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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song contains questionable elements (suggestive); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
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Futekisetsu Shukujo
Song title
Romaji: Futekisetsu Shukujo
English: Improper Lady
Original Upload Date
February 4, 2018
OSTER project (music, lyrics, video)
Fuco (illustration)
42,000+ (NN), 90,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
ミステリアス気取る 不埒なバスルーム misuteriasu kidoru furachi na basuruumu I’m pretending to be mysterious in this insolent bathroom.
数える痣を愛でるように独り kazoeru aza o mederu you ni hitori All alone, recalling that wallowing night
耽った夜の記憶ループして fuketta yoru no kioku ruupu shite As if cherishing the bruises as I count them,
言い聞かせる存在理由を iikikaseru sonzai riyuu o I persuade myself of my raison d’etre.

よそ行きの可愛いツラ下げてさ yosoiki no kawaii tsura sagete sa Why are you acting cutesie like that?
奴隷に成り下がるつもりもない dorei ni narisagaru tsumori mo nai You aren’t going to own me like a slave.
黙って天井でも眺めてな damatte tenjou demo nagamete na Just zip up and stare at the ceiling,
どうせスグ良くなるんだから douse sugu yoku narun dakara And it’ll start to feel good in no time!

不徳に翻したこの一張羅で futoku ni hirugaeshita kono itchoura de Making my best clothes flutter so unscrupulously,
抱いて染めてやるわ 世界ごとこのイロで idaite somete yaru wa sekaigoto kono iro de I’ll get down and dye the whole world my color!
剥き出しにした心の中までもっと見てよ mukidashi ni shita kokoro no naka made motto mite yo Fix your eyes on the inside of my heart I’ve laid bare.
ねえ現実(ほんとう)はすごいんだよ nee hontou wa sugoin da yo Dear, the reality’s even more fantastic, y’know?

残った痣は消えてゆくのに nokotta aza wa kiete yuku no ni Though the bruises on the skin will go out,
痛いまま張り付いたあの日の微笑(えみ) itai mama haritsuita ano hi no emi Your smile of that day’s stubbornly stuck to me, as painful as ever.
塞いだ心の隙間ひび割れ fusaida kokoro no sukima hibiware I filled the gap in my heart, but it develops a crack,
(こぼ)れ落ちる果実の蜜 kobore ochiru kajitsu no mitsu And the fruit nectar flows out of it.

不敵にくねらせる指 身を委ねて futeki ni kuneraseru yubi mi o yudanete I audaciously squirm my fingers. Giving myself to you,
伏して鳴いて埋めて この夜の真ん中で fushite naite umete kono yoru no mannaka de Lying down, crying out, and burying it in the middle of this night.
行儀の良い(じゃ)れ方 生憎 忘れたよ gyougi no ii jare kata ainiku wasureta yo Good manners of making out? I’m afraid I’ve forgotten them.
ツラの皮が厚いもんでさ tsura no kawa ga atsui monde sa I’m as thick as rhino hide, y’know.

薄汚れたメランコリーでも頷いてよ usuyogoreta merankorii demo unazuite yo You’ve gotta nod even to this filthy melancholy!
叱らないで許してよ ねえ 今だけを shikaranaide yurushite yo nee ima dake o Don’t get mad, please forgive me! Dear, only for now.
もう後戻り出来ないほど mou atomodori dekinai hodo There’s no turning back for me.
染まってるの somatteru no I’ve been dyed that much.

不徳に目と目合わせて愛されたい futoku ni me to maguwawasete aisaretai Unscrupulously eye-to-eye, I wanna be loved!
抱いて塗り重ねて 世界ごとこのイロに idaite nurikasanete sekaigoto kono iro ni Getting down and painting it over and over, I’m gonna dye the whole world my color!
恨み辛み全て喘ぎに詰め込んで uramitsurami subete aegi ni tsumekonde All my grudges and hard feelings will be crammed into a pant voice.
叫ぶ救難信号 sakebu kyuunan shingou I shout an SOS.

天井眺めた数だけ孤独を知った tenjou nagameta kazu dake kodoku o shitta The more I gazed at the ceiling, the more I understood what loneliness is.
嘆き 嗤い 涙枯らしてまた繰り返す nageki warai namida karashite mata kurikaesu Grieving, sneering, crying my eyes out, and I repeat the whole thing again.
都合の良いガラクタなら全部脱ぎなよ tsugou no ii garakuta nara zenbu nugi na yo Why don’t you just take off all that convenient junk?
これが私のやり方よ kore ga watashi no yari kata yo Look, this is how I do it.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.


This song was featured on the following album:

External Links[]

