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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Rokuberu
English: Rockbell
Original Upload Date
December 25, 2012
shito (music, lyrics)
Gom (lyrics)
Kaizoku Ou (guitar)
Shito (bass)
ChaChagoma (illustration)
Emumelo (video)
840,000+ (NN), 5,500,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
この町も気付けば 呼吸をしてる kono machi mo kizukeba kokyuu wo shiteru If you'll notice, this town itself actually breathes;
パパママの喧嘩 エブリデイ恒例行事 papa mama no kenka eburidei kourei gyouji Papa and mama fighting, it's an everyday event

並んで歩けない登校は すこし苦手 narande arukenai toukou wa sukoshi nigate I can't walk with the others to school, which I don't much care for;
石を投げられたって 斜め後ろをトコトコトコ ishi wo nageraretatte naname ushiro wo toko toko toko Sometimes rocks come my way, so just a little behind, I trot, trot, trot...

授業は退屈さ 抜け出して 午後0時 jugyou wa taikutsu sa nukedashite gogo reiji Classes are a bore, so I slip out at noon;
掠め去った風に 不安な瞬き kasumesatta kaze ni fuan na mabataki In the sweeping breeze, I blink anxiously...

もしも僕がいない世界 ぐるぐる変わらん異世界 moshimo boku ga inai sekai guru guru kawaran i sekai If there were a world without me, it'd be another world that spins the same
火照ったへばりついた殻だ 剥がして知らない町へ hotetta hebaritsuita karada hagashite shiranai machi he There's a hot husk stuck to me, so I shed it and head to an unknown town
目が追う景色と香りも 聴こえる音も苦みも me ga ou keshiki to kaori mo kikoeru oto mo nigami mo The sights seen, the scents smelled, the sounds heard and bitterness tasted,
同じはずなのに同じじゃ ないなら教えてよ onaji hazu nanoni onaji ja nai nara oshiete yo It all seems the same, but if it's not, then tell me how!

この歳で頭を撫でられてもさ kono toshi de atama wo naderarete mo sa Even at this age, I'm still patted on the head
嬉しくはないけれど お菓子は欲しい ureshiku wa nai keredo okashi wa hoshii I'm not exactly happy about it, but I do want snacks

寝ちゃってるママの隣でお昼寝 nechatteru mama no tonari de ohirune Napping beside mama, who nodded off,
皆居なくなった夢に すぐ起こされた mina inakunatta yume ni sugu okosareta I dreamt everyone was gone, and was straight awake

なんという焦燥感 半ベソで揺らす nanto iu shousoukan han beso de yurasu I felt suddenly uneasy; half-weeping, I shook her;
熱すぎる体 苦しそうな吐息 atsu sugiru karada kurushi souna toiki Her body's too warm, her breathing's too strained...

声が届いていないのかい ウンともスンとも返さない koe ga todoite inai no kai un to mo sun to mo kaesanai Can she not hear my voice? She's not making the faintest reply
「助けて!」外に飛び出したが 鳴いても泣いても 知らんふり "tasukete!" soto ni tobidashita ga naite mo naite mo shiran furi "Help!", I run outside to find, but for my shouting and crying, no one cares
役にも立てないこの手を 振り払うパパは睨んだ yaku ni mo tatenai kono te wo furiharau papa wa niranda This hand of mine is no use, so papa slaps it away, glaring;
その目が示した言葉は 要らないって事だろ sono me ga shimeshita kotoba wa iranaitte koto daro The look in his eyes, I'm sure, was telling me I'm not wanted...

喜怒哀楽を丸めて 一つにして 落っことして kidoairaku wo marumete hitotsu ni shite okkotoshite A full course of emotions felt all at once, so let it drop as one
Iもひとつ残して 茜空 雨上がり I mo hitotsu nokoshite akane sora ameagari Leave behind another "I" to a madder red sky, as the rain lifts...

晴れ 駆け抜けた毛並みが 振り返る事はなくて hare kakenuketa kenami ga furikaeru koto wa nakute Clear skies, so I dashed off with my fur, not once looking back
解けた糸 結んでた価値観 鳴いても薙いでも無いじゃない hodoketa ito musundeta kachikan naite mo naide mo nai janai A glass of spilled milk won't just refill, so there's no use crying over it
目が追う景色と香りも 聴こえる音も苦みも me ga ou keshiki to kaori mo kikoeru oto mo nigami mo In sights seen, in scents smelled, in sounds heard and bitterness tasted,
新しい町はちょっぴり冷たい でもいいさ atarashii machi wa choppiri tsumetai demo ii sa This new town is just a little chilly, but that's fine...

君の名前はなんて言うの? 友達と遊ばないの? kimi no namae wa nante iu no? tomodachi to asobanai no? Hey, what's your name? Don't you have friends to play with?
家族はいるの? そうかいそれじゃ 並んで歩いてあげるよ kazoku wa iru no? sou kai sore ja narande aruite ageru yo Do you have a family? Is that right, well... I'll walk with you, then
役にも立てないこの手が 君から触れられている yaku ni mo tatenai kono te ga kimi kara furerarete iru These hands of mine are no use, but are warmly stroked by yours
涙腺なんて切っといたのに ダメだな繋いでいて ruisen nante kittoita noni dame da na tsunaide ite I told myself I wouldn't cry anymore, but I guess not - so hold me...

ギュッと繋いでいて gyutto tsunaide ite Hold onto me tight...

English translation by vgperson


This song was featured on the following albums:

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