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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Ruumaa
English: Rumor
Original Upload Date
September 13, 2019
Police Piccadilly (music, lyrics)
680,000+ (NN), 2,200,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
だいぶ夢中だね daibu muchuu da ne You’re really into it
笑えもしない warae mo shinai I can’t just laugh it off
この忌々しさ引き取って頂戴 kono imaimashisa hikitotte choudai Hey, could you please get this frustration picked up?
そう問題なのは sou mondai na no wa You know, the problem is,
魔法みたいにさ mahou mitai ni sa just like a magic spell,
リセットされるのが早過ぎる risetto sareru no ga hayasugiru resetting works way too fast

霞が未だかかってるの kasumi ga imada kakatteru no Even now, the sight is shut out by fog
それこそメンタルやられるよ sore koso mentaru yarareru yo That's how your mind would be done in
ぶら下って切り抜けるなんてどう burasagatte kirinukeru nante dou Why don’t you break this situation through by hanging down?
嫌いになれない止めたいよ本当 kirai ni narenai yametai yo hontou I can't hate you, I want to stop, it's true

どうにも手に負えない...認めるよ dounimo te ni oenai... mitomeru yo It's really getting out of hand ... I admit it
歯痒くなるよ hagayuku naru yo I’m losing patience
思惑通りの振る舞いも omowakudoori no furumai mo Behaving just as planned too
すこぶるクールな your mind sukoburu kuuru na your mind Your mind is very calm
最高潮のtouch 跳ね上がる heartbeat saikouchou no touch haneagaru heartbeat At your incredible touch, I can’t stop this heartbeat
溺れてしまう 戻れないくらい oborete shimau modorenai kurai Drowning into you, I can’t get my mind back
踏み入れて廻るのさ satellite fumiirete mawaru no sa satellite I step inside and go round like a satellite
始めから分かってる hajime kara wakatteru Knew it all along

薄っぺらだね usuppera da ne You’re such a shallow one,
あぁまたヤな感じ aa mata ya na kanji ah, also nasty
気付いてないところが救い kizuitenai tokoro ga sukui The only hope is you’re not aware of yourself
誤魔化す才能 gomakasu sainou Talent for cheating
魔法みたいにさ mahou mitai ni sa just like a magic spell
本音の裏だって真後ろ過ぎ honne no ura datte maushiro sugi How come you hide feelings right behind your back?

際どいとこ突かれてるよ kiwadoi toko tsukareteru yo Such an edgy spot that you’re poking now,
訊きたいのはこっちのほう kikitai no wa kotchi no hou I’m the one who is asking for it
理想砕ける音と空色 risou kudakeru oto to sorairo The sound of my ideals gettings crushed and the colour of the sky
ろくでもないのに止めたいよ本当 roku demo nai no ni yametai yo hontou though I'm good-for-nothing I want to stop, it's true

どうにも手に負えない...認めるよ dounimo te ni oenai... mitomeru yo It's really getting out of hand ... I admit it
歯痒くなるよ hagayuku naru yo I’m losing patience
思惑通りの振る舞いも omowakudoori no furumai mo Behaving just as planned too
すこぶるクールな your mind sukoburu kuuru na your mind Your mind is very calm
最高潮のtouch 跳ね上がる heartbeat saikouchou no touch haneagaru heartbeat At your incredible touch, I can’t stop this heartbeat
溺れてしまう 戻れないくらい oborete shimau modorenai kurai Drowning into you, I can’t get my mind back
踏み入れて廻るのさ satellite fumiirete mawaru no sa satellite I step inside and go round like a satellite
始めから分かってる hajime kara wakatteru Knew it all along

隙間を埋めるほど sukima o umeru hodo The more I try to fill the gap,
導かれるのさ I'm greedy michibikareru no sa I'm greedy the more I’m led on – yes, I’m greedy
ほらあの呪いも悪くないだろなんて hora ano majinai mo waruku nai daro nante That magic you cast on me, to think it wasn’t bad after all
丸ごと何処か他所へやって marugoto dokoka yoso e yatte Throw away everything to some other place
新しい期待で満たす atarashii kitai de mitasu Fill my heart with new expectation
いつだって執拗だから itsu datte shitsuyou dakara Because I’m always a persistent one

どうにも手に負えない...認めるよ dounimo te ni oenai... mitomeru yo It's really getting out of hand ... I admit it
歯痒くなるよ hagayuku naru yo I’m losing patience
思惑通りの振る舞いも omowakudoori no furumai mo Behaving just as planned too
すこぶるクールな your mind sukoburu kuuru na your mind Your mind is very calm
最高潮のtouch 跳ね上がる heartbeat saikouchou no touch haneagaru heartbeat At your incredible touch, I can’t stop this heartbeat
溺れてしまう 戻れないくらい oborete shimau modorenai kurai Drowning into you, I can’t get my mind back
踏み入れて廻るのさ satellite fumiirete mawaru no sa satellite I step inside and go round like a satellite
始めから分かってる hajime kara wakatteru Knew it all along

English translation by Nate River, checked by Damesukekun, amended by ElectricRaichu


This song was featured on the following album(s):

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