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! Warning: This song contains flashing lights and/or colors.

People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised.

Zhonghua Meishi Yao
Song title
Traditional Chinese: 中華美食謠
Pinyin: Zhōnghuá Měishí Yáo
English: Chinese Gourmet Food Song
Original Upload Date
October 11, 2020
Luo Tianyi, Yuezheng Ling, Yuezheng Longya and Mo Qingxian
Guangdong Communist Youth League (production)
Musinya Studio (planning, coordination)
Lianhe Maitian (music production)
TS Yinghua (video production)
CARDINAL Xinghai (planning, music supervisor)
DBRT, Yi Xi He YiSeho (music, arrangement)
St (lyrics)
Dongdian-P (tuning)
Digifan (mix, mastering)
Mao Ye Youyi (storyboard, video)
Jiu Jiu, Qiaochu (illustration)
Xia Luo (thumbnail)
Zhu Huan reboot (visual coordination)
Da Ling (cooperation)
bilibili Broadcast


Singer Tianyi Longya Ling Qingxian All
Chinese Pinyin English
美食留千载 薪火传万家 měishí liú qiān zǎi xīn huǒ chuán wàn jiā
君不见 釜中焖煎炒烹炸 jūn bùjiàn fǔ zhōng mèn jiān chǎo pēng zhà
谁轻把 爨下炊烟发 shéi qīng bǎ cuàn xià chuīyān fā
试探究 轻急缓重的变化 shì tànjiù qīng jí huǎn zhòng de biànhuà

集世间 酸甜与苦辣 jí shìjiān suān tián yǔ kǔ là
蕴盘中 几分色香味俱佳 yùn pán zhōng jǐ fēn sè xiāngwèi jù jiā
谁细品 五千年华夏 shéi xì pǐn wǔqiān nián huáxià
凭一口 尽尝遍海角天涯 píng yīkǒu jǐn cháng biàn hǎi jiǎo tiānyá

黄鱼豆腐羹 四喜丸子 huángyú dòufu gēng sì xǐ wánzi
糖醋鲤鱼 炸蛎黄 táng cù lǐyú zhà lì huáng
椒麻浸鲈鱼 麻婆豆腐 jiāo má jìn lúyú má pó dòufu
鱼香肉丝 酸辣汤 yú xiāng ròu sī suān là tāng
叫化童子鸡 西湖醋鱼 jiào huā tóngzǐjī xīhú cù yú
龙井虾仁 溜肥肠 lóngjǐng xiārén liū féicháng
鸡汤汆海蚌 五柳居 佛跳墙 jītāng cuān hǎi bàng wǔ liǔ jū fútiàoqiáng

啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦 lā lā lā lā la lā lā la
啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦 lā lā lā lā la lā lā la
啦啦 lā lā

谁取池间锦鲤一条 shéi qǔ chí jiān jǐn lǐ yītiáo
砧上秀花刀 zhēn shàng xiù huā dāo
置入锅中小作翻炒 zhì rù guō zhōngxiǎo zuò fān chǎo
文火慢慢烧 wén huǒ mànmàn shāo
再加子姜葱蒜八角 zài jiā zǐ jiāng cōng suàn bājiǎo
将鲜味细调 jiāng xiān wèi xì tiáo
少顷不见灶火飘摇 shǎo qǐng bùjiàn zàohuo piāoyáo
却闻见 香气缭绕 què wén jiàn xiāngqì liáorào

谁取芡粉一勺 shéi qǔ qiànfěn yī sháo
将汤汁轻浇 jiāng tāng zhī qīng jiāo
出锅咸淡风味正好 chū guō xián dàn fēngwèi zhènghǎo
热气冲云霄 rèqì chōng yúnxiāo
摆盘缀以凤梨蟠桃 bǎi pán zhuì yǐ fènglí pántáo
把红萝精雕 bǎ hóng luó jīng diāo
执筷品此世间佳肴 zhí kuài pǐn cǐ shìjiān jiāyáo
尽忘却 烦恼喧嚣 jǐn wàngquè fánnǎo xuānxiāo

啦啦 啦啦 lā lā lā lā
啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 lā lā la lā lā lā lā

谁放眼 珍馐漫天下 shéi fàngyǎn zhēnxiū màn tiānxià
却不见 厨间 油盐酱醋茶 què bùjiàn chú jiān yóu yán jiàng cù chá
舌尖上 数千载华夏 shéjiān shàng shù qiān zǎi huáxià
尽包容 五湖四海的文化 jǐn bāoróng wǔhúsìhǎi de wénhuà

日夜奔忙 谁穿越大街小巷 rìyè bēnmáng shéi chuānyuè dàjiē xiǎo xiàng
生活五味杂陈 就像是一锅浓汤 shēnghuó wǔwèi zá chén jiù xiàng shì yī guō nóng tāng
纵使饱经沧桑 苦与甜变幻无常 zòngshǐ bǎojīngcāngsāng kǔ yǔ tián biànhuàn wúcháng
仍值得将个中酸涩 去品尝 réng zhídé jiāng gè zhōng suānsè qù pǐncháng

谁宴请宾客八方 shéi yànqǐng bīnkè bāfāng
将中华食艺 美名扬 jiàng zhōnghuá shí yì měi míng yáng

啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦啦 lā lā la lā lā lā lā la
啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦啦 lā lā la lā lā lā lā la
啦啦啦 啦啦 lā lā la lā lā

上汤焗龙虾 梅菜扣肉 shàng tāng jú lóngxiā méi cài kòu ròu
蜜汁叉烧 广府汤 mì zhī chāshāo guǎng fǔ tāng
红烧狮子头 松鼠桂鱼 hóngshāo shīzi tóu sōngshǔ guì yú
金陵板鸭 烤方 jīnlíng bǎnyā kǎo fāng
麻辣小龙虾 金鱼戏莲 málà xiǎo lóngxiā jīnyú xì lián
剁椒鱼头 干锅肠 duò jiāo yú tóu gān guō cháng
雪冬烧山鸡 问政笋 刀板香 xuě dōng shāo shān jī wèn zhèng sǔn dāo bǎn xiāng

谁思故乡汤团一碗 shéi sī gùxiāng tāngtuán yī wǎn
叹岁月流转 tàn suìyuè liúzhuàn
独点开胃小菜一盘 dú diǎn kāiwèi xiǎocài yī pán
把杯酒斟满 bǎ bēi jiǔ zhēn mǎn
手握摊边烤肉一串 shǒu wò tān biān kǎoròu yī chuàn
将故事侃谈 jiāng gùshì kǎn tán
戏言今生美味作伴 xìyán jīnshēng měiwèi zuò bàn
何惧怕 四时冷暖 hé jùpà sì shí lěngnuǎn

自古薪火相传 zìgǔ xīn huǒ xiāngchuán
上下五千年 shàngxià wǔqiān nián
煎炒烹炸花样百般 jiān chǎo pēng zhà huāyàng bǎibān
神韵永不变 shényùn yǒng bù biàn
谁将佳肴触动舌尖 shéi jiāng jiāyáo chùdòng shéjiān
把绝味品遍 bǎ jué wèi pǐn biàn
品得华夏故事万千 pǐn dé huáxià gùshì wàn qiān
从口上 直至心间 cóng kǒushàng zhízhì xīnjiān
落满 苦辣酸甜 luò mǎn kǔ là suān tián

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