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Ippou TsuukouPuryu
Song title
Romaji: Ippou Tsuukou
One-way Traffic
Original Upload Date
September 1, 2017
Otomachi Una
Puryu (music, lyrics)
17,000+ (NN), 14,000+ (YT), 300+ (PP)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / piapro Broadcast (deleted)


Japanese Romaji English
声が木霊になり koe ga kodama ni nari My voice becomes an echo,
響かずまた止まり hibikazu mata tomari And, without resounding, stops again.
最後の歌さえも saigo no uta sae mo Even the last song
何も変えられない nani mo kaerarenai Can't change anything.
超合金で創られた chougoukin de tsukurareta Created with superalloy,
十億超える命 juuoku koeru inochi A billion lives cross over
ブリキの鼓膜持って buriki no komaku motte Carrying tin eardrums,
優しい奴のふり yasashii yatsu no furi Pretending to be good people.

命 集まって inochi atsumatte Life gathers
信号の無い道へ shingou no nai michi e In the road without signals.
平凡 学んで heibon manande From this mediocre learning
不正解の癖まで fuseikai no kuse made To this wrong behaviour.
電波 塞いで denpa fusaide By blocking the electric signal,
泣き声が聞こえない nakigoe ga kikoenai I can't hear the crying voices
意外と 此処では igai to koko de wa Unexpectedly, this is also
これも当然ですね? kore mo touzen desu ne? A common thing here?

不動の 緑の自転星で fudou no midori no jitensei de On Fudou's green rotating star,
寿命を知に代えて jumyou o chi ni kaete lifespans are changing into wisdom
ポンコツだらけの ponkotsu darake no Carrying only junk and trash,
迷子になった儘 maigo ni natta mama I got lost just like this.
明けて来る夜に akete kuru yoru ni In the rising night,
溶けた記憶すら toketa kioku sura Even my melted memories,
覚えてくれない oboete kurenai I can't remember them;
素晴らしい世界だ。 subarashii sekai da. What a wonderful world this is.

午前零時夜になり gozen reiji yoru ni nari At midnight, as night comes,
骨の花を咲かせ hone no hana o sakase The bone flower blooms
「死にたくないよ」とは "shinitakunai yo" to wa "I don't want to die"
言えずに舞台去り iezu ni butai sari Without being able to say it, I leave the stage.
超合金を食い育った chougoukin o kui sodatta Growing up eating superalloy,
七十億王様 nanajuuoku ou-sama The 7 billion kings
不思議な力持って fushigi na chikara motte Are carrying this strange power,
共鳴の滅び寸前 kyoumei no horobi sunzen Just before its resonance dies out.

寝癖 痛がって neguse itagatte Falling asleep in pain
毒薬依存症 dokuyaku izonshou Because of this poison dependance
証明 恒等式 shoumei koutoushiki I'll prove my identity
同じ目標()へ歩く onaji michi e aruku By walking the "path" to the same goal.
空白 誰にも kuuhaku dare ni mo In this blank space,
頼りにはなれずに tayori ni wa narezu ni Without being able to rely on anyone,
needに 取られて need ni torarete Trapped by my needs,
身体もバラバラ karada mo barabara My body is in pieces.

名無し 紅の橋に nanashi kurenai no hashi ni On this nameless crimson bridge,
一光年位立って ikkouneni tatte Standing for about one light year.
何を叫んでも nani o sakende mo No whatter what I scream,
見てくれない儘 mite kurenai mama I can't see it like this.
沈んで行く天に shizunde iku sora ni In the drowning sky,
落とした心が otoshita kokoro ga The dropped heart
冷えてただ消えて hiete tada kiete Grows cold and just disappears
二次元の世界へ。 nijigen no sekai e. To the 2D world.

命 集まって inochi atsumatte Life gathers
信号の無い道へ shingou no nai michi e In the road without signals.
ヘブン 届いて hebun todoite Reaching heaven,
次の駅に決まり tsugi no eki ni kimari Deciding for the next station.
理不尽 解って rifujin wakatte Understanding the unreasonable,
理解には繋がず rikai ni wa tsunagazu Without connecting to any comprehension.
随分 疲れて zuibun tsukarete I'm quite tired,
粉になっても良い? kona ni natte mo ii? Is it really fine if it ends up like this?

不動の 緑の自転星で fudou no midori no jitensei de On Fudou's green rotating star,
寿命を知に代えて jumyou o chi ni kaete Lifespans are changing into wisdom
そして捨てられた soshite suterareta And then get thrown away,
迷子になった儘 maigo ni natta mama Staying lost this way.
明けて来る夜に akete kuru yoru ni In the rising night,
溶けた私すら toketa watashi sura Even my melted self,
教えてくれない oshiete kurenai I can't tell what it was;
汚い世界だ。 kitanai sekai da. What a filthy world this is.

English translation by Anonymous

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