! | Warning: This song contains questionable elements (Stalking, Mild Sexual Themes); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain questionable elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
! |
Song title | |||
"リンちゃんなう!" Romaji: Rin-chan Nau! English: Rin-chan nau! Official English: Rin-chan Now! | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
December 27, 2011 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka Kagamine Rin (chorus) | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
3,500,000+ (NN), 4,500,000+ (YT), 8,900+ (BB) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed) | |||
"Since it's the Kagamines' birthday festival, Rin-chan made an all-out effort to be the main character." |
Alternate Versions
OwataP's self-cover |
Upload date: March 26, 2012 |
Featuring: OwataP |
NN |
sezu's self-cover |
Upload date: April 13, 2012 |
Featuring: sezu |
NN |
Singers | Hatsune Miku | Megurine Luka | Kagamine Rin | Miku and Luka |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
リンちゃんなう! リンちゃんなう!! リンちゃんリンちゃんリンちゃんなう!!! | rin-chan nau! rin-chan nau!! rin-chan rin-chan rin-chan nau!!! | Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now!! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-chan now!!! |
リンちゃんなう! リンちゃんなう!! リンちゃんリンちゃんリンちゃんなう!!! | rin-chan nau! rin-chan nau!! rin-chan rin-chan rin-chan nau!!! | Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now!! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-chan now!!! |
リンちゃんなう! リンちゃんなう!! リンちゃんリンちゃんリンちゃんなう!!! | rin-chan nau! rin-chan nau!! rin-chan rin-chan rin-chan nau!!! | Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now!! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-chan now!!! |
リンちゃんなう! リンちゃんなう!! リンちゃんリンちゃんリンちゃんなう!!! | rin-chan nau! rin-chan nau!! rin-chan rin-chan rin-chan nau!!! | Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now!! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-chan now!!! |
(^ω^≡^ω^) おっおっおっおっ | (^ω^≡^ω^) o o o o | (^ω^≡^ω^) oh oh oh oh |
リンちゃんをぎゅーぎゅーしたいな じたじたするのを押さえ込んでぎゅーってしたいな | rin-chan o gyuugyuu shitai na jitajita suru no o osaekonde gyuutte shitai na | I want to go huggie-huggie with Rin-chan. Trembling with excitement, I want to pin her down and squeeze her in my embrace. |
腕噛まれるのもアリだよ 噛んでいいよ リンちゃん | ude kamareru no mo ari da yo kande ii yo rin-chan | Of course, it's not impossible for her to bite my arm. You can bite if you want, Rin-chan! |
リンちゃんと二人で買い物に行くことになって、 | rin-chan to futari de kaimono ni iku koto ni natte, | I want to go shopping together with Rin-chan, and then, with a nonchalant expression, |
なんでもない顔で「デートだねー」って言ってめちゃくちゃに意識させたい。 | nan de mo nai kao de "deeto da nee" tte itte mechakucha ni ishiki sasetai. | say to her, "This is a date, right?", just to make her extremely conscious of it. |
リンちゃんのリボンはカチューシャについていますが、 | rin-chan no ribon wa kachuusha ni tsuite imasu ga, | Rin-chan's ribbon is attached to an Alice band. |
朝、こっそり猫耳にすり替えて、いつ気づくかなーと思っていたら、 | asa, kossori nekomimi ni surikaete, itsu kizuku ka naa to omotte itara, | In the morning, I want to stealthily switch it with a set of cat ears, just to see how long it'll take her to notice, |
リンちゃんが出かけたのにぼくが気付かず、 | rin-chan ga dekaketa no ni boku ga kizukazu, | but before I could notice, Rin-chan would have already gone out of the house, and when she'd finally have returned in the evening, |
夕方帰ってきたリンちゃんが猫耳カチューシャを握りしめて真っ赤な顔で睨んできたため、反省したい。 | yuugata kaette kita rin-chan ga nekomimi kachuusha o nigirishimete makka na kao de nirande kita tame, hansei shitai. | she'd grip her cat-ear headband in her hand and glare my way with a red face, so that I could reflect on my wrongdoing. |
(^ω^≡^ω^) おっおっおっおっ | (^ω^≡^ω^) o o o o | (^ω^≡^ω^) oh oh oh oh |
リンちゃんをちやほやしたい。 | rin-chan o chiyahoya shitai. | I want to make Rin-chan the center of my pampering attention. |
ちやほやされ慣れてないリンちゃんが挙動不審になるのを見て、 | chiyahoya sarenaretenai rin-chan ga kyodoufushin ni naru no o mite, | While watching Rin-chan acting nervously and suspiciously because she's not used to having others' attention, |
さらにちやほやしたい。ちやほやしたい。 | sarani chiyahoya shitai. chiyahoya shitai. | I want to give her even more attention. I want to spoil her even more. |
リンちゃんがPixivで「鏡音リン R18」で検索をかけるのを全力で阻止したい。 | rin-chan ga Pixiv de "kagamine rin R-juuhachi" de kensaku o kakeru no o zenryoku de soshi shitai. | I want to do whatever I can to prevent Rin-chan from searching "Kagamine Rin R-18" on Pixiv. |
ボーマス会場ではリンちゃんにルカコスしてもらいたい。 | boomasu kaijou de wa rin-chan ni rukakosu shite moraitai. | At the event place of VOC@LOiD M@STER, I want to have Rin-chan cosplay as Luka. |
しかし、強烈な違和感を発するぺったんこな胸に無意識に目がいってしまい、 | shikashi, kyouretsu na iwakan o hassuru pettanko na mune ni muishiki ni me ga itte shimai, | I want to subconsciously move the focus of my eyes to her out-of-place flat chest, |
「も、もう着替えるっ」と逃げ出そうとするリンちゃんを必死にフォローしたい。 | "mo, mou kigaeru" to nigedasou to suru rin-chan o hisshi ni foroo shitai. | causing her to say "I'm changing it back." and try to run away, so that I can frantically chase after her. |
(^ω^≡^ω^) おっおっおっおっ | (^ω^≡^ω^) o o o o | (^ω^≡^ω^) oh oh oh oh |
朝起きるといきなり成長していたリンちゃんに、 | asa okiru to ikinari seichou shite ita rin-chan ni, | When I wake up in the morning, I want to find a suddenly more grown Rin-chan, |
どう接していいかわからずに食事中も言葉少なになり、 | dou sesshite ii ka wakarazu ni shokujichuu mo kotobazukuna ni nari, | and I will remain quiet at my lunch table because I'll be too busy thinking about how to approach her, |
ピンクのお茶碗とか使わせてるのが何故か申し訳なくなりたい。 | pinku no ochawan to ka tsukawaseteru no ga nazeka moushiwake naku naritai. | and I want to feel somehow apologetic for making her use a pink bowl. |
食後、お皿洗うねとか言われても | shokugo, osara arau ne to ka iwarete mo | After the meal, even if she says to me that she will do the dishes, |
「あっぼくがやります!」とか敬語になりたい。 | "a boku ga yarimasu!" to ka keigo ni naritai. | I still want to be polite and respectful by replying "Ah, I shall do it!" |
リンちゃんなう! リンちゃんなう!! リンちゃんリンちゃんリンちゃんなう!!! | rin-chan nau! rin-chan nau!! rin-chan rin-chan rin-chan nau!!! | Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-chan now!!! |
リンちゃんなう! リンちゃんなう!! リンちゃんリンちゃんリンちゃんなう!!! | rin-chan nau! rin-chan nau!! rin-chan rin-chan rin-chan nau!!! | Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-chan now!!! |
リンちゃんなう! リンちゃんなう!! リンちゃんリンちゃんリンちゃんなう!!! | rin-chan nau! rin-chan nau!! rin-chan rin-chan rin-chan nau!!! | Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-chan now!!! |
リンちゃんなう! リンちゃんなう!! リンちゃんリンちゃんリンちゃんなう!!! | rin-chan nau! rin-chan nau!! rin-chan rin-chan rin-chan nau!!! | Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-chan now!!! |
(^ω^≡^ω^) おっおっおっおっ | (^ω^≡^ω^) o o o o | (^ω^≡^ω^) oh oh oh oh |
リンちゃんがバイト禁止なのにメイド喫茶でメイドさんしてるのに出くわして、 | rin-chan ga baito kinshi na no ni meido kissa de meido-san shiteru no ni dekuwashite, | I want to come across Rin-chan working as a maid at a maid cafe when she's not allowed to have a part-time job, |
ぎこちない姿を納めたい。 | gikochinai sugata o osametai. | and I want to fully enjoy her flustered and nervous reaction when she sees me. |
リンちゃんがいつまでたっても敬語なので、 | rin-chan ga itsu made datte mo keigo na no de, | Since Rin-chan always speaks in a formal way, whenever she does that, |
そのたびに「そんな緊張しなくていいよ」「はっ、はい」みたいな会話を毎回やりたい。 | sono tabi ni "sonna kinchou shinakute ii yo" "ha, hai" mitai na kaiwa o maikai yaritai. | I want to gear the conversation towards something on the line of "You don't need to be so tense." "Ye…Yes ma'am!" |
魔法少女か…って呟いてるリンちゃんに | mahou shoujo ka…tte tsubuyaiteru rin-chan ni | When Rin murmurs to herself "Magical Girl, huh…?" |
「リンちゃんが魔法少女になったらマジックリンだね」とか声をかけたくて、 | "rin-chan ga mahou shoujo ni nattara majikkurin da ne" to ka koe o kaketakute, | I want to say to her, "If Rin-chan is a magical girl, she would probably be called MagicaRin." |
でもきっと苦笑いしか返ってこないから我慢したい。 | demo kitto nigawarai shika kaette konai kara gaman shitai. | But since I would most likely only get a bitter smile back, I'll want to keep that thought to myself. |
(^ω^≡^ω^) おっおっおっおっ | (^ω^≡^ω^) o o o o | (^ω^≡^ω^) oh oh oh oh |
疲れて帰ってきたリンちゃんがソファで隣に座って、 | tsukarete kaette kita rin-chan ga sofa de tonari ni suwatte, | When Rin-chan comes back tired and sits right next to me on the sofa, |
そのまま肩に寄りかかって寝てしまい、あたたかくなりたい。 | sono mama kata ni yorikakatte nete shimai, atatakaku naritai. | I want her to lean on my shoulder and sleep, so that I'll feel warm. |
リンちゃんが目を閉じて唇をこちらに向けるので、 | rin-chan ga me o tojite kuchibiru o kochira ni mukeru no de, | I want Rin to close her eyes and stick her lips my way, |
しばし動揺して迷って、それを表に出さないように、でこぴんしたい。 | shibashi douyou shite mayotte, sore o omote ni dasanai you ni, dekopin shitai. | and then I, although feeling uneasy and unsure, would try to act cool and flick her forehead. |
町で出会ったリンちゃんはなんとメガネをつけており、 | machi de deatta rin-chan wa nanto megane o tsukete ori, | I want to run into Rin-chan in the street when she's wearing glasses, |
声をかけると「普段はコンタクトなんだけどね!」と | koe o kakeru to "fudan wa kontakuto nan da kedo ne!" to | and I want her to say some excuses such as "I normally wear contacts, okay?!" |
言い訳するけど、そのメガネも似合ってんじゃん、 | iiwake suru kedo, sono megane mo niatten jan, | Then, when I comment honestly on how nice her glasses actually look on her, |
と本心を口にしたところ、俯いて無言になられたい。 | to honshin o kuchi ni shita tokoro, utsumuite mugon ni nararetai. | I want her to hang her head and stay quiet out of embarrassment. |
(^ω^≡^ω^) おっおっおっおっ | (^ω^≡^ω^) o o o o | (^ω^≡^ω^) oh oh oh oh |
「ずっと前から好きでした」ってメールをリンちゃんから貰い、どきっとしたい。 | "zutto mae kara suki deshita" tte meeru o rin-chan kara morai, dokitto shitai. | I want to get a text from Rin-chan that says "I've loved you for a long time." and feel startled. |
「嘘つくなw」と送ると「バレた?でもこんなメール送れるのキミくらいだからさw」 | "usotsukuna w" to okuru to "bareta? demo konna meeru okureru no kimi kurai dakara sa w" | After I reply "You're funny lol", and get all worked up and excited from her next text that says |
って返ってきてドキドキしたあと | tte kaette kite dokidoki shita ato | "Oopsies, but you're about the only person I can send this kind of text to lol", I want to then get another text |
「もちろん嘘!」と来て、何も信じられなくなりたい。 | "mochiron uso!" to kite, nani mo shinjirarenaku naritai. | that says "Just kidding of course!", which will make me become jaded and unable to believe anything anymore. |
リンちゃんなう! リンちゃんなう!! リンちゃんリンちゃんリンちゃんなう!!! | rin-chan nau! rin-chan nau!! rin-chan rin-chan rin-chan nau!!! | Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now!! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-chan now!!! |
リンちゃんなう! リンちゃんなう!! リンちゃんリンちゃんリンちゃんなう!!! | rin-chan nau! rin-chan nau!! rin-chan rin-chan rin-chan nau!!! | Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now!! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-chan now!!! |
リンちゃんなう! リンちゃんなう!! リンちゃんリンちゃんリンちゃんなう!!! | rin-chan nau! rin-chan nau!! rin-chan rin-chan rin-chan nau!!! | Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now!! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-chan now!!! |
リンちゃんなう! リンちゃんなう!! リンちゃんリンちゃんリンちゃんなう!!! | rin-chan nau! rin-chan nau!! rin-chan rin-chan rin-chan nau!!! | Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now!! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-chan now!!! |
リンちゃんなう! リンちゃんなう!! リンちゃんリンちゃんリンちゃんなう!!! | rin-chan nau! rin-chan nau!! rin-chan rin-chan rin-chan nau!!! | Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now!! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-chan now!!! |
リンちゃんなう! リンちゃんなう!! リンちゃんリンちゃんリンちゃんなう!!! | rin-chan nau! rin-chan nau!! rin-chan rin-chan rin-chan nau!!! | Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now!! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-chan now!!! |
リンちゃんなう! リンちゃんなう!! リンちゃんリンちゃんリンちゃんなう!!! | rin-chan nau! rin-chan nau!! rin-chan rin-chan rin-chan nau!!! | Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now!! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-chan now!!! |
リンちゃんなう! リンちゃんなう!! リンちゃんリンちゃんリンちゃんなう!!! | rin-chan nau! rin-chan nau!! rin-chan rin-chan rin-chan nau!!! | Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now!! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-chan now!!! |
リンちゃんなう! リンちゃんなう!! リンちゃんリンちゃんリンちゃんなう!!! | rin-chan nau! rin-chan nau!! rin-chan rin-chan rin-chan nau!!! | Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now!! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-chan now!!! |
English translation by animeyay
Notable Derivatives
Len-kyun Now! |
Featuring: Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka |
NN / YT |
Magical☆Rin-chan Nau! SSs |
Featuring: Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka |
NN / YT |
Rin-chan Nau! Seasons |
Featuring: Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka |
NN / YT |
recog's cover |
Featuring: recog |
NN |
Underbar's cover |
Featuring: Underbar |
NN |
レンくんなう! (Len-kun Now!) |
Featuring: 96neko |
NN |
A parody by 96neko about being obsessed with Len.
This song was featured on the following albums:
- Bonus \(^o^)/
- V love 25 -Brave Heart-
- EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalogemini feat. Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len
- 初音ミク -Project DIVA- F Complete Collection (Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- F Complete Col
- Vocaloid Ultra Best -impacts-
- Odori Voca!! ~Odottemita Selection~
- THE BEST of OwataP Bunan.
External Links
- piapro - Karaoke
- pixiv - Illustration
- Ichijinsha - Novel and manga site