Song title | |||
"ホワイトナイト" Romaji: Howaito Naito English: White Night | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
December 21, 2012 | |||
Singer | |||
Momone Momo | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
200,000+ (NN), 230,000+ (YT), 1,500+ (PP) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / piapro Broadcast | |||
"Because it won't end" |
Alternate Versions[]
byakuya |
white night |
Upload date: December 29, 2012 |
Featuring: Momone Momo |
Producer(s): nakano4 |
SC |
winter white |
Upload date: December 9, 2016 |
Featuring: Momone Momo |
Producer(s): nakano4 |
SC |
A remix uploaded after the original reached over 100,000 views on Niconico.
Japanese | Romaji | English |
それでも藍は感度3でこうして日が暮れる | sore de mo ai wa kando san de kou shite hi ga kureru | And yet, as the day darkens with an indigo rated 3 on the scale |
そのまま勘違いみたいに恋して眠れない | sono mama kanchigai mitai ni koishite nemurenai | I fall in love, like a misunderstanding. I can’t sleep. |
眩むホワイトナイト 咲いた街路灯 夜はもう | kuramu howaito naito saita gairotou yoru wa mou | It’s a dazzling white night, with streetlights blooming like flowers. |
水たまり跳ねる淡い未来に焦がれてる | mizutamari haneru awai mirai ni kogareteru | The puddles splash. I yearn for a fleeting future. |
ふらっと待ち合って持ち寄って書いたアイデアで | furatto machiatte mochiyotte kaita aidea de | We meet by chance, bringing along the ideas we wrote, |
合ってたって無くてたっていいのに | atteta tte nakute tatte ii noni | though it doesn’t matter if they match or not. |
不安だしって切って貼った夜、戻した回路は、 | fuan da shi tte kitte hatta yoru, modoshita kairo wa, | During this uncertain, violent night, the circuits were restored. |
繋いだらふわっと咲いて散ってまた繰り返す | tsunaidara fuwatto saite chitte mata kurikaesu | I join them together, then they bloom lightly, die, and do it again. |
ふらっと間違ってもう一度って描いたアイデア、 | furatto machigatte mou ichido tte egaita aidea, | I drew this idea by doing it over when I made a mistake, |
出会ってたって無くてたっていいのに | deatteta tte nakute tatte ii noni | though it doesn’t matter if we met or if we didn’t. |
不安だしって切って貼った夜、落とした愛の輪、 | fuan da shi tte kitte hatta yoru, otoshita ai no wa | During this uncertain, violent night, I dropped a ring of love. |
繋いだら呼び交わす声がして振り返る | tsunaidara yobikawasu koe ga shite furikaeru | I connected it and heard voices calling. I reminisced. |
飴色の風晴れてあぜ道で待つの | ameiro no kaze harete azemichi de matsu no | The amber wind clears, and I wait at the rice field ridge. |
茜色褪せるまで追い掛けて輪でまた | akaneiro aseru made oikakete wa de mata | I chase after you in a circle again until the madder red fades. |
飴色の風晴れてあぜ道で待つの | ameiro no kaze harete azemichi de matsu no | The amber wind clears, and I wait at the rice field ridge. |
茜色褪せるまで追い掛けて | akaneiro aseru made oikakete | I chase after you until the madder red fades. |
それでも藍は感度3でこうして日が暮れる | sore de mo ai wa kando san de kou shite hi ga kureru | And yet, as the day darkens with an indigo rated 3 on the scale |
そのまま勘違いみたいに恋して眠れない | sono mama kanchigai mitai ni koishite nemurenai | I fall in love, like a misunderstanding. I can’t sleep. |
眩むホワイトナイト 咲いた街路灯 夜はもう | kuramu howaito naito saita gairotou yoru wa mou | It’s a dazzling white night, with streetlights blooming like flowers. |
水たまり跳ねる淡い未来に焦がれてる | mizutamari haneru awai mirai ni kogareteru | The puddles splash. I yearn for a fleeting future. |
不安で、知って、切って、貼った、夜、戻して、愛の輪、 | fuan de, shitte, kitte, hatta, yoru, modoshite, ai no wa, | Uneasy, I know, cut, paste, night, returning, a ring of love, |
繋いで、呼んで、待って、泣いて、声がして、振り返る、 | tsunaide, yonde, matte, naite, koe ga shite, furikaeru, | joining, calling, waiting, crying, I hear a voice, I reminisce, |
ふらっと、間違って、もう、一度って、描いてる白、散って | furatto, machigatte, mou, ichido tte, egaiteru shiro, chitte | unexpectedly, making a mistake, one more time, I draw white, scattering. |
また繰り返す | mata kurikaesu | It happens again |
ずっと | ||
zutto | ||
forever. |
English translation by Releska
This song was featured in the following album:
External Links[]
- UTAU Song Database
- VocaDB
- Releska - Translation source