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Lifeline Junky Rin
Song title
English: Lifeline
Original Upload Date
April 25, 2012
Kagamine Rin
Junky (chorus)
Junky (music, lyrics)
Kintarou (illustration)
Parmy (video)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)


Japanese Romaji English
少年は手にしたんだ 嘘みたいな未来図を Shounen wa te ni shitanda uso mitai na mirai zu o A vision of the future that seems like a lie, the boy took it as his own
これが運命(さだめ)だと回りだしたんだ kore ga sadame dato mawari dashitanda If this is fate, then it’s begun to turn

まだ青臭い棘出して 敵しかいないと豪語して Mada ao kusai toge dashite teki shika inai to gougo shite Once again flourishing immature thorns, boasting only to a rival,
「いないいないばあ」 ほら、見えたろ? これが意地ばっか張った末路か “Inai inai baa” hora, mie taro? Kore ga iji bakka hatta matsuro ka “Peekaboo”, can you see me!? Are these just the dying gasps of trying to show your backbone?
誘導ミサイルみたいな 現代語なんかで息巻いて yuudou misairu mitaina gendaigo nankade iki mai te Spouting off like a guided missile with that modern speak
それが人間の(さが)だと 影でそっと舌を巻く sore ga ningen no saga dato kage desotto shita o maku If that’s a human’s fate then I’ll just quietly be speechless in the shadows

YES か NO で答える 奔放な世界 YES ka NO de kotaeru honpou na sekai A crazy world that gives answers in YES and NO
それがいいからココに来たんでしょ sore ga ii kara koko ni kitan desho It would be nice if such a thing existed here, wouldn’t it?

3 2 1 で飛び出した 先はどんな世界だろう 3 2 1 de tobidashita saki wa donna sekai darou Taking off with a 3,2,1, what kind of world would that be I wonder?
必要アイテムなんて 重要じゃない hitsuyou aitemu nante juuyou janai Something like an essential item wouldn’t matter
少年は手にしたんだ 嘘みたいな未来図を shounen wa te ni shitanda uso mitai na mirai zu o A vision of the future that seems like a lie, the boy took it as his own
これが運命(さだめ)だと回りだしたんだ kore ga sadame dato mawari dashitanda If this is fate, then it’s begun to turn…
錆びた歯車が sabita haguruma ga That rusted gear

それならこうだと果敢に (まく)し立てるはなにぞや代官 Sore nara kou dato kakan ni maku shitateru wa nanizoya daikan If that’s the case then I’ll step forward with determination, somehow like an Edo-era magistrate
顔色ばっか(うかが)っている その性根(しょうね)から臭うバニラ kao iro bakka ukagatte iru sono shoune kara niou banira Only looking out for one’s appearance, such a nature gives off the scent of vanilla
正真正銘の愛と 分からないように泳がして shoushin shoumei no ai to waka ranai you ni oyoga shite Just swimming about like you know nothing of genuine love
正々堂々挑んだ 惨めな正義だね seisei doudou idonda mijime na seigi da ne A fair and honest challenge, it’s some miserable justice isn’t it?

なんで・・・ なんで・・・ Nande... Nande... Why・・・ Why・・・

瞑想ばっか繰り返して 居場所さえ見失って Meisou bakka kurikashite ibasho sae miushinatte Just thinking about it over and over, even losing track of your whereabouts,
被害者のお面を被って それでも守ってくれる人は higaisha no omen kabutte soredemo mamotte kureru hito wa Covering your suffering face in a mask, and yet there is still no one here
もういないんだ mou inainda To protect you

いつか君に話した景色を 今噛み締めながら Itsuka kimi ni hanashita keshiki o ima kami shime nagara While reflecting back on the scenery that I once told you about,
これでいいんだと 振い上げたんだ そして korede iin dato furui age tanda soshite I decided that just this was fine, I held it up and then,
少年はまた出会った 変わらない道しるべ shounen wa mata deatta kawaranai michi shirube Once again the boy went to meet it, his unchanging guidepost in life,
彼はこれをライフラインと呼んだ kare wa kore o raifurain to yonda He called it his “lifeline”

3 2 1 で飛び出した そこはどんな未来だろう 3 2 1 de tobidashita soko wa donna mirai darou Taking off with a 3,2,1, what kind of future is over there?
必要アイテムなんて 重要じゃない hitsuyou aitemu nante juuyou janai Something like an essential item wouldn’t matter
少年は手にしたんだ 嘘みたいな物語 shounen wa te ni shitanda uso mitai na monogatari A story that seems like a lie, the boy took it as his own
これが運命(さだめ)だと回りだしたんだ kore ga sadame dato mawari dashitanda If this is fate, then it’s begun to turn…
光る歯車が hikaru haguruma ga This shining gear

English translation by descentsubs


This song was featured on the following albums:

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