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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
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Risky Game
Song title
Romaji: Risukii Geemu
English: Risky Game
Original Upload Date
January 6, 2011
Hatsune Miku
Kurousa-P (music, lyrics)
Ittomaru (illustration)
Mienohito (video)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)


Japanese Romaji English
会いたい気持ちで僕を aitai kimochi de boku o You're trying to make me suffer
苦しませたいんだろう? kurushimasetain darou? By making me miss you, aren't you?
だいたい君を把握してる daitai kimi o haaku shiteru I have a pretty good idea of what goes on in your head.
思惑を排除 omowaku o haijo Let's get rid of all these speculations,
最低なキスをしよう saitei na kisu o shiyou And kiss in the worst way possible.

そして僕は soshite boku wa Then, I, either
白か黒か shiro ka kuro ka White or black or something,
背中合わせの悪夢 senaka awase no akumu standing back-to-back with a nightmare,
深海から shinkai kara will open my eyes
響く様な声で目が覚める hibiku you na koe de me ga sameru At a voice echoing from deep under the sea.

冷たい水で潤して tsumetai mizu de uruoshite I dampened myself with cold water,
振り払った furiharatta And then shook it off.
駆け引きばかりの日々でも kakehiki bakari no hibi demo Even in these days with constantly on-going love tactics and setups,
愛し愛されて aishi aisarete I have an addiction to loving
アディクション adikushon And being loved.

会いたい気持ちで僕は aitai kimochi de boku wa The fact I'm missing you
囚われた感覚 torawareta kankaku Is making me feel imprisoned.
だいたい君を把握してる daitai kimi o haaku shiteru I have a pretty good idea of what goes on in your head.
臨界を削除 rinkai o sakujo Let's get rid of all our bounds and limits,
侵食は始まった shinshoku wa hajimatta And let the encroachment begin.

歪みだした yugami dashita As the delicate distance
微妙な距離 bimyou na kyori Between us begins to deform,
隙を伺いだすミッション suki o ukagaidasu misshon I'm on my mission to peek into that crevice.
ありきたりな言葉で踏み込む arikitari na kotoba de fumikomu I'll break in with my usual customary words.
so what? so what? So what?
毎回さ maikai sa I do that all the time!

雄弁な君を見てると yuuben na kimi o miteru to Even when I completely understand
解ってはいても wakatte wa ite mo Your eloquent arguments,
極端なたとえ話で kyokutan na tatoebanashi de I still feel I'm merely being tamed
手懐けられた気にもなる tenazuke rareta ki ni mo naru By your extreme analogies.

限界まで近づいて genkai made chikazuite I am approaching my limit,
だけど超えられない dakedo koe rarenai But cannot seem to exceed it.
そういう事で今日もまた sou iu koto de kyou mo mata That's why today, once again,
意味深な態度 imishin na taido I will sleep while getting lost
迷いながら眠って mayoi nagara nemutte In your intriguing attitude.

最終まであと5分 saishuu made ato gofun It's 5 minutes till the end,
無くなった口数 naku natta kuchikazu And we have just about run out of things to say.
「来週またね」なんて声 "raishuu mata ne" nante koe "See ya next week!" said you, casually.
揺れるコートへと手を伸ばした yureru kooto eto te o nobashita However, I reached my hand to your swaying coat.

そして soshite And then,

会いたい気持ちで僕を aitai kimochi de boku o Don't make me suffer
苦しませないでくれ kurushimasenaide kure By making me miss you, would you?
結局君が把握してる kekkyoku kimi ga haaku shiteru In the end, it is you, not me, who have had a good grasp of the situation.
掛け金は削除 kakekin wa sakujo Let's get rid of the locks,
最高のキスをしよう saikou no kisu o shiyou And kiss in the most heavenly way possible.

English translation by animeyay


This song was featured on the following albums:

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