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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Mad Hatter's Mad Heart
Song title
Romaji: Maddo Hattaazu Maddo Haato
English: Mad Hatter's Mad Heart
Original Upload Date
November 29, 2021
Kagamine Len
nyanyannya (music, lyrics)
Yokanko (illustration)
20,000+ (NN), 100,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
お求めの品はこちら omotome no shina wa kochira Here is what you are looking for
お伽噺のいかれ帽子屋 その心臓–– otogibanashi no ikare boushiya sono shinzou–– At a mad hat shop from the fairy tales, that heart—
ノックノックノックノック nokku nokku nokku nokku Knock knock knock knock
Ah... お代を、そう10シリング6ペンス Ah... odai o, sou 10 shiringu 6 pensu Ah, the price is 10 shillings and 6 pence
安すぎる? yasusugiru? That’s too cheap?
その笑顔を頂きたくて sono egao o itadakitakute It’s because I want your smile

メルシーメルシー merushii merushii Merci, merci
サインはここ! ご説明を sain wa koko! gosetsumei o Sign here! I’ll explain

早い話 hayai hanashi It'll be quick
ただの臓器 tada no zouki It’s simply an organ
一寸だけ倒錯めいた状態 issun dake tousakumeita joutai It just looks a little deviant

Oh マッドハッターズ マッドハート Oh maddo hattaazu maddo haato Oh, Mad Hatter’s mad heart
欲深き血を洗うのが心臓(ハート)なら yoku fukaki chi o arau no ga haato nara If the heart cleans greedy blood,
何もかもを穢すのが nanimokamo o kegasu no ga then a mad heart
いかれ心臓(マッドハート) maddo haato will stain everything

落書き・心・名誉 なんでもどうぞ 御不快な方の名を? rakugaki kokoro meiyo nan demo douzo gofukai na hou no na o? Scribbles, spirit, or fame, you can take whatever you want. The names of those you find unpleasant?
おっと冗談、小粋なジョーク ご寛容に otto joudan, koiki na jooku gokanyou ni Oh, I jest, just an advanced joke. Please keep an open mind
貴方なら? 創意工夫次第 anata nara? soui kufuu shidai What about you? It’s all up to your imagination

描けない 絵描き? kakenai ekaki? An artist who can’t paint?
なんて革新的なご利用法 nante kakushinteki na goriyouhou What an innovative use

ただし注意 tadashi chuui But be warned
甘い罠に amai wana ni The canvas
汚すのはキャンバスだけに オーライ? kegasu no wa kyanbasu dake ni oo rai? will be tainted by an irresistible trap, alright?

Oh マッド  ハッターズ マッドハート Oh maddo hattaazu maddo haato Oh, Mad Hatter’s mad heart
灰に塗れた駄作が芸術(アート)など hai ni mamireta dasaku ga aato nado Ash-covered rubbish is art, etc.
理解も及びませんが奮ってどうぞ rikai mo oyobimasen ga furutte douzo I cannot understand, but please enjoy yourself

ああ 変わり果てた御姿で aa kawarihateta gosugata de Ah, with a transformed appearance
いかれ心臓(マッドハート)よりいかれて maddo haato yori ikarete the mad heart becomes even more mad
欲深いのが人の(さが) yokubukai no ga hito no saga It is human nature to be greedy
Ah-ah-ah 捧げた魂と Ah-ah-ah sasageta tamashii to Ah-ah-ah, what’s left in an offered soul
穢した手で残すのが贋作(まがいもの)とは! kegashita te de nokosu no ga magaimono to wa! and a defiled hand is a sham!

マッドハート maddo haato Mad heart
またのご利用を mata no goriyou o The contractual rental fee
契約の貸出料 お代は10シリング6ペンス keiyaku no kashidashiryou odai wa 10 shiringu 6 pensu for another use is 10 shillings and 6 pence
いかれた心臓に残された ikareta shinzou ni nokosareta Your original soul that was left behind in the mad heart
初心な魂は利息 文字通り笑顔を ubu na tamashii wa risoku mojidoori egao o is the interest. Just as was written, your smile
そうその笑顔を頂きたくて Ah-ha sou sono egao o itadakitakute Ah-ha That’s right, I want that smile, ah-ha

マッドハッターズ・マッド……マッドハート maddo hattaazu maddo…… maddo haato Mad Hatter’s mad…mad heart

English translation by meeema


This song was featured in the following albums:

  • カドワナルカ=ドロップゾンデ (Kadoh-anna-ruk-a Dropsonde)

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