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WonderlandsxShowtime SEKAI ALBUM vol.1 (ワンダーランズ×ショウタイム SEKAI ALBUM vol.1) is a compilation album featuring several covered songs for the game Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku. It was released under the label(s) KARENT and Bushiroad Music. More information can be found on Vocaloid Database.

ワンダーランズ×ショウタイム SEKAI ALBUM vol.1
Track list
  1. スイートマジック (Sweet Magic)
    Junky ft. Kagamine Rin and WonderlandsxShowtime
  2. ブリキノダンス (Buriki no Dance)
    Hinata Electric Works ft. Kagamine Len, Tenma Tsukasa, and Kamishiro Rui
  3. ぼうけんのしょがきえました! (Bouken no Sho ga Kiemashita!) [Long ver.]
    Jesus-P ft. Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Tenma Tsukasa, and Otori Emu
  4. 脱法ロック (Dappou Rock)
    Neru ft. Kagamine Len, Tenma Tsukasa, and Kamishiro Rui
  5. ミラクルペイント (Miracle Paint)
    OSTER project ft. Hatsune Miku and WonderlandsxShowtime
  6. ダンスロボットダンス (Dance Robot Dance)
    Nayutan Seijin ft. Hatsune Miku, Otori Emu, and Kusanagi Nene
  7. チュルリラ・チュルリラ・ダッダッダ! (Chururira Chururira Daddadda!)
    Wada Takeaki ft. WonderlandsxShowtime
  8. ポジティブ☆ダンスタイム (Positive☆Dance Time)
    Kinoshita ft. Kagamine Rin, Otori Emu, and Kusanagi Nene
  9. お気に召すまま (Oki ni Mesu mama)
    Eve ft. Kagamine Len and WonderlandsxShowtime
  10. KING
    Kanaria ft. Tenma Tsukasa and Kamishiro Rui
  11. テレキャスタービーボーイ (Telecaster B-Boy)
    3 ft. Kagamine Len and WonderlandsxShowtime
  12. フィクサー (Fixer)
    nuyuri ft. Tenma Tsukasa and Kamishiro Rui

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