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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Furoirain=Ojousama
English: Fräulein=Young Miss
Original Upload Date
August 27, 2022
Hatsune Miku (chorus)
nyanyannya (music, lyrics)
Yokanko (illustration)
16,000+ (NN), 410,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
ホームラン級のポンコツさぁん! hoomurankyu no ponkotsu-saan! Miss Homerun-Grade Junk!
おメンタルのお・覚・悟よろしくって? omentaru no okakugo yoroshikutte? Are you well! Pre! Pared, mentally speaking?

(オジョウサマ! Uh...オジョウサマ!) (ojousama! Uh... ojousama!) (Young miss! Uh...young miss!)

あらあらあらなんですの? ara ara ara nan desu no? Dearie me, what’s this?
もしかして生まれとか貧富とか moshikashite umare to ka hinpu to ka Are you perhaps the type to make excuses
言い訳なさるタイプ? iiwake nasaru taipu? About circumstances of birth, and wealth and poverty?

水たまりより浅い思慮 mizutamari yori asai shiryo Prudence shallower than a puddle
ミニチュア並みの器 minichua nami no utsuwa And vessels on par with miniatures—
それをシメ(導い)てこそ sore o michibite koso Tie these up tight and guide me to them.

ノブレス・オブリージュ(貴人たる証)ですわ kijintaru akashi desu wa That’s noblesse oblige, after all!

(オジョウサマ! オジョウサマ! Chu-Chu!) (ojousama! ojousama! Chu-Chu!) (Young miss! Young miss! Mwah mwah!)

ま・ま・ま・ま・まさか!? ma ma ma ma masaka!? W-w-w-w-well, I never!
空気も読めない癖に ”かしこさ” 虚数でいらして kuuki mo yomenai kuse ni "kashikosa" kyosuu de irashite You can’t read the room at all, and yet your “cleverness” remains an imaginary number!
脳漿が吐瀉物であらせられる? noushou ga toshabutsu de araserareru? What is your grey matter made of, vomit and excrement?
おハーブですわ ohaabu desu wa How droll![1]

醜い本音を minikui honne o I'll expose
暴露(さら)してあげてよ 上等!   sarashite agete yo joutou! Your hideous instincts—bring ‘em on!
ちゃちで薄い "孤独"でしょう? ほら chachi de usui "kodoku" deshou? hora Your “loneliness” is cheaply made and weak, isn’t it? Look!
(フロイライン=オジョウサマ) (furoirain ojousama) (Fräulein=Young Miss!)
心臓(ハート)おブチまけあそばせ haato obuchimake asobase Pray spill your guts,
莫迦になんてしませんわ baka ni natte shimasen wa Won’t you be a fool?
ただ……私ただ捗るの♡ A-ha-ha tada…… watakushi tada hakadoru no♡ A-ha-ha I’m just...I’m just making progress♡ A-ha-ha!

(オジョウサマ! Uh...オジョウサマ!) (ojousama! Uh... ojousama!) (Young miss! Uh...young miss!)

ヤダ! 誰も理解しようとしないくせに yada! dare mo rikai shiyou to shinai kuse ni Not a chance! Do you really think you can get people to understand you alone
自分だけ理解(わか)ってもらうおつもり? jibun dake wakatte morau otsumori? When you don’t try to comprehend a single soul?

アナタ世界で一番莫迦ってわけじゃないけど anata sekai de ichiban baka tte wake ja nai kedo I don’t mean to say you’re the world’s biggest fool,
せ・め・て一番の方の永遠の健康を祈りなさい? semete ichiban no kata no towa no kenkou o inori nasai? But won’t you! At! Least pray for the eternal health of whoever is?
マジで maji de No joke.

(オジョウサマ! オジョウサマ! Chu-Chu!) (ojousama! ojousama! Chu-Chu!) (Young miss! Young miss! Mwah mwah!)

ま・ま・まさか!? ma ma masaka!? W-w-w-well, I never!
ご自分だけは違うとかやっぱ同族嫌悪でして? gojibun dake wa chigau toka yappa douzoku keno deshite? As expected, you loathe your kin, saying things like, “only I am different,” don’t you?
本当のこと仰れば楽ですのに…… hontou no koto osshareba raku desu no ni…… Even though it would be so much easier to tell the truth...
おハーブですわ ohaabu desu wa How droll!

醜い(みため) minikui mitame o I'll expose
暴露(さら)してあげてよ 蒼氓(そうぼう) sarashite agete yo soubou Your hideous appearance to the people!
仮面(マスク)して 御逃げなさい また masuku shite onige nasai mata Put on a mask and flee again, won’t you?
(フロイライン=オジョウサマ) (furoirain ojousama) (Fräulein=Young Miss!)
他人(ひと)のせいにしてらして? hito no sei ni shiterashite? Aren’t you putting the blame on others?
惨めったらしくって良いわ mijimettarashiku tte ii wa I don’t care how wretched you are.
もう……私もう捗る気しかしませんの♡ mou…… watakushi mou hakadoru ki shika shimasen no♡ Right now...I can’t worry about anything but making progress right now♡

洗脳(おし)えて差し上げて? oshiete sashiagete? Won’t you teach my brain how to think?
虚無をもっと kyomu o motto Give me more nothingness.

生きろと謳う成金さぁん! ikiro to utau narikin-saan! Miss Nouveau Riche, singing “Live on!”
(生きろと謳う成金さぁん!) (ikiro to utau narikin-saan!) (Miss Nouveau Riche, singing “Live on!”)
正しさ騙る七光りさぁん! tadashisa kataru nanahikari-saan! Miss Silver Spoon, pretending to be righteous!
(正しさ騙る七光りさぁん!) (tadashisa kataru nanahikari-saan!) (Miss Silver Spoon, pretending to be righteous!)

なんですの? nan desu no? What's this?
その庭の隅っこの無害で不快な蟲みたいな表・情(か・お) sono niwa no sumikko no mugai de kukai na mushimitai na kao In a corner of your garden is a harmless yet unpleasant insectoid face.
とーっても捗りますわ♡ toottemo hakadorimasu wa♡ We’re making an awful lot of progress♡

ねぇもし私が間違いなら聞かせてよ nee moshi watakushi ga machigai nara kikasete yo Please, tell me if I’m doing something wrong.
誰かじゃなく 誰かがじゃなく dareka ja naku dareka ga ja naku I’m not just somebody, I’m not just anybody.
アナタがどう在りたいかを anata ga tou aritai ka o What would you like to be?
そう……目は覚めまして? mou…… me wa samemashite? Now...are your eyes opening?
おはよう 人生に品性は携えて? ohayou jinsei ni hinsei wa tazusaete? Good morning. Do you carry character in your life?

フロイライン! 大切なものは furoirain! taisetsu na mono wa Fräulein! What’s important
生まれでもなくて貧富でもなくて umare demo nakute hinpu demo nakute Is not circumstances of birth, nor wealth or poverty,
高貴で狂気な心の在り方––ですわ♡ kouki de kyouki na kokoro no arikata desu wa♡ But having your heart the way it should be—noble and insane♡
A-ha-ha A-ha-ha A-ha-ha!

English translation by MeaningfulUsername

Translation Notes

  1. Thanks to Violet for pointing out that おハーブですわ is basically the way a "rich girl" character would write laughter. 笑 (wara, the actual character for laughing) is often written online as "w," which looks like grass when written several times ("wwwww"), making the character for grass (草) symbolize the same thing. 草 can also mean "herb," which is how you get "laughable" from ハーブ (haabu). おハーブですわ is written with formal, feminine language.

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