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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
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Song title
Romanji: Majenta
English: Magenta
Original Upload Date
April 25, 2013
Hatsune Miku and GUMI
Diarays (music, lyrics)
avogado6 (movie)
320,000+ (NN), 330,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Japanese Romaji English
Show 貝の所以 Show kai no yuen Show reasons for the shell
斑なパステル mura na pasuteru Speckled pastels
調整は済んだ? chousei wa sunda? Done with your edits?
置いてけ Monday oiteke Monday Leave Monday behind

バ○イタが買った baita ga katta The w***e bought
聖杯解体らして seihai kaitaira shite The Holy Grail, dismantled quickly
焦燥を喰った shousou o kutta The anxiety nourishes
祈りも飽和したんだ inori mo houwa shita nda The prayer, now well-saturated

居なくなる inaku naru Going away
見なくなる minaku naru Disappearing from sight
消えない白が手を伸ばす kienai shiro ga te o nobasu The indelible whiteness stretches out a hand

パカパカ見飽きた pakapaka miakita Clippety-clop, I’m bored of the sight
すっからかん都心で sukkarakan toshin de The city centre’s plain broke
世界は馬鹿ばっか sekai wa baka bakka And the world’s full of idiots
話を聞いてよ hanashi o kiite yo Listen to me!

今しか戦ってあげないって言うんだよ ima shika tatakatte agenai tte iu nda yo “I can’t fight for any time but now.”
引っ張り出したスーツの死神が hipparidashita suutsu no shinigami ga That’s what the whipped-out Grim Reaper in the tux is saying.

脳内別居 nounai bekkyo Mentally elsewhere
週一戦争 shuu ichi sensou Weekly battles
存外没頭 songai bottou Shockingly addicted
消灯上等 shoutou joutou Lights out, very good

B1 神前 B 1 shinzen B1: Front of Altar
B2 me前 B 2 ME zen B2: Front of Me
B3 you前 B 3 YOU zen B3: Front of You
Siner? No way. Siner? No way. Sinner? No way.

大人になったら otona ni nattara When I grow up,
あれ買って are katte I’ll buy this,
これ買って kore katte I’ll buy that
バージンロード制圧 baajin roodo seiatsu And pwn the Virgin Road

飛び出した tobidashita Leaping out
to my heart to my heart To my heart
融雪剤 yuusetsu zai Snowmelt agents
妖艶なStory youen na Story A salacious story.

溶け出した tokedashita Melted away
of my heart of my heart Of my heart
慎重な shinchou na A meticulously crafted
Suicide計画 Suicide keikaku Suicide plot
手錠をかけて tejou o kakete Put me into handcuffs

僕を慰めて boku o nagusamete Give me comfort

ピカピカ無理難題 pikapika murinandai Gleaming, gleaming, can’t do it, too hard
すっからかん等身大 sukkarakan toushindai Plain broke in life-size scale
世界は馬鹿ばっか sekai wa baka bakka And the world’s full of idiots
答えも知らない kotae mo shiranai Who don’t even know the answer

僕しか分かっていないって言うんだよ boku shika wakatte inai tte iu nda yo “I’m the only one who knows,” says
ぽっくり逝ったフェイクの神様が pokkuri itta feiku no kamisama ga The fake God who suddenly dropped dead

もう嫌だ mou iya da I can’t take this
もう愛せない mou aisenai I can’t love anyone

パカパカ見飽きた pakapaka miakita Clippety-clop, I’m bored of the sight
すっからかん都心で sukkarakan toshin de The city centre’s plain broke
世界は君なんだ sekai wa kimi nanda And the world is you
答えは要らない kotae wa iranai I don’t need an answer

今しか戦ってあげないって言うんだよ ima shika tatakatte agenai tte iu nda yo “I can’t help you fight for any time but now.”
引っ張り出した右手のカッターが hipparidashita migite no kataa ga That´s what the freshly drawn cutter is saying
さぁ saa Now,

回って回って mawatte mawatte Spin ‘round, spin ‘round
戻ればいいんだよ modoreba ii nda yo We just need to go back
世界は君ばっか sekai wa kimi bakka The world’s all you
僕は未だ居ない boku wa imada inai I´m still gone

最後に戦ってあげようって言うんだよ saigo ni tatakatte ageyou tte iu nda yo “I’ll help you fight at the very end,”
ぼっくり逝ったリアルの僕様が bokkuri itta riaru no bokusama ga So says the real me who suddenly dropped dead.

English translation by zcatcracker


This song was featured on the following album:

  • Shadow Play

A remix was featured on the following album:

External Links

