Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
English: Planetarium
Original Upload Date
August 9, 2011
Hatsune Miku
Heavenz-P (music, lyrics)
Amemura (illustration)
ke-sanβ (movie)
260,000+ (NN), 28,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
逃げ場のない街明りで あなたを遠くに感じてしまう nigeba no nai machi akari de anata o tooku ni kanjite shimau By the town's lights with no escape, I feel you are in the distance
星が出会うガラスケースから 連れて行かないで hoshi ga deau garasu keesu kara tsurete ikanaide From the glass case where stars meet together, don't take him away

記憶を辿った面影に 終わりを告げる小鳥が踊る kioku o tadotta omokage ni owari o tsugeru kotori ga odoru Little birds to tell an end dance to the figure that followed along the memory
冷たいシーツに埋もれたくて 呼吸を止めても 蝋燭が灯る tsumetai shiitsu ni umoretakute kokyuu o tomete mo rousoku ga tomoru In order to be buried in a cold sheet, I stopped breathing. Yet the candle is lit
届かない岸辺 引き上げてく 雨 todokanai kishibe hikiageteku ame The shore I can't reach. The rain letting up

隔たれたこの想い出さえ 空に架かる橋になる hedatareta kono omoide sae sora ni kakaru hashi ni naru Even this memory separated far will be a bridge over the sky
星になる あなたは早すぎたわ hoshi ni naru anata wa hayasugita wa You, becoming a star, were too early
目を閉じれば、ほら まだあの日のまま me o tojireba, hora mada ano hi no mama Once I close my eyes, look, there still is that day

狭間に零した涙さえ 手繰り寄せる糸になる hazama ni koboshita namida sae taguri yoseru ito ni naru Even my tears falling down a gap will be a line for hauling to me
また明日が来れば 離ればなれになるけれど mata ashita ga kureba hanarebanare ni naru keredo When another day comes, we will be separated again, but
今は静寂(しじま)に溶ける ima wa shijima ni tokeru Now are melting in hush

たわいもない月明かりで 息づくようなプラネタリウム tawai mo nai tsukiakari de ikizuku you na puranetariumu By the unmeaning moon light, the planetarium seems to live
真昼も変わらず瞬いてる 私の半歩先を 照らしながら mahiru mo kawarazu matataiteru watashi no hanpo saki o terashi nagara It stays twinkled even at high noon and on a half step ahead of me shines along

極彩色の絨毯(じゅうたん)を広げて gokusaishoku no juutan o hirogete Spreading a vividly colored carpet
真新しい靴を 鳴らして待ちわびる maatarashii kutsu o narashite machiwabiru I'm eagerly waiting, clicking my brand-new shoes
流れ行く川は ミルクのように nagare iku kawa wa miruku no you ni The river running by is, like milk,
染み込んでほどける 月立ちの夜空 shimikonde hodokeru tsukidachi no yozora Soaking and untying, the night sky in the moon rising

くぐもって霞んだ震える言葉さえ あなたを呼ぶ風になる kugumotte kasunda furueru kotoba sae anata o yobu kaze ni naru Even my tremulous words, being muffled and hazy will be a wind of calling you
今はただ優しい 温もりだけ ima wa tada yasashii nukumori dake And while hugging only the sweet warmth
抱いたまま一人 今日も泣いてるの daita mama hitori kyou mo naiteru no I'm now weeping again, all alone

隔たれたこの想い出さえ 空に架かる橋になる hedatareta kono omoide sae sora ni kakaru hashi ni naru Even this memory separated far will be a bridge over the sky
星になったあなたは 遠すぎるけど hoshi ni natta anata wa toosugiru kedo You have become a star and stand too far away but
目を閉じれば、ほら まだ彼の日のまま me o tojireba, hora mada kare no hi no mama Once I close my eyes, look, there still is you as you were on the day

English translation by ikuy398


This song was featured on the following albums:

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