Song title | |||
"ミスター・ダーリン" Romaji: Misutaa Daarin English: Mister Darling | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
November 8, 2018 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
4,000,000+ | |||
Links | |||
YouTube Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed) | |||
Originally sung by Chico Connected to 幸せ。 (Shiawase.) |
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Japanese | Romaji | English |
誰と会ってた?って浮気した?って | dare to atteta? tte uwaki shita? tte | "Who have you been seeing?" you ask, "Have you been cheating on me?" you ask. |
子供じゃないんだし | kodomo ja nai ndashi | Well ... I'm not a child. |
秘密くらいあるよ | himitsu kurai aru yo | I do have secrets. |
全部なんて見せてちゃ続かない | zenbu nante misetecha tsuzukanai | We can't go on if I have to reveal everything. |
ケンカしてても隣で寝ること | kenka shitete mo tonari de neru koto | Even if we're having an argument, we sleep with each other. |
これからの約束ね | korekara no yakusoku ne | It's a promise from now on, right? |
返事!(ハイ) | henji! (hai) | Reply! (Yes) |
いくつになっても恋させてよアナタに | ikutsu ni natte mo koi sasete yo anata ni | However old I get, make me be in love with you. |
カッコ悪いとこは見ないようにしてあげるね | kakko warui toko wa minai you ni shite ageru ne | I'll make sure not to notice your uncool points. |
愛もいいけど恋していてワタシに | ai mo ii kedo koi shite ite watashi ni | True love is great, but stay in love with me. |
“綺麗だね”言われるように頑張るからね | "kirei da ne" iwareru you ni ganbaru kara ne | Because I'll do my best to have you tell me, "You're pretty," OK? |
嫌な事があった日 | iya na koto ga atta hi | When I had a bad day, |
下手な料理で笑顔をありがとう | heta na ryouri de egao o arigatō | thank you for your hopeless cooking and your smile. |
合わない趣味ばかり | awanai shumi bakari | We rarely have interests in common. |
もっと教えてこないだの続き | motto oshiete konaida no tsuzuki | Tell me more of what's happening lately. |
家族増えても恋人がいいな | kazoku fuete mo koi bito ga ii na | Even after our family grows, I'd like us to be lovers. |
お揃いも増やしてよ | osoroi mo fuyashite yo | Keep collecting matching items. |
返事! (ハイ) | henji! (hai) | Reply! (Yes) |
いくつになってもデートしてよ記念日 | ikutsu ni natte mo deeto shite yo kinenbi | However old we get, let's have a date on our anniversary. |
プレゼントはいらない ほらオシャレしてね | purezento wa iranai hora oshare shite ne | There's no need for presents. See, let's dress up. |
晴れもいいけど雨の日にはくっついて | hare mo ii kedo ame no hi ni wa kuttsuite | Fine weather's great too, but on rainy days, we'll cling together; |
一つの傘揺らしながら虹を待つの | hitotsu no kasa yurashi nagara niji o matsu no | while swinging one umbrella, we'll wait for the rainbow. |
気づいてた? | kidzuiteta? | Did you notice? |
寝てる隙にほっぺにそっとキスしてること | neteru suki ni hoppe ni sotto kisu shiteru koto | While you are asleep, I got the chance to softly kiss you in the cheek. |
気づかなかった | kidzukanakatta | I didn't notice. |
寝てる隙に付けてくれてたお揃いのリング | neteru suki ni tsukete kureteta osoroi no ringu | While I was asleep, you got the chance to put a matching ring on me. |
しわが増えても甘えたいんだよ | shiwa ga fuete mo amaetai nda yo | Even when the wrinkles come, I want you to spoil me. |
もちろん手も繋ぐこと | mochiron te mo tsunagu koto | Of course, we'll tie the knot too. |
返事!(ハイ) | henji! (hai) | Reply! (Yes) |
いくつになっても飽きないでねお願い | ikutsu ni natte mo akinaide onegai | However old I get, don't get tired of me, please. |
嫉妬しちゃうけど頭撫でてなぐさめてね | shitto shichau kedo atama nadete nagusamete ne | I'll get jealous, but pat my head and comfort me. |
いつまでもずっと恋していてワタシに | itsumade mo zutto koi shite ite watashi ni | Stay in love with me forever. |
“綺麗だね”言われるように頑張るからね | "kirei da ne" iwareru you ni ganbaru kara ne | Because I'll do my best to have you tell me, "You're pretty," OK? |
English translation by ElectricRaichu
External Links
- Niconico Commons - Off-vocal
- Pixiv - Illustrations
- Confession Executive Committee Wiki
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- - Lyrics source
- Len's Lyrics - Translation source
- UtaiteDB
- VocaDB