Song title | |||
"上城名媛" Pinyin: Shàngchéng Míngyuàn Official English: Uptown Lady | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
April 30, 2016 | |||
Singer | |||
Yuezheng Ling | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Xiwang Suo Ren He Zi (music, arrangement)
Xiejiao Jiaozhu (lyrics) yoyo BunNii (tuning) Gold Rum (mix, mastering) Yue Wishky__ (illustration) Zhong Ben Gu (video) | |||
Views | |||
410,000+ (BB), 15,000+ (YT), 30+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
bilibili Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
Chinese | Pinyin | English |
时尚月刊 搭配新季节风范 | shíshàng yuèkān dāpèi xīn jìjié fēngfàn | Fashion periodicals; fit the new season's style |
众口一致 潮流最前端 | zhòng kǒu yīzhì cháoliú zuì qiánduān | Everyone agrees, trends are at the forefront |
欧式杯盘 进口咖啡喝一半 | ōushì bēi pán jìnkǒu kāfēi hè yībàn | European cutlery, drink half the imported coffee |
仪态博得 人人的喜欢 | yítài bódé rén rén de xǐhuān | Winning everyone's favor through manners |
长据新闻头版 也真不简单 | zhǎng jù xīnwén tóu bǎn yě zhēn bù jiǎndān | It's not easy hitting the headlines all the time |
也屡获称赞 | yě lǚ huò chēngzàn | But I often win praise |
上城名媛 没有规矩成不了方圆 | shàng chéng míngyuàn méiyǒu guījǔ chéng bùliǎo fāngyuán | Uptown lady, nothing can be done without rules |
乏味的对焦点 | fáwèi de duì jiāodiǎn | The tedious focal point |
是时候由我席卷 | shì shíhòu yóu wǒ xíjuǎn | It's time for me to take it over |
百分百上城名媛 可圈或可点 | bǎi fēn bǎi shàng chéng míngyuàn kě quān huò kě diǎn | 100% uptown lady, worthy of praise |
步步留意不踩偏 韵脚的缀连 | bùbù liúyì bù cǎi piān yùnjiǎo de zhuì lián | Every step is deliberate, every rhyme connects together |
不及我无心之言 出口就成篇 | bùjí wǒ wúxīn zhī yán chūkǒu jiù chéng piān | Can't match my effortlessly elegant idle talk |
你精心补妆成大众脸 | nǐ jīngxīn bǔ zhuāng chéng dàzhòng liǎn | Your face is still unremarkable with painstaking makeup |
可怜需要酝酿一千遍 | kělián xūyào yùnniàng yīqiān biàn | Shame you'll need to prepare a thousand times over |
不怕撞衫 却嫌我趣味古板 | bùpà zhuàngshān què xián wǒ qùwèi gǔbǎn | Not worried about wearing the same style as someone else, but you look down on my tastes as old fashioned |
但我也能 来一点转换 | dàn wǒ yě néng lái yīdiǎn zhuǎnhuàn | But I can also do a transformation |
庸常打扮 我见惯也不习惯 | yōng cháng dǎbàn wǒ jiàn guàn yě bù xíguàn | Plain outfits, I've gotten used to seeing them but not wearing them |
受我这次风格的挑战 | shòu wǒ zhè cì fēnggé de tiǎozhàn | Take my style challenge |
让我来猜猜看 是什么底牌 | ràng wǒ lái cāicāi kàn shì shénme dǐpái | Let me take a guess what's in the deck |
是刺激感官 | shì cìjī gǎnguān | It's to excite the senses |
上城名媛 没有特点就挤成一个圈 | shàng chéng míngyuàn méiyǒu tèdiǎn jiù jǐ chéng yīgè quān | Uptown lady, without unique traits will be squeezed into a circle |
若期待更新鲜 | ruò qídài gēng xīnxiān | If you want something more novel |
请目睹我的出现 | qǐng mùdǔ wǒ de chūxiàn | Then witness my appearance |
堕落的上城名流 失足求拯救 | duòluò de shàng chéng míngliú shīzú qiú zhěngjiù | The fallen uptown star has lost their footing and begs to be saved |
靠宿醉博人眼球 争议够不够 | kào sùzuì bó rén yǎnqiú zhēngyì gòubùgòu | Using a hangover to get attention, is there enough controversy? |
素以叛逆趁风头 轮到我出手 | sù yǐ pànnì chèn fēngtóu lún dào wǒ chūshǒu | Usually rebelling to chase trends, it's my turn |
我自己就是最烈的酒 | wǒ zìjǐ jiùshì zuì liè de jiǔ | I am the strongest liquor |
对于上城恐怕太呛口 | duìyú shàng chéng kǒngpà tài qiāng kǒu | Might be too much for uptown |
百分百上城名媛 可圈又可点 | bǎi fēn bǎi shàng chéng míngyuàn kě quān yòu kě diǎn | 100% uptown lady, worthy of praise |
端着猫步走一遍 受宠的区间 | duānzhe māobù zǒu yībiàn shòu chǒng de qūjiān | Catwalking through the adoration |
情感绯闻是你的 最后杀手锏 | qínggǎn fēiwén shì nǐ de zuìhòu shāshǒujiàn | Salacious rumors are your final trump card |
不及我不用三思而后言 | bùjí wǒ bùyòng sānsī érhòu yán | Can't match how I reply effortlessly |
出口就比你更显眼 | chūkǒu jiù bǐ nǐ gèng xiǎnyǎn | I just need to start talking and I'm more eye-catching than you |
上城区的T台秀 赚一票眼球 | shàng chéngqū de T tái xiù zhuàn yī piào yǎnqiú | Uptown fashion show, earning people's attention |
华丽整齐站一溜 名门的闺秀 | huálì zhěngqí zhàn yīliū míngmén de guīxiù | Gorgeous girls from distinguished families standing neatly in a line |
满足硬核的胃口 先扫平低幼 | mǎnzú yìng hé de wèikǒu xiān sǎopíng dī yòu | Satisfy hardcore appetites, first defeat the youngsters |
若已经看腻只有名流 | ruò yǐjīng kàn nì zhǐyǒu míngliú | If you're sick of only seeing famous stars |
我即到场 | wǒ jí dàochǎng | I am about to arrive |
上城就该有 皇后 | shàng chéng jiù gāi yǒu huánghòu | Uptown should have a queen |
English translation by Perfecto Incognito
External links[]
- Moegirlpedia
- VocaDB
- Vocaloid Wiki - Image and Chinese Lyrics Source