! | Warning: This song contains questionable elements (Sexual Themes); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain questionable elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
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Song title | |||
"ロンドンスラッグパーティハイ" Romaji: Rondon Suraggu Paati Hai English: London Slag Party High Official English: Rondon Slag Party Hi | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
September 3, 2017 (YT), April 22, 2019 (NN) | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku and GUMI | |||
Producer(s) | |||
masa (music, lyrics, illustration)
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Views | |||
6,500,000+ (YT), 270,000+ (NN) | |||
Links | |||
YouTube Broadcast / Niconico Broadcast | |||
A song from Masa's second album, ALCATRAZ. "A thick fog and an ominous tune falls upon that beautiful town. Shall we meet here again tomorrow night?" |
Alternate Versions
INSOMNIA remix |
Upload date: June 17, 2022 |
Featuring: Hatsune Miku and GUMI |
Producer(s): masa (music, lyrics, illustration) |
YT |
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Lead vocal | Miku | GUMI | Both |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
美しく高貴な街 時計の針を気にして | utsukushiku kouki na machi tokei no hari o ki ni shite | I work like a slave in this beautiful and noble city |
掃除、洗濯、家事をこなして | souji, sentaku, kaji o konashite | doing cleaning, washing and housework, |
奴隷の様に働く | dorei no you ni hataraku | All the while worrying about the ticking of the clock. |
踊れ ドナドナ 朝が来るまで | odore donadona asa ga kuru made | Dance (donna, donna) until morning comes.[1] |
夜の ドナドナ 使いは | yoru no donadona tsukai wa | The night (donna, donna) messenger |
霧に ドナドナ 消えた街角 | kiri ni donadona kieta machikado | disappeared (donna, donna) into the misty street corner. |
闇の ドナドナ 音楽 | yami no donadona ongaku | The music (donna, donna) of darkness echoes. |
君はこの街が好きか? | kimi wa kono machi ga suki ka? | Do you like this town? |
僕は大好きさ!最高さ! | boku wa daisuki sa! saikou sa! | I love it! It’s the best! |
霧が出てからが本番なんだよ | kiri ga dete kara ga honban nan da yo | After the fog rolls in, that’s when the performance is. |
聴こえてるんだろ?あの音が | kikoeteru ndaro? ano oto ga | I wonder, can you hear them? Those noises? |
(私もそこへ行けますか?) | (watashi mo soko e ikemasu ka?) | (Can I head over there too?) |
モチさ!これは君へのご褒美さ | mochi sa! kore wa kimi e no gohoubi sa | Of course! This is your reward. |
明日また夜にここで会おうか | Ashita mata yoru ni koko de aou ka | Shall we meet again here tomorrow night? |
僕は正直さ!本当さ | boku wa shoujiki sa! hontou sa | I’m not lying! Really! |
ちょっと!貴女何をやってるの!? | chotto! anata nani o yatteru no!? | Hold it! What are you doing?! |
掃除終わったらすぐ洗濯! | souji owattara sugu sentaku! | After you’ve finished cleaning, you’ve got to do the laundry! |
洗濯終わったらすぐ買出し! | sentaku owattara sugu kaidashi! | After doing the laundry, you’ve got to go shopping! |
買出し済んだら料理作って! | kaidashi sundara ryouri tsukutte! | When you’re done shopping, you have to cook! |
待ってる間にお風呂沸かして! | matteru aida ni ofuro wakashite! | And while you’re waiting, boil the bath water! |
息子の着替えも準備した? | musuko no kigae mo junbi shita? | Is my son’s change of clothes ready? |
本当にグズだね!何も出来ないの!? | hontou ni guzu da ne! nani mo dekinai no!? | You’re such a fool! Can’t you do anything?! |
黒い霧の街角 マスクの下の笑顔 | kuroi kiri no machikado masuku no shita no egao | At a street corner in the thick fog, people smile beneath their masks. |
心臓揺らす音で 踊れ騒げ朝まで | shinzou yurasu oto de odore sawage asa made | With these sounds, which unsettle hearts, dance and make merry until dawn! |
踊れ ドナドナ 朝が来るまで | odore donadona asa ga kuru made | Dance (donna, donna) until morning comes. |
夜の ドナドナ 使いは | yoru no donadona tsukai wa | The night (donna, donna) messenger |
霧に ドナドナ 消えた街角 | kiri ni donadona kieta machikado | disappeared (donna, donna) into the misty street corner. |
闇の ドナドナ 音楽 | yami no donadona ongaku | The music (donna, donna) of darkness echoes. |
静かな街中進めば聴こえてくるはずあの音が | shizuka na machinaka susumeba kikoete kuru hazu ano oto ga | You must be able to hear those sounds when you advance down silent downtown. |
マスクを着けなきゃ聴こえない音が | masuku o tsukenakya kikoenai oto ga | If you don’t have a mask on, you can’t hear them. |
黒い霧の先響いてる | kuroi kiri no saki hibiiteru | They resound beyond the thick fog… |
(ようこそ!今日もいらっしゃいました | (youkoso! kyou mo irasshaimashita | (Welcome! Thank you for coming again today. |
割れた低音でお出迎えすれば) | wareta teion de odemukae sureba) | When I welcome you with my cracked, low voice…) |
ぶっ飛んだ音でぶっ飛んだ時は | buttonda oto de buttonda toki wa | Rational fools will become irrational |
常識野郎が非常識! | joushiki yarou ga hijoushiki! | When surprised by those surprising sounds! |
貴女のご主人お疲れのようで | anata no goshujin otsukare no you de | Your master appears tired. |
貴女が誘えば喜びます | anata ga sasoeba yorokobimasu | If you invite them, they’ll be happy. |
いやいや!いいんです特別ですから | iya iya! ii ndesu tokubetsu desu kara | No, no! It’s fine, since you’re special. |
疲れちゃいますよこの街は | tsukarechaimasu yo kono machi wa | I’m tired of this city. |
そうそう!名前を教えてなかった | sou sou! namae o oshietenakatta | Yes, yes! I didn’t tell you its name: |
ロンドンスラッグパーティハイ! | rondon suraggu paati hai! | London Slag Party High! |
霧の音楽で貴女を癒す | kiri no ongaku de anata o iyasu | I’ll heal you with the mist’s music. |
疲れちゃいますよこの街は | tsukarechaimasu yo kono machi wa | I’m tired of this city. |
君はこの街が好きか? | kimi wa kono machi ga suki ka? | Do you like this town? |
僕は大好きさ!最高さ! | boku wa daisuki sa! saikou sa! | I love it! It’s the best! |
霧が出てからが本番なんだよ | kiri ga dete kara ga honban nan da yo | After the fog rolls in, that’s when the performance is. |
聴こえてるんだろ?あの音が | kikoeteru ndaro? ano oto ga | I wonder, can you hear them? Those noises? |
(私もそこへ行けますか?) | (watashi mo soko e ikemasu ka?) | (Can I head over there too?) |
モチさ!これは君へのご褒美さ | mochi sa! kore wa kimi e no gohoubi sa | Of course! This is your reward. |
明日また夜にここで会おうか | ashita mata yoru ni koko de aou ka | Shall we meet again here tomorrow night? |
ロンドンスラッグパーティハイ! | rondon suraggu paati hai! | London Slag Party High! |
踊れ ドナドナ 朝が来るまで | odore donadona asa ga kuru made | Dance (donna, donna) until morning comes. |
夜の ドナドナ 使いは | yoru no donadona tsukai wa | The night (donna, donna) messenger |
霧に ドナドナ 消えた街角 | kiri ni donadona kieta machikado | disappeared (donna, donna) into the misty street corner. |
闇の ドナドナ 音楽 | yami no donadona ongaku | The music (donna, donna) of darkness echoes. |
English translation by Releska
Translation Notes
- ↑ ドナドナ (dona dona) could refer to Donna Donna, a well-known song about a calf being led to slaughter.
This song was featured on the following album:
A remix of this song was featured on the following album:
External Links
- piapro - Off vocal
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- Vocaloid Wiki
- VocaDB
- VocaDB - INSOMNIA remix
- Releska - Translation source