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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Payment shotver
Song title
Romaji: Peimento
English: Payment
Original Upload Date
September 13, 2013
Hatsune Miku
Heavenz-P (music, lyrics)
YouTube Broadcast

Alternate Version[]

Full version
Upload date: October 11, 2014
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Heavenz-P (music, lyrics)
Amemura (illustration)
YT (reprint, subbed)


Japanese Romaji English
見えない紙切れ mienai kamikire The unseen scrap of paper
パッケージの壁 pakkeeji no kabe Behind a wall of packages
呼びかける声は yobikakeru koe wa That voice which calls out
秘密の味がする himitsu no aji ga suru It gives off the taste of a deeply-held secret
覚えたてのワードで oboetate no waado de with those words that just came to mind,
喜ばせましょう yorokobase mashou let's cheer up one another
交わした視線に kawashita shisen ni into these glances we exchange,
期待が染み込んでく kitai ga shimikondeku flows those hopes of ours

円盤型の果実 enbangata no kajitsu That payoff shaped like small, flat objects (coins)
日に日に増えては 目移をしてる hi ni hi ni fuete wa meutsuri o shiteru what keeps on piling up like that only serves to distract and confuse
産まれない卵を 人差し指で umarenai tamago o hitosashi yubi de poking that unborn egg with just an index finger
カチ、カチ、と鳴らす kachi, kachi to narasu it just makes a clinking sound
君の隣を空けておいてよ kimi no tonari o akete oite yo leave a spot for me by your side
それほど大きな荷物じゃないから sorehodo ookina nimotsu ja nai kara It can't be that big of a burden, after all...
ねえいいでしょう? nee ii deshou? it's fine, right?
「ほら、もう気付いて私を。」 "hora, mou kizuite watashi o." "Come on, take notice of me already"
かかとを上げる kakato o ageru Lift up your heel and look down for just a moment...
English translation by descentsubs

Japanese Romaji English
見えない紙切れ mienai kamikire The unseen scrap of paper
パッケージの壁 pakkeeji no kabe Behind a wall of packages
呼びかける声は yobikakeru koe wa That voice which calls out
秘密の味がする himitsu no aji ga suru It gives off the taste of a deeply-held secret
覚えたてのワードで oboetate no waado de with those words that just came to mind,
喜ばせましょう yorokobase mashou let's cheer up one another
交わした視線に kawashita shisen ni into these glances we exchange,
期待が染み込んでく kitai ga shimikondeku flows those hopes of ours

円盤型の果実 enbangata no kajitsu That payoff shaped like small, flat objects (coins)
日に日に増えては 目移をしてる hi ni hi ni fuete wa meutsuri o shiteru what keeps on piling up like that only serves to distract and confuse
産まれない卵を 人差し指で umarenai tamago o hitosashi yubi de poking that unborn egg with just an index finger
カチ、カチ、と鳴らす kachi, kachi to narasu it just makes a clinking sound
君の隣を空けておいてよ kimi no tonari o akete oite yo leave a spot for me by your side
それほど大きな荷物じゃないから sorehodo ookina nimotsu ja nai kara It can't be that big of a burden, after all...
ねえいいでしょう? nee ii deshou? it's fine, right?
「ほら、もう気付いて私を。」 "hora, mou kizuite watashi o." "Come on, take notice of me already"
かかとを上げる kakato o ageru Lift up your heel and look down for just a moment...

想像のファクター souzou no fakutaa Taking in account that imagined factor
絡ませる指 karamaseru yubi fingers intertwined
擦れた隙間に sureta sukima ni into those cracks that slowly appear
不安が染み込んでく fuan ga shimi kondeku pours that sense of unease

人工的な波 jinkouteki na nami Manmade, artificial waves ripple outward
隔たりをなぞっては無理に笑って hedatari o nazotte wa muri ni waratte clearly marking that distance as I force a smile
ネオンが滲んで 水平線が neon ga nijinde suiheisen ga that neon color begins to blur and as for the horizon,
ゆら、ゆら、溶ける yura, yura, tokeru it slowly melts away

君の隣を空けておいてよ kimi no tonari o akete oite yo leave a spot for me by your side
それほど小さな決意じゃないから sorehodo chisana ketsui ja nai kara it's not just thing I'm feeling on a whim
ねえいいでしょう? nee ii deshou? it's fine, right?
ああ、また、蛍光が落ちて aa, mata keikou ga ochite Ah, once again, that fluorescence begins to fade
深い槽を泳ぐ fukaisou o oyogu and I'm here swimming in this deep, deep pool
深い槽を泳ぐの fukaisou o oyogu no I keep swimming in this deep, deep pool...

ぷく、ぷく、浮かぶ泡 puku, puku, ukabu awa Bubbles slowly rising, breaking through the water's surface

君の隣を空けておいてよ kimi no tonari o akete oite yo leave a spot for me by your side
それほど大きな荷物じゃないから sorehodo ookina nimotsu ja nai kara it can't be that big of a burden, after all...
ねえいいでしょう? nee ii deshou? it's fine, right?
「ほら、もう気付いて私を。」 "hora, mou kizuite watashi o." "Come on, take notice of me already"
かかとを上げる kakato o ageru Lift up your heel and look down for just a moment...
English translation by descentsubs


This song was featured on the following albums:

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