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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Sekai ga Owaru no yo
English: The World Will End
Original Upload Date
December 26, 2018 (album release date)
Hatsune Miku
Harumaki Gohan (music, lyrics, album illustration)
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YT)

Alternate Version

Sou's version
Upload date: January 3, 2018
Featuring: Sou
Producer(s): Harumaki Gohan (music, lyrics, illustration, video)
kain (mastering)


Japanese Romaji English
水平線と交差している suiheisen to kousa shite iru Crossing with the horizon over the water
少女がいて shoujo ga ite There is a girl
世界が終わるのを sekai ga owaru no o Who, almost as if she knows nothing
まるで何にも知らないように marude nanni mo shiranai you ni About how the world is going to end,
夜明けを待っている yoake o matte iru Is waiting for daybreak
夜明けを待っている yoake o matte iru Waiting for daybreak

まるで違う人生を送ってきただけど marude chigau jinsei o okutte kita dakedo It seems like you’ve lived a completely different life from me,
君となんだかんだ仲良く出来たな kimi to wa nandakanda nakayoku dekita na But somehow or other I’ve gotten along well with you
先生の敷いたレールが sensei no shiita reeru ga The rails that our teacher laid out -
壊れていくのを見た kowarete iku no o mita I watched as they broke apart
こんなはずじゃないと言ってた konna hazu ja nai to itteta It wasn’t supposed to be like this, I said

「私誰も信じない、一番は要らない」 "watashi daremo shinjinai, ichiban wa iranai" “I don’t believe anyone, I don’t need to be first”
親友はそう言った shinyuu wa sou itta My best friend said that

どうして君はそこに居るの doushite kimi wa soko ni iru no Why are you there?
夜明けが来るよ yoake ga kuru yo Daybreak will come
本当に何にも僕のことを知らない hontou ni nanni mo boku no koto o shiranai You really don’t know anything about me
ずっと遠い君に話してる zutto tooi kimi ni hanashiteru I am talking to you, who are far, far away

まるで違う人生を送ってきてのに marude chigau jinsei o okutte kita no ni Even though it seems like we’ve lived completely different lives,
君が泣いている訳を知っていた kimi ga naiteru wake o shitte ita I understood why you were crying
先生のひいたレールの sensei no hiita reeru no The rails that our teacher drew out
鋭くなった鉄片が surudoku natta teppen ga Have become pointed iron scraps
僕の方を向いて浮いてる boku no hoo o muite uiteru That float towards me

「私先に帰るわ、雨が降るみたい」 "watashi saki ni kaeru wa, ame ga furu mitai" “I’m going home first, it seems like it’ll rain”
親友はそう言った shinyuu wa sou itta My best friend said that

どうやら 僕は死んじゃうみたいだ douyara boku wa shinjau mitai da Possibly, it seems like I’ll die
夜明けが来たら yoake ga kitara When daybreak comes
本当になんにも理由なんて無いのさ hontou ni nanni mo riyuu nante nai no sa There really is no reason for anything
世界が終わる日にやっとわかったよ sekai ga owaru hi ni yatto wakatta yo I finally understood this on the day the world will end

夜明けが待っている yoake o matte iru I am waiting for daybreak
夜明けが待っている yoake o matte iru I am waiting for daybreak
夜明けが待っている yoake o matte iru I am waiting for daybreak
夜明けが待っている? yoake o matte iru? Am I waiting for daybreak?
世界が終わるのよ sekai ga owaru no yo The world will end
世界が終わるのよ sekai ga owaru no yo The world will end
世界が終わるのよ sekai ga owaru no yo The world will end

世界が終わる10秒前のこと sekai ga owaru juubyou mae no koto It’s ten seconds before the world ends
髪の毛は茶色なんだね kami no ke wa chairo na nda ne Your hair is brown, isn’t it?
世界が終わる3秒前のこと sekai ga owaru sanbyou mae no koto It’s three seconds before the world ends

君が会えて良かった kimi ni aete yokatta I’m glad I could meet you
君が会えて良かった kimi ni aete yokatta I’m glad I could meet you
君が会えて良かった kimi ni aete yokatta I’m glad I could meet you
君が会えて良かった kimi ni aete yokatta I’m glad I could meet you

English translation by Tick


This song was featured on the following albums:

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