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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Headphone Actor
Song title
Romaji: Heddofon Akutaa
English: Headphone Actor
Original Upload Date
December 15, 2011
Jin (music, lyrics)
sidu (illustration, video)
3,600,000+ (NN), 8,800,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast

Alternate Versions

Mekakucity M's 1
Upload date: September 10, 2014 (CD release date)
Featuring: LiSA
YT (auto-gen) / SP
Version sung by LiSA, included as the episode six opening theme in the Mekakucity Actors anime. Also included on MEKAKUCITY ACTORS Vol.6 Limited Edition Blu-ray/DVD releases and the official Mekakucity M's 1 ~Mekakucity Actors Vocal & Sound Collection~ album.


Japanese Romaji English
その日は随分と平凡で sono hi wa zuibun to heibon de It was an extremely average day,
当たり障りない一日だった atarisawari nai ichinichi datta Without a single obstacle in my path
暇つぶしに聞いてたラジオから himatsubushi ni kiiteta rajio kara Until I was bored, listening to the radio,
あの話が流れだすまでは ano hanashi ga nagaredasu made wa And I heard this said:

非常に残念なことですが hijou ni zannen na koto desu ga "It's very unfortunate I have to say this,
本日地球は終わります と honjitsu chikyuu wa owarimasu to But the world is going to end today"
どこかの国の大統領が dokoka no kuni no daitouryou ga So said some country's president,
泣きながら話をするまでは nakinagara hanashi o suru made wa In tears as he spoke...

窓の外は大きな鳥たちが mado no soto wa ookina toritachi ga Out the window was a huge flock of birds,
空覆い尽くしてく渋滞中 sora ooitsukushiteku juutaichuu Congesting to cover up the sky
三日月を飲み込んで mikazuki o nomikonde Swallowing up the crescent moon,
どこかへと向かってる dokoka e to mukatteru Headed some unknown direction...

やりかけてたゲームはノーセーブ yarikaketeta geemu wa noo seebu I had a half-finished game with no save;
机にほぼ手付かず参考書 tsukue ni hobo tetsukazu sankousho A scarcely-touched textbook lay on my desk
震える身体をいなすように furueru karada o inasu you ni And to stop my body from trembling,
すぐにヘッドフォンをした sugu ni heddofon o shita I promptly put on my headphones

不明なアーティスト項目の fumei na atisuto koumoku no Just as I was listening to an obscure artist,
タイトル不明のナンバーが taitoru fumei no nanbaa ga A number they did with an unknown title,
途端に耳元流れだした totan ni mimimoto nagaredashita Just as it came to my ears, I heard:
「生き残りたいでしょう?」 "ikinokoritai deshou?" "You want to survive, yes?"

蠢きだす世界会場を ugomekidasu sekai kaijou o Waving over the wriggling world,
波打つように揺れる摩天楼 namiutsu you ni yureru matenrou The skyscrapers seemed to tremble
紛れもないこの声はどう聞いても magire mo nai kono koe wa dou kiite mo This voice seemed unmistakable:
聞き飽きた自分の声だ kikiakita jibun no koe da It was my own, which I tired of hearing

「あの丘を越えたら20秒で "ano oka o koetara nijuubyou de "If you cross that hill, then in 20 seconds,
その意味を嫌でも知ることになるよ sono imi o iya demo shiru koto ni naru yo You'll know what I mean, for better or worse
疑わないで耳を澄ませたら 20秒先へ」 utagawanaide mimi o sumasetara nijuubyou saki e" Don't doubt, just listen close - go 20 seconds ahead..."

交差点は当然大渋滞 kousaten wa touzen daijuutai The intersection was crowded, of course;
もう老若男女は関係ない mou rounyakunannyo wa kankei nai Man, woman, child, it didn't matter
怒号やら赤ん坊の泣き声で埋まってく dogou yara akanbou no nakigoe de umatteku I was buried under people yelling and babies' cries

暴れだす人 泣き出す少女 abaredasu hito nakidasu shoujo Rioting people, a sobbing girl,
祈りだした神父を追い抜いて inoridashita shinpu o oinuite A priest praying, I passed them all by
ただ1人目指すのは逆方向 tada hitori mezasu no wa gyakuhoukou One single person headed the other way,
あの丘の向こうへと ano oka no mukou e to Toward what was beyond that hill...

ヘッドフォンから依然声がして heddofon kara izen koe ga shite The voice from the headphones persisted:
「あと12分だよ」と告げる "ato juunifun da yo" to tsugeru "Twelve minutes left," it told me
このまま全て消え去ってしまうなら kono mama subete kiesatte shimau nara If everything was going to up and vanish,
もう術は無いだろう mou sube wa nai darou Then I had no other way...

ざわめき出す悲鳴合唱を zawamekidasu himei gasshou o The chorus of shrieks and screams
涙目になってかすめる10秒 namidame ni natte kasumeru juubyou Turned to tearful eyes in ten seconds
疑いたいけど誰がどうやっても utagaitai kedo dareka ga dou yatte mo I had my doubts, but no matter who did what,
終わらない 人類賛歌 owaranai jinrui sanka There was no ending humanity's song

「駆け抜けろ、もう残り1分だ」 "kakenukero, mou nokori ippun da" "Run, run, there's one minute left,"
その言葉ももう聞こえない位に sono kotoba mo mou kikoenai kurai ni But I couldn't even hear it by then;
ただ目指していた丘の向こうは tada mezashite ita oka no mukou wa The hill which I sought to cross
すぐ目の前に sugu me no mae ni Was right before me...

息も絶え絶えたどり着いたんだ iki mo taedae tadoritsuita nda My breath faint, I finally arrived
空を映し出す壁の前に sora o utsushidasu kabe no mae ni Before a wall which projected the sky
その向こう白衣の科学者たちは sono mukou hakui no kagakushatachi wa Behind it, scientists in white applauded;
「素晴らしい」と手を打った "subarashii" to te o utta "Magnificent," they said -
疑うよ utagau yo Doubt...

そこから見る街の風景は soko kara miru machi no fuukei wa From there, I saw the town
まるで実験施設のようでさ marude jikken shisetsu no you de sa Was some kind of experimental facility;
「もう不必要だ」 "mou fuhitsuyou da" "No longer necessary,"
科学者は片手間に爆弾を投げた kagakusha wa katatema ni bakudan o nageta A scientist said, and calmly tossed a bomb

箱の中の小さな世界で hako no naka no chiisana sekai de I was told I had been living
今までずっと生きてきたんだなと ima made zutto ikite kita nda na to My whole life in a little world in a box
燃え尽きていく街だったモノを moetsukite iku machi datta mono o So I could only stare, dumbfounded
ただ、呆然と見る耳元で tada, bouzen to miru mimimoto de At the burnt wreckage that had been the town
ヘッドフォンの向こうから heddofon no mukou kara And from the headphones at my ear,
「ごめんね」と声がした "gomen ne" to koe ga shita I heard a faint "sorry"...

English translation by vgperson


This song was featured on the following albums:

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