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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Kadwanalka Garoscope
Song title
Romaji: Mineruva Raido
English: Minerva Ride
Original Upload Date
February 12, 2019
KAITO and Hiyama Kiyoteru
nyanyannya (music, lyrics)


The following translation was made by Bluepenguin, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on their website.
Japanese Romaji English
敬礼を 起床時間だミジンコどもめ keirei o kishou jikan da mijinko domome Rise, shine, and salute, you buncha godd-mn maggots!
そのデザートの詰まった耳に穴を穿て sono dezaato no tsumatta mimi ni ana o ugate Clear out those dessert-stuffed ears of yours!

空っぽの頭にはドリルが必要だ並べ karappo no atama ni wa doriru ga hitsuyou da narabe Your empty skulls really need drills–line up!
発酵調味料も注いでやる 冗談だ hakkou choumiryou mo sosoide yaru joudan da I’m gonna drizzle you with cooking wine (just kidding)

冗談でしょうか…… joudan deshou ka… Kidding, huh…
有難い気の触れた御言葉など さておき arigatai ki no fureta okotoba nado sateoki Leaving aside the words that touched my gratitude
そのままでいいから少し聞いて sono mama de ii kara sukoshi kiite You don’t need to do anything, so just listen for a bit
大事なことなんだその眠いのはわかるけど daiji na koto nanda sono nemui no wa wakaru kedo It’s important–I know you’re sleepy, but…

あの(とろい!) ano (toroi!) That one (dumbass!)
その(のろい!) sono (noroi!) This one (numbskull!)
「五月蝿いまどろっこしい」(放して) “urusai madorokkoshii” (hanashite) “You’re obnoxious and slow!” (let go)

状況遭遇戦 起きろ起きろ joukyuu souguusen okiro okiro Situation report: it’s a meeting engagement! Wake up! Wake up!
当然強制だ引きずり出せ touzen kyousei da hikizuridase Of course that’s an order! Drag your asses out of bed!
未だ集合3割強 起きろ起きろ imada shuugou sanwari kyou okiro okiro We’re still only at 30% strength–wake up! Wake up!
警報全開でビューグル鳴らせ keihou zenkai de byuuguru narase Sound the alarm with the bugle at full force!

今世紀最高の寮は?(それって当然ミネルヴァ) konseiki saikou no ryou wa? (sore tte touzen mineruva) What’s the greatest division of this century? (It’s Minerva, of course!)
貴様らの寮は?(常勝最強ミネルヴァ) kisamara no ryou wa? (joushou saikyou mineruva) What division do you little sh-ts belong to? (It’s Minerva, undefeated and stronger than anyone!)
これよりブリーフィング開始 整列安全確認点呼 kore yori buriifingu kaishi seiretsu anzen kakunin tenko Briefing will now begin–line up for roll call to make sure everyone’s here
ピース(はい) piisu (hai) Peace! (Here, sir!)
デルフォイ(はい…..) derufoi (hai) Delfoy! (Here….)
これを寮対抗論理強襲奇兵作戦 kore o ryou taikou ronri kyoushuu kihei sakusen This is an opposition logic assault commando operation
~略してプリンア・ラ・モード~と名づける ~ryakushite purin a ra moodo~ to nazukeru We’ll call it “pudding a la mode” for short

じゃー演習開始! 走れ走れ jaa enshuu kaishi! hashire hashire Now, begin practice! Run, run!
恐るべき重量で踏み潰せ osorubeki juuryou de fumitsubuse Trample them underfoot so heavily that they’ll be terrified!

何が撤退? 三正面? 不許可不許可 nani ga tettai? sanshoumen? fukyoka fukyoka What do you mean, retreat? I won’t authorize that!
圧巻の鉄量でバイテル潰せ akkan no tetsuryou de baiteru tsubuse Crush their vitals with an incredible amount of iron!

報告 撤退を 不利というか無理 houkoku tettai o furi to iu ka muri There’s no point in reporting that we’re at a disadvantage and should retreat
右翼は押され後退中 uyoku wa nobasare koutaichuu The right flank will spread out all along the retreat path
そして中央は崩壊寸前 指示 命令を soshite chuuou wa houkaisunzen shiji meirei o And then the center will be on the verge of collapse–that’s an order

状況は最高だ これより反撃を joukyou wa saikou da kore yori hangeki o The conditions are excellent! We’ll begin our assault!

全隊突撃だ 奪え奪え zentai totsugeki da ubae ubae It’s a whole-force assault! Fight! Fight!
逃げるのは弱虫だ 逃げないのもだ nigeru no wa yowamushi da nigenai no mo da Anyone who runs away is a coward! So is anyone who doesn’t!
目標は参什壱番街アイス 喰らえ食らえ mokuhyou wa sanjuubangai aisu kurae kurae Our objective is to eat ice cream at that place on Thirtieth Street! Eat! Eat!
退路は爆破した 悔いなく進め tairo wa bakuha shita kuinaku susume The path of retreat has been blown up, so push forward with no regrets!

敬礼を 起床時間だミジンコどもめ keirei o kishou jikan da mijinko domome Rise, shine, and salute, you buncha godd-mn maggots!
そのスイーツの詰まった目を今度は開けておけ sono suiitsu no tsumatta me o kondo wa akete oke Open those sweets-covered eyes of yours for once!

English translation by bluepenguin


This song was featured on the following album:

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