! | Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors. People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised. |
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Song title | |||
"リモコン" Romaji: Rimokon Official English: Remote Control / Remote Controller | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
February 15, 2011 | |||
Singer | |||
Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
3,100,000+ (NN), 9,200,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed) | |||
Alternate Versions
-2017ver.- |
Upload date: April 24, 2017 |
Featuring: Kagamine Rin & Len |
Producer(s): Jesus-P (music, lyrics) Glider (illustration) |
NN / YT |
Singer | Len | Rin | Both |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
これが私をリモートコントロールする機械です | kore ga watashi o rimooto kontorooru suru kikai desu | This is the machine that remotely controls me |
少し歪な形しておりますが、使えます。 (Fooo!!) | sukoshi ibitsu na katachi shite orimasu ga tsukaemasu. (Fooo!!) | Its shape is a bit awkward, but it works (Fooo!!) |
UP SIDE DOWN A B A B B A B A 左 右 | UP SIDE DOWN A B A B B A B A hidari migi | UP SIDE DOWN A B A B B A B A Left Right |
L R L R STOP & DASH & UP & TALK 異常ナシ | L R L R STOP & DASH & UP & TALK ijou nashi | L R L R STOP & DASH & UP & TALK No problem |
もうちょっとで外に出られるのにな | mou chotto de soto ni derareru no ni na | I almost got outside |
どうやってもうまくいかね。 | dou yatte mo umaku ika ne. | But there's no way I can do that |
まだまだ足りない (Fooo!!) | mada, mada, tarinai! (Fooo!!) | Still, still, it's not enough! (Fooo!!) |
座る 座る (oh) SIT DOWN PLEASE (YEAH!) | suwaru suwaru (oh) SIT DOWN PLEASE (YEAH!) | Sittin' down, sittin' down, (oh) SIT DOWN PLEASE (YEAH!) |
フィードバックに体預けて | fiidobakku ni karada azukete | Lettin' the body lie on feedback |
廻る 廻る (oh) TURN IT AROUND (YEAH!) | meguru meguru (oh) TURN IT AROUND (YEAH!) | Goin' around, goin' around, (oh) TURN IT AROUND (YEAH!) |
うなりをあげて、モーター状態 | unari o agete mootaa joutai | Buzzin' like a motor |
踊る 踊る (oh) DANCIN' NIGHT (YEAH!) | odoru odoru (oh) DANCIN' NIGHT (YEAH!) | Dancin', dancin', (oh) DANCIN' NIGHT (YEAH!) |
マッシュアップでもれなくアガる。 | masshuappu de morenaku agaru. | Goin' up with mashup without expectation |
声を (Fooo!!) あげて (oh) SINGIN' NOW (YEAH!) | koe o (Fooo!!) agete (oh) SINGIN' NOW (YEAH!) | Beltin' (Fooo!!) out, (oh) SINGIN' NOW (YEAH!) |
あの子よりもうまく歌いたい。 | ano ko yori mo umaku utaitai. | I wanna sing better than him |
これがボクをリモートで操縦できる機械です。 | kore ga boku o rimooto de soujuu dekiru kikai desu. | This is the machine that can remotely control me |
説明書は紛失しておりますが使えます。 | setsumeisho wa funshitsu shite orimasu ga tsukaemasu. | The instructions are missing but it works |
UP SIDE DOWN A B A B B A B A 右 左 | UP SIDE DOWN A B A B B A B A migi hidari | UP SIDE DOWN A B A B B A B A Right Left |
L R L R STOP & DASH & UP & TALK 異常ナシ | L R L R STOP & DASH & UP & TALK Ijou nashi | L R L R STOP & DASH & UP & TALK No problem |
からかってるみたいないつもの顔 (余裕でしょ?) | karakatteru mitaina itsumo no kao (yoyuu desho?) | A teasing look is on her face as always (It's easy for you, right?) |
今日はかなり本気だぜ? | kyou wa kanari honki da ze? | I'm gonna bring it on today okay? |
ほらすぐキメるぜ | hora sugu kimeru ze | Now I'm gonna settle it |
座る 座る (oh) SIT DOWN PLEASE (YEAH!) | suwaru suwaru (oh) SIT DOWN PLEASE (YEAH!) | Sittin' down, sittin' down, (oh) SIT DOWN PLEASE (YEAH!) |
トークバックを頭に挿して | tooku bakku o atama ni sashite | Puttin' a headset on my head |
廻る 廻る (oh) TURN IT AROUND (YEAH!) | mawaru mawaru (oh) TURN IT AROUND (YEAH!) | Goin' around, goin' around, (oh) TURN IT AROUND (YEAH!) |
ちょっと待って、スタンバイ状態 | chotto matte, sutanbai joutai | Wait a sec, it went on standby |
踊る 踊る (oh) DANCIN' NIGHT (YEAH!) | odoru odoru (oh) DANCIN' NIGHT (YEAH!) | Dancin', dancin', (oh) DANCIN' NIGHT (YEAH!) |
ジャストフィットなリズムを出して | jasuto fitto na rizumu o dashite | Puttin' out the rhythm that perfectly fits |
唸り (aohh!!) あげる (oh) SINGIN' NOW (YEAH!) | unari (aohh!!) ageru (oh) SINGIN' NOW (YEAH!) | Buzzin' (aohh!!) Come on (oh) SINGIN' NOW (YEAH!) |
アイツよりも高く歌いたい | aitsu yori mo takaku utaitai | I wanna sing higher than her |
惚れた晴れたの七色侍 | horeta hareta no nanairo samurai | The love and romance of seven-coloured samurai |
洗いざらい主張する存在 | araizarai shuchousuru sonzai | The existences that claimed everythin' and anythin' |
思い違いが透けてる塩梅 | omoichigai ga suketeru anbai | Misconceptions can be seen through in that manner |
怖いくらいの |
kowai kurai no wakuteka joutai | It's so awe-inspiringly excitin' it's scary |
気にしないのがアナタのポリシー? | ki ni shinai no ga anata no porishii? | Is "not-worrying" your policy? |
悩んでいてもお腹は減るし | nayande ite mo onaka wa herushi | Even if you worry you'll get hungry |
なんだかんだで世間はヘルシー | nanda kanda de seken wa herushii | Anyhow anyway the world is healthy |
お気を確かにぬるま湯男子ぃ! | oki o tashika ni nurumayu danshi! | Get a hold of yourself dull boy! |
いぃい… | iii… | Iii… |
もうちょっとでスキマ埋まるのにな (埋まるのに) | mou chotto de sukima umaru no ni na (umaru noni) | The gap was almost filled (almost filled) |
どうやってもうまくいかね。 | dou yatte mo umaku ika ne. | But there's no way I can do that |
ああもう時間が足りない | aa, mou jikan ga tarinai | Ah, there isn't much time left now |
座る 座る (oh) SIT DOWN PLEASE (YEAH!) | suwaru suwaru (oh) SIT DOWN PLEASE (YEAH!) | Sittin' down, sittin' down, (oh) SIT DOWN PLEASE (YEAH!) |
フィードバックに体預けて | fiidobakku ni karada azukete | Lettin' the body lie on feedback |
廻る 廻る (oh) TURN IT AROUND (YEAH!) | meguru meguru (oh) TURN IT AROUND (YEAH!) | Goin' around, goin' around, (oh) TURN IT AROUND (YEAH!) |
うなりをあげて、モーター状態 | unari o agete mootaa joutai | Buzzin' like a motor |
踊る 踊る (oh) DANCIN' NIGHT (YEAH!) | odoru odoru (oh) DANCIN' NIGHT (YEAH!) | Dancin', dancin', (oh) DANCIN' NIGHT (YEAH!) |
マッシュアップでもれなくアガる。 | masshuappu de morenaku agaru. | Goin' up with mashup without expectation |
声を (Fooo!!) あげて (oh) SINGIN' NOW (YEAH!) | koe o (Fooo!!) agete (oh) SINGIN' NOW (YEAH!) | Beltin' (Fooo!!) out, (oh) SING IN' NOW (YEAH!) |
あの子みたいなヒトになりたい | ano ko mitai na hito ni naritai | I wanna be someone like him |
座る 座る SIT DOWN PLEASE | suwaru suwaru SIT DOWN PLEASE | Sittin' down, sittin' down, SIT DOWN PLEASE |
廻る 廻る TURN IT AROUND | meguru meguru TURN IT AROUND | Goin' around, goin' around, TURN IT AROUND |
踊る 踊る DANCIN' NIGHT | odoru odoru DANCIN' NIGHT | Dancin', dancin', DANCIN' NIGHT |
声をあげて SINGIN' NOW あの子みたいなヒトになりたい | koe o agete SINGIN' NOW ano ko mitai na hito ni naritai | Beltin' out, SINGIN' NOW, I wanna be someone like him |
English translation by Blacksaingrain
Notable Derivatives
Lon and Soraru's cover |
Featuring: Lon and Soraru |
kradness and Reol's cover |
Featuring: kradness and Reol |
Glutamine's cover |
Featuring: Glutamine |
NN |
Saiya's cover |
Featuring: Saiya |
NN |
JubyPhonic's English cover |
Featuring: JubyPhonic |
Tokino Sora and Roboco's cover |
Featuring: Tokino Sora and Roboco |
YT |
Tokoyami Towa and Momosuzu Nene's cover |
Featuring: Tokoyami Towa and Momosuzu Nene |
YT |
This song was featured on the following albums:
- ワン★オポ!VOL.04
- EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalonation feat. 初音ミク
- 初音ミク Vision
- Vocalogemini
- KING&KNIGHT-ワン★オポ!BEST VOL.01- (KING&KNIGHT -Wan★Opo! BEST VOL.01-) (album)
- Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- F Complete Collection
- ボカロデュエット・コレクション
- 月刊eta Vol.09
- Hatsune Miku “Magical Mirai 2015″ OFFICIAL ALBUM (album)
- ワン★オポ! THE BEST OF BEST!! (Wan★Opo! THE BEST OF BEST!!) (album)
- Miku dé Nihongo
- 初音ミク Project DIVA MEGA39’s 10th アニバーサリーコレクション (Hatsune Miku Project DIVA MEGA39's 10th Anniversary Collection) (album)
- 音ゲーアルバム ~その1~ (Otogame Album ~Sono 1~) (album)
- 鏡音リン・レン 10th Anniversary -LODESTAR- (Kagamine Rin Len 10th Anniversary -LODESTAR-) (album)
A cover of this song for the game Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku was featured on the following albums: