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Song title
Romaji: Ra Myuzetto Oo Kurokkuwaaku
Official English: La Musette O'Clockwork
Original Upload Date
August 10, 2019
nyanyannya (music, lyrics)
Yokanko (illustration)
32,000+ (YT), 1,800+ (BB)
YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast


The following translation was made by bluepenguin, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on their website.
Japanese Romaji English
差し掛けのシリンダーオイル 蒸気鳴りはせがむ sashikake no shirindaa oiru jouki nari wa segamu With cylinder oil held over me, the whistling of steam pesters me
眠たげなシャルトリューと仰ぐ空 nemutage na sharutoryuu to aogu sora I look up at the sky with a sleepy chartreux
始まっているという未来はリボンが巻かれ hajimatte iru to iu mirai wa ribon ga makare The future they say is starting is wrapped in ribbons
ディオールボウの環から明日に見とれた diooru bou no wa kara asu ni mitoreta I was fascinated by the tomorrow encircled in the Dior bow[1]

蜜の溶けた海にいのち浮かべて mitsu no toketa umi ni inochi ukabete My life floats in the sea of melted honey
記憶の岸を離れてくれないか? kioku no kishi o hanarete kurenai ka? Won’t you leave the shore of memory for me?

La Musette O'Clockwork(ラ・ミュゼット・オー・クロックワーク) 夢の何処かで ra myuzetto oo kurokkuwaaku yume no dokoka de La Musette O’Clockwork, somewhere in my dreams
ラピスラズリの尾を曳いて rapisu razuri no o o hiite I pull the lapis-lazuli tail;
捜し捜せどまぼろし sagashi sagasedo maboroshi though I search and search, I’m mistaken
La Musette O’Pavois(ラ・ミュゼット・オー・パヴォア) 歯車は踊る ra myuzetto oo pavoa haguruma wa odoru La Musette O’Pavois, the gears are dancing
宝石(ジュエル)ケースに光り輝く jueru keesu ni hikari kagayaku A light shines on the jewel case
甘い痛みの霧の中で amai itami no kiri no naka de from within a sweet haze of pain

一巻の想い出はナイトレートフィルム hitomaki no omoide wa naitoreeto firumu My memories are a single reel on nitrate film
物語に追われて縺れながら駆ける monogatari ni owarete motsure nagare kakeru Pursued by stories, with my feet tangled up, I’m running

乗り捨てた身体に別れのワルツ norisuteta karada ni wakare no warutsu A farewell waltz with the body I’ve abandoned
刻む脚はエルム材の義足 kizamu ashi wa erumuzai no gisoku The feet that beat out the rhythm are carved of elm wood

La Musette O'Clockwork(ラ・ミュゼット・オー・クロックワーク) いっそ決め付けて ra myuzetto oo kurokkuwaaku isso kimetsukete La Musette O’Clockwork, better to jump to conclusions
カンパニュラに咲く言葉は kanpanyura ni saku kotoba wa The words that bloom in the campanula
過ぎゆく時の報い sugiyuku toki no mukui are recompense for time gone by
La Musette O’Pavois(ラ・ミュゼット・オー・パヴォア) 真鍮に嗤えど ra myuzetto oo pavoa shinchuu ni waraedo La Musette O’Pavois, though my smile is of brass
振り返れば星詠みの沙漠 furikaereba hoshi yomi no sabaku When I turn back I see a desert of astrology;
旧いドレスで灰の砂を食む furui doresu de hai no suna o hamu in my old dress, I eat the ashy sand

La Musette O'Clockwork(ラ・ミュゼット・オー・クロックワーク) 沈む喫水線 ra myuzetto oo kurokkuwaaku shizumu kissuisen La Musette O’Clockwork, the water line is receding
打ち上げられた泥の中で uchiagerareta doro no naka de In the mud that’s washed up,
眠り眠る泡沫 nemuri nemuru utakata bubbles are sleeping
La Musette O’Pavois(ラ・ミュゼット・オー・パヴォア) 飾り旗が鳴き ra myuzetto oo pavoa kazaribata ga naki La Musette O’Pavois, the strings of decorative flags cry out
機械仕掛けの海鳥唄う kikaijikake no umidori utau Mechanical sea birds sing
濡れた簧の調べと nureta shita no shirabe to with the melody of a dampened reed[2]
蜜の海に浸され mitsu no umi ni hitasare I submerge myself in the sea of honey
緋色に錆びた時を漂う hiiro ni sabita toki o tadayou Floating on the scarlet rust of time

La Musette O'Clockwork(ラ・ミュゼット・オー・クロックワーク) ra myuzetto oo kurokkuwaaku La Musette O'Clockwork
La Musette O'Clockwork(ラ・ミュゼット・オー・クロックワーク) ra myuzetto oo kurokkuwaaku La Musette O'Clockwork
La Musette O'Clockwork(ラ・ミュゼット・オー・クロックワーク) ra myuzetto oo kurokkuwaaku La Musette O'Clockwork

English translation by bluepenguin

Translation Notes[]

  1. A type of fancy bow used for wrapping presents; here’s an example.
  2. As of a woodwind instrument.

External Links[]
