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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Luka Luka Night Fever
Song title
Romaji: Ruka Ruka★Naito Fiibaa
English: Luka Luka★Night Fever
Original Upload Date
February 11, 2009
Megurine Luka
Samfree (music, lyrics)
HaruAki (illustration)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his user page.
Japanese Romaji English
ダメダメよ☆ dame dame yo☆ No you don't!

右から左へと言葉が流れる migi kara hidari e to kotoba ga nagareru Words flow from right to left[1]
退屈そうな顔 画面見つめる君 taikutsusou na kao gamen mitsumeru kimi You stare at the screen looking bored

次元の壁越えていつでも逢いに行く jigen no kabe koete itsudemo ai ni yuku I'll always come to meet you across the dimensional wall
心の準備をちゃんとしておいてね kokoro no junbi o chanto shite oite ne So get your heart ready

君のこと誰よりも分かってる kimi no koto dare yori mo wakatteru I understand you better than anyone
だから私に任せて dakara watashi ni makasete So leave everything to me
怖がらないで二人で踊りましょう kowagaranai de futari de odorimashou! Don't be scared, let's dance together

ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー ruka ruka ★ naito fiibaa Luka Luka Night Fever
はじけるリズムに合わせて hajikeru rizumu ni awasete Keep time with the popping rhythm
嫌なこと何もかも全部忘れて iya na koto nani mo ka mo zenbu wasurete Forget everything that's bad
ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー ruka ruka ★ naito fiibaa Luka Luka Night Fever
私はここに居るから watashi wa koko ni iru kara I'm right here
少しでも視線を逸らしちゃダメダメよ☆ sukoshi demo shisen o sorashicha dame dame yo☆ So you mustn't look away, not one bit!

重くて見れない日 兄貴に釣られた日 omokute mierenai hi aniki ni tsurareta hi When the video's slow and jerky, when you get click-baited,
心で呼んでみて すぐに飛んで行くわ kokoro de yonde mite sugu ni tonde yuku wa call me in your heart, I'll come flying to you straightaway

授業では教わらないことを jugyou de wa osowaranai koto o I'll teach you
君に教えてあげるわ kimi ni oshiete ageru wa what you won't learn at school
夜の扉を二人で開きましょう yoru no tobira o futari de hirakimashou☆ Let's open the door of the night together

ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー ruka ruka ★ naito fiibaa Luka Luka Night Fever
あふれる想いはFor you afureru omoi wa for you My overflowing feelings are for you
限りあるこの時を胸に刻んで kagiri aru kono toki o mune ni kizande While it lasts, etch this time in your heart
ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー ruka ruka ★ naito fiibaa Luka Luka Night Fever
朝日が昇ればサヨナラ asahi ga noboreba sayonara When the morning sun rises, it's goodbye
寂しそうなそんな目されてもダメだから☆ samishisou na sonna me sarete mo dame dakara Even looking at me with lonely eyes like that won't work

君のこと誰よりも分かってる kimi no koto dare yori mo wakatteru I understand you better than anyone
だから全てを晒して dakara subete o sarashite So reveal yourself completely
生まれた意味を二人で見つけましょう umareta imi o futari de mitsukemashou! Let's find together the reason we were born

ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー ruka ruka ★ naito fiibaa Luka Luka Night Fever
高まる鼓動を感じて takamaru kodou o kanjite Feel the rising beat
さあ覚悟できたらこの手をとって saa kakugo dekitara kono te o totte Now if you're ready, take my hand
ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー ruka ruka ★ naito fiibaa Luka Luka Night Fever
輝く君が好きなの kagayaku kimi ga suki na no I like how you shine
全力で飛び出そう zenryoku de tobidasou Let's take off at full strength
用意はいいかしら? youi wa ii kashira? But are you ready for it?

ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー ruka ruka ★ naito fiibaa Luka Luka Night Fever
はじけるリズムに合わせて hajikeru rizumu ni awasete Keep time with the popping rhythm
嫌なこと何もかも全部忘れて iya na koto nani mo ka mo zenbu wasurete Forget everything that's bad
ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー ruka ruka ★ naito fiibaa Luka Luka Night Fever
私はここに居るから watashi wa koko ni iru kara I'm right here
少しでも視線を逸らしちゃダメダメよ☆ sukoshi demo shisen o sorashicha dame dame yo☆ So you mustn't look away, not one bit!

ダメダメよ☆ dame dame yo☆ No you don't!

English translation by ElectricRaichu

Translation Notes

  1. On Niconico, user-submitted comments appear scrolling from right to left over the video.

Notable Derivatives

Tako luka Maguro Fever
Tako Luka★Maguro Fever
Featuring: Megurine Luka
Producer(s): JOKER (illustration)
Luka Luka Night Fever
Nana's Cover
Featuring: Nana
Kozue's Dance Cover
Kozue's Dance Cover
Featuring: Nana
Producer(s): Kozue (choreography)
Featuring: Nana


This song was featured on the following albums:

External Links

