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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Furee
English: Hurray
Original Upload Date
August 31, 2022
Hatsune Miku and MEIKO
HoneyWorks (music, lyrics)
iXima (illustration)
YouTube Broadcast

Alternate Versions

Leo/need × Hatsune Miku version
Upload date: August 31, 2022
Featuring: Leo/need and Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): HoneyWorks (music, lyrics)
富岡二郎, 森倉円, himaro, 賀茂川, Pato, 缶ミカン (illustration)
omu (video)


Singer MEIKO Miku Both
Japanese Romaji English
生まれた時はみんな umareta toki wa minna Everyone started from the same point
同じスタート地点にいた onaji sutaato chiten ni ita when we were all born into this world
だのになのに君ときたら da no ni na no ni kimi to kitara And yet despite that, when it comes to you,
落ちこぼれて ochikoborete you are falling behind

ギフトまで錆びつかせ gifuto made sabitsukase Even down to your gifts, they all rust out
周りとの差開く一方で mawari to no sahiraku ippou de You were sulking and sinking because of the
ふてくされて沈んでた futekusarete shizundeta difference between you and everything around you
君に星が 笑った kimi ni hoshi ga waratta The stars smiled down on you

恐れるな osoreru na Don’t be afraid
上昇気流に乗って joushou kiryuu ni notte Ride along with the updraft
メインベルト突き抜けて mein beruto tsukinukete Pierce through the main belt
青を掴み取れ ao o tsukamitore Clutch onto the blue
「応援届いたかな?」 “ouen todoita ka na?” “I wonder if my cheers reached you?”

フレー 未完成 furee mikansei Hurray! There’s no such thing as
遅すぎるなんて辞書にはない oso sugiru nante jisho ni wa nai “it’s too late!” or “it’s incomplete!” in my dictionary
フレー 原石 furee genseki Hurray! Raise up
勇敢なる青 掲げろ yuukan naru ao kakagero that unpolished gem, that blue that now turns so gallant

君は君だよ kimi wa kimi da yo You are who you are
フラフラと進めばいい furafura to susumeba ii It’s okay if you’re unsteadily moving forward

転んだ時の君は koronda toki no kimi wa At times when you fall down,
好きな歌さえ聞こえなくて suki na uta sae kikoenakute you couldn’t even hear your favorite songs
だけどだけど仲間たちは dakedo dakedo nakamatachi wa Though that may be, your friends
ギュッと手繋ぐ gyuuto te tsunagu hold your hands tightly together

一人でできないなら hitori de dekinai nara “If you can’t do it all alone,
みんなで越えればいいよって minna de koereba ii yo tte then all of us can overcome it together,” you say
悲しみも分け合えば kanashimi mo wakeaeba “It’s okay if we share the same sadness too”
いいよって 笑った ii yo tte waratta I smiled at that notion

恐れるな osoreru na Don’t be afraid
勝利だけを信じて shouri dake o shinjite Only believe that you’ll win
テンペスト突き抜けて tenpesuto tsukinukete Pierce through the tempest
青を掴み取れ ao o tsukamitore Clutch onto the blue
「応援していいかな?」 “ouen shite ii ka na?” “Is it okay if I cheer you up, I wonder?”

フレー 未完成 furee mikansei Hurray! They laugh at you
熱すぎるなんて馬鹿にされて atsu sugiru nante baka ni sarete for being incomplete and too passionate
悔しくても kuyashikute mo Even if it’s frustrating,
勇敢なる青 掲げろ yuukan naru ao kakagero Raise up that blue that now turns so gallant

君は君だよ kimi wa kimi da yo You are who you are
不器用に描こう bukiyou ni egakou Let us clumsily imagine it

幼い頃に憧れた osanai koro ni akogareta I couldn’t be the hero that
ヒーローみたいになれなくて hiiroo mitai ni narenakute I longed to be since I was a child
それなりなんて都合よく sore nari nante tsugou yoku I said that’s convenient in its own way,
濁しながら逃げて逃げて nigoshi nagara nigete nigete evading the point as I run away, run away

恐れるな osoreru na Don’t be afraid
上昇気流に乗って joushou kiryuu ni notte Ride along with the updraft
メインベルト突き抜けて mein beruto tsukinukete Pierce through the main belt
青を掴み取れ ao o tsukamitore Clutch onto the blue
「応援届いたかな?」 “ouen todoita ka na?” “I wonder if my cheers reached you?”

フレー 未完成 furee mikansei Hurray! There’s no such thing as
遅すぎるなんて辞書にはない oso sugiru nante jisho ni wa nai “it’s too late!” or “it’s incomplete!” in my dictionary
フレー 原石 furee genseki Hurray! Raise up
勇敢なる青 掲げろ yuukan naru ao kakagero that unpolished gem, that blue that turns so gallant

君は君だよ kimi wa kimi da yo You are who you are
フラフラ進もう furafura susumou Let’s move on as we’re stumbling
君は君だよ kimi wa kimi da yo You are who you are
青いまま進めばいい aoi mama susumeba ii It’s okay to keep moving forward with the blue

また青へ mata ao e Towards the blue once again

English translation by Hiraethie, with edits by Violet

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