! | Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors. People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised. |
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! | Warning: This song contains questionable elements (Mentions of sex); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain questionable elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
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Song title | |||
"ボーンデッドマンション -B2F-" Romaji: Boon Deddo Manshon -B2F- English: BornDead Mansion -B2F- | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
February 27, 2020 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku Vomit shithead Hitokilli Chiang-shih (rap) MISOSHITA (rap) | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
1,500+ (NN), 9,100+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
A remixed version of Bone Dead Mansion with different lyrics. |
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Singer | MISOSHITA | Hitokilli Chiang-shih | Hitokilli, MISOSHITA, Miku |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
真夜中 響わたる 赤子の声 | mayonaka hibikiwataru akago no koe | The cries of the babies echo in the dead of night. |
全国のパパ&ママ お疲れ様 | zengoku no papa ando mama otsukaresama | You’re doing a great job, moms and dads everywhere. |
俺には6人の子供がいる | ore ni wa rokunin no kodomo ga iru | I have six children. |
ありがとう ありがたい | arigatou arigatai | I’m grateful. I’m blessed. |
ありがとう ありがたい | arigatou arigatai | I’m grateful. I’m blessed. |
19で結婚 | juukyu de kekkon | I got married at 19. |
初めは悩んだ | hajime wa nayanda | At first, I suffered a lot, |
やりたいことと子育ての間 | yaritai koto to kosodate no aida | Stuck between child-raising and what I wanted to do. |
平日の工場労働は終電が大体 | heijitsu no koujou roudou wa shuuden ga daitai | On weekdays, I work in a factory and always take the last train. |
週末は家族でモールかキャンプ | shuumatsu wa kazoku de mooru ka kyanpu | On weekends, I go shopping or camping with my family. |
町内会の役員だってやってる | chounaikai no yakuin datte yatteru | I’m even a member of the neighborhood committee. |
汗水垂らしてなんとか手にした中産階級 | asemizu tarashite nantoka te ni shita chuusankaikyuu | I sweated over my work and just managed to be a middle-class. |
甘えてらんねえ 自分だけじゃねえんだ | amaeterannee jibun dake ja nee nda | I ain’t got no time to relax. It’s not just me. |
自分の時間は限りなく無いが | jibun no jikan wa kagirinaku nai ga | I’ve got practically no me-time, |
それでも創る | sore demo tsukuru | But I still create this, |
やり続ける | yaritsuzukeru | And continue doing this. |
好きとか嫌いとか そういう次元じゃねえ | suki toka kirai toka sou iu jigen ja nee | Love or hate? No, I’m on a whole other level. |
これは人生だ | kore wa jinsei da | This is life. |
1 2 3 4 | ||
5 6 7 8 | ||
9 10 | ||
健康不良不良中年 憮然 | kenkou furyou furyou chuunen buzen | An unhealthy, delinquent middle-aged man. I’m depressed. |
感覚shoegaze 格子の彼岸 | kankaku shoegaze koushi no higan | Feels like shoegaze. Iron-barred Nirvana. |
無垢な子供騙す カスなエゴイスト | muku na kodomo damasu kasu na egoisuto | Deceiving an innocent kid is the shitty egoist. |
肯定自己愛 自己啓発 | koutei jikoai jikokeihatsu | Affirmation, self-love. Self-improvement. |
孤立無援 腐ったメンタル | koritsumuen kusatta mentaru | Alone and unaided, my mind’s rotted. |
金 性で溺死 歪む回転 | kane sei de dekishi yugamu kaiten | Money, sex, I’m drowing. Distorted twist. |
四面楚歌 amen gameover | shimensoka amen gameover | I’m surrounded on all sides. Amen. Game over. |
デジタルアンダーグランド | dejitaru andaagrando | Digital underground! |
B2Fだ オリジナルブランド | B2F da orijinaru burando | It’s B2F, my original brand. |
さあ 病んでるやつらも 不安定なやつらも | saa yanderu yatsura mo fuantei na yatsura mo | Now, those who are ill, those who are unstable, |
狂って踊れ ここはバーチャル | kurutte odore koko wa baacharu | Go mad and hit the floor! This is virtual here. |
消えない幻 立ってる窓越し | kienai maboroshi tatteru madogoshi | An illusion’s standing outside the window, never going away. |
癒えない傷は 夜に疼き | ienai kizu wa yoru ni uzuki | The wound, never to heal, will ache at night. |
覚めた夢の ここは続き | sameta yume no koko wa tsuzuki | We’re in a continuance of the dream we once had. |
奈落感嘆見上げたrainbow | naraku kantan miageta rainbow | Naraka, amazed, looked up at a rainbow. |
実際唯の譫妄 | jissai tada no senmou | In fact, it’s just some delirium. |
メタファー包まず直接警告 | metafaa tsuzumazu chokusetsu keikoku | A direct warning with no metaphor; |
未遂だろうが未成年淫行 | misui darou ga miseinen inkou | It’s sex with minors, attempted or not. |
家族が寝た頃 | kazoku ga neta koro | When his family is asleep, |
パパは闇の中 地下街底辺這いずり回る | papa wa yami no naka chikagai (teihen)[1] haizurimawaru | Daddy goes to the dark, crawling at the bottom, underground. |
全裸の詩人 | zenra no shijin | He’s a stark-naked poet. |
棚から牡丹餅 有るわけねーだろ | tara kara botamochi aru wake nee daro | “Pennies from Heaven”? There ain’t no such thing! |
面倒な事情も 余裕でsay hello | mendou na jijou mo yoyuu de say hello | Greet all the hassles like they’re nothing, say hello. |
ローン五千年 魂のすみか | roon gosen-nen tamashii no sumika | A 5,000-year mortgage for my soul’s habitation. |
生きてりゃ罪か まだまだ追加 | ikiterya tsumi ka madamada tsuika | Just being alive is a sin. There’s even more to add. |
ボーン デッドマンション | boondeddo manshon | BornDead Mansion. |
続けてくぜ ミッション | tsuzuketeku ze misshon | We’re carrying on the mission! |
夢 現 具茶混 自灯明 脚下照顧 | yume utsutsu guchamaze jitoumyou kyakkashouko | Dream. Reality. Jumbled. Attadīpā. Know thyself. |
濃厚純度 費やすmoment 妙言無古今 | noukou jundo tsuiyasu moment myougen ni kokon nashi | Highly refined. Spending moments. The truth is eternal. |
五月蝿い お前誰 | urusai omae dare | Shut up. Who the hell are you? |
世界に正解は無い | sekai ni seikai wa nai | There’s no correct answer in the world. |
バーチャルだって いろいろあるのさ | baacharu datte iroiro aru no sa | You know there’s a lot of “virtual” beings, huh? |
ひとつじゃねえんだ 形はそれぞれ | hitotsu ja nee nda katachi wa sorezore | It’s not just one. It takes many forms. |
ボーン デッドマンション | boondeddo manshon | BornDead Mansion. |
続けてくぜ ミッション | tsuzuketeku ze misshon | We’re carrying on the mission! |
English translation by Tackmyn Y.
Translation Notes[]
- ↑ This word is not sung.
External Links[]
- Tackmyn's House - Translation source