! | Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors. People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised. |
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! | Warning: This song contains questionable elements; it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain questionable elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
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Song title | |||
"ミザリーナ" Romaji: Mizariina Official English: Miserina | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
November 1, 2020 November 15, 2020 (Miku ver.) | |||
Singer | |||
flower Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
33,000+ (NN), 55,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (privated) YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed) | |||
“misery + ballerina” |
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Japanese | Romaji | English |
「あたし、君と違って──」 | "atashi, kimi to chigatte──" | “I’m not like you──” |
あらら だから何様ですか貴方 | arara dakara nanisama desu ka anata | Oh my, so who do you think you are? |
飽き飽きした別れはさぞかし哀しい | akiakishita wakare wa sazokashi kanashii | A tiresome farewell must be so sorrowful to you. |
ませた話だとか無様 | maseta hanashi da toka buzama | Those precocious talks are unsightly. |
はっとさせられました | hatto saseraremashita | It woke me up. |
身体は満たされた? | karada wa mitasareta? | Is your body filled? |
案じた明日 | anjita ashita | I worried over tomorrow. |
今夜はもういいか | kon'ya wa mou ii ka | Is it enough tonight? |
悪夢 襲う | akumu osou | A nightmare seizes me. |
冷めた目付きで口付けをして | sameta metsuki de kuchizuke o shite | You kissed me with an icy look, |
「どうかどうか」って笑わせんなよ | "douka douka" tte warawasen na yo | begging “Please, for God’s sake!” Don’t make me laugh. |
貴方の所為だからね | anata no sei dakara ne | This is all your fault. |
孤独な快楽を対価に | kodoku na kairaku o taika ni | In consideration of solitary pleasure… |
あのさ 淡々とあっという間に済まして | ano sa tantan to attoiumani sumashite | You know what, you get it done in no time with indifference; |
上辺だけの関係性は二の次? | uwabe dake no kankeisei wa ni no tsugi? | does that mean this superficial relationship takes a back seat? |
憐れ 夜のくだりだとか | aware yoru no kudari da toka | What a pity—talk about the nighttime passage. |
無駄にはっとさせられました | muda ni hatto saseraremashita | It woke me up meaninglessly. |
私は分からない | watashi wa wakaranai | I don’t understand. |
愛してあげる? | aishite ageru? | Shall I love you? |
今夜は揺らいだ | kon'ya wa yuraida | Tonight, a distorted |
悪夢 襲う | akumu osou | nightmare seizes me. |
あまりに馬鹿にされるから | amari ni baka ni sareru kara | I’m made a fool of too much, |
私が恰も間違いみたいじゃない | watashi ga atakamo machigai mitai janai | so it feels as if I were wrong! |
愚かな私も大人に | orokana watashi mo otona ni | Stupid as I am, I’m becoming an adult. |
静かに明かりを消して | shizuka ni akari o keshite | Silently turning off the light… |
冷めた目付きで口付けをして | sameta metsuki de kuchizuke o shite | You kissed me with an icy look, |
「どうかどうか」って笑わせんなよ | "douka douka" tte warawasen na yo | begging “Please, for God’s sake!” Don’t make me laugh. |
貴方の所為だからね | anata no sei dakara ne | This is all your fault. |
孤独な快楽を対価に | kodoku na kairaku o taika ni | In consideration of solitary pleasure… |
私も快楽の当人 | watashi mo kairaku no tounin | I’m one of those given to pleasure, too. |
English translation by Tackmyn Y.
This song was featured on the following albums:
External Links
- Dropbox - Off vocal
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- VocaDB
- Tackmyn’s House - Translation source