǒng sīchě hòu yòu jiāng wǒ yǎnmái | surging and tearing, then burying me once again |
雨滴垂落 鳄鱼的眼泪 | yǔdī chuíluò èyú de yǎnlèi | Raindrops fall, (like) the crocodile's tears |
雷声轰鸣 凶手在尖笑 | léishēng hōngmíng xiōngshǒu zài jiān xiào | Thunder roars as the murderer laughs cruelly |
我向泥土中潜逃 | wǒ xiàng nítǔ zhōng qiántáo | I flee into the earth, |
告别浮游的躯壳 | gàobié fúyóu de qūqiào | saying goodbye to my drifting body |
挣扎着仰望着的过去不复存在 | zhēngzhá zhe yǎngwàng zhe de guòqù bùfùcúnzài | Struggling to look up at the past that no longer exists |
环顾四周只有我仍在原地徘徊 | huángù sìzhōu zhǐyǒu wǒ réng zài yuándì páihuái | Surveying my surroundings, only I remain in place |
泥土的气味是宣读我无能的旁白 | nítǔ de qìwèi shì xuāndú wǒ wúnéng de pángbái | The smell of the earth read like a voiceover, declaring my helplessness |
回归大地的抱怀 | huíguī dàdì de bào huái | Returning to the embrace of earth |
【沉迷于恨与被恨的我, | [I, indulged in hating and being hated, | |
在梦魇织成的茧中沉睡了。 | slumbered within a cocoon woven from nightmares. | |
雨滴落在茧壳的外层, | Raindrops fell on the outer layer of the cocoon, | |
而我浑然不觉暴风雨的来临。】 | yet I remained oblivious to the approaching storm.] | |
乌云 有千种瑰奇的姿态 | wūyún yǒu qiān zhǒng guīqí de zītài | The dark clouds have a thousand magnificent and wondrous shapes, |
每一种都遮蔽着我的某个未来 | měiyīzhǒng dōu zhēbì zhe wǒ de mǒugè wèilái | each one veiling a certain kind of my future |
那些糖果罐上蒙着尘埃 | nàxiē tángguǒ guàn shàng mēng zhe chén'āi | The candy jars are covered in dust, |
倒映出毒药鲜艳的遗骸 | dàoyìng chū dúyào xiānyàn de yíhái | reflecting the bright remains of poison |
我站上可以触摸云端的高台 | wǒ zhànshàng kěyǐ chùmō yúnduān de gāotái | I stand on a high platform that touches the clouds, |
向乌云请求归还我的色彩 | xiàng wūyún qǐngqiú guīhuán wǒ de sècǎi | asking the dark clouds to return my colors |
我仍不想向乌云求饶 | wǒ réng bùxiǎng xiàng wūyún qiúráo | I still don't want to beg the dark clouds for mercy |
我想在离开之前再看一眼太阳 | wǒ xiǎng zài líkāi zhīqián zài kàn yīyǎn tàiyáng | I want to see the sun one last time before I leave |
又或者说我仍不想离开 | yòu huòzhě shuō wǒ réng bùxiǎng líkāi | Or rather, I still don't want to leave |
挣扎并非我的伪装 | zhēngzhá bìngfēi wǒ de wěizhuāng | Struggling is not my disguise, |
只是我在寻找到木筏前溺亡 | zhǐshì wǒ zài xúnzhǎo dào mùfá qián nìwáng | it's just that I drowned before I could find a raft |
有人夺走我的骄傲 | yǒurén duózǒu wǒ de jiāo'ào | Someone took my pride away, |
夺不走我的离经叛道 | duó bù zǒu wǒ de líjīngpàndào | (but they) couldn't take my rebellious spirit |
有人为我带上脚镣 | yǒurén wèi wǒ dàishàng jiǎoliào | Someone put shackles on my feet, |
我将它砸碎 冶炼成长矛 | wǒ jiāng tā zásuì yěliàn chéngzhǎng máo | I will smash them and forge them into a spear |
穿透所有灰色的心脏 | chuāntòu suǒyǒu huīsè de xīnzàng | Piercing through all gray hearts, |
然后穿越到云海之上 | ránhòu chuānyuè dào yúnhǎi zhīshàng | then soaring above the sea of clouds |
我发誓我不会停止斗争 | wǒ fāshì wǒ bùhuì tíngzhǐ dòuzhēng | I swear I won't stop fighting, |
直到将这乌云驱逐出我的世界 | zhídào jiāng zhè wūyún qūzhú chū wǒ de shìjiè | until I expel these dark clouds from my world |
我仍然不会原谅 | wǒ réngrán bùhuì yuánliàng | I still won’t forgive, |
但我仍然希望 | dàn wǒ réngrán xīwàng | but I still hope |
或许某一天我又会回来 | huòxǔ mǒu yītiān wǒ yòu huì huílai | Perhaps one day I will return again, |
继续我与乌云未完的战争 | jìxù wǒ yǔ wūyún wèiwán de zhànzhēng | to continue the unfinished war with the dark clouds |
我会举起我的尖锐继续斗争 | wǒ huì jǔqǐ wǒ de jiānruì jìxù dòuzhēng | I will raise my sharpness and keep fighting, |
直到我彻底驱散这片天空的阴霾 | zhídào wǒ chèdǐ qūsàn zhè piàn tiānkōng de yīnmái | until I completely dispel the gloom of this sky |
【最终我又学会和自己相爱, | [Eventually, I learned to love myself once again, | |
从乌云手中夺回我的色彩。 | reclaiming my colors from the hands of the dark clouds. | |
我是蝴蝶。 | I am the butterfly. | |
我是水手。 | I am the sailor. | |
我是不熄的火光。 | I am the unextinguishable flame. | |
我于暴雨中振翅,我在海啸时远航,我燃烧直到黎明击破乌云。 | I spread my wings amidst the torrential rain, I sail forth during the tsunami, I burn until dawn pierces through the clouds. | |
为了我,为了爱我的人与我爱的人,为了与我有着相同命运的人。】 | For me, for those who love me and whom I love, for all those who share the same fate as me.] |
English translation by yxlxy007
- ↑ Is it a typo? May it should be "Sorrow"?
External Links[]
- bilibili - Lyricist's Column
- Baidu Drive