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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Von Braun to Submarine
Song title
Romaji: Fonburaun to Sabumarin
English: Von Braun and Submarine
Original Upload Date
April 4, 2020
nyanyannya (music, lyrics)
Yokanko (illustration)
6,500+ (NN), 12,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Azayaka, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on her website.
Japanese Romaji English
空と海を繋いでいる sora to umi o tsunaide iru Chase the “now” that connects
イマを追ってハニー ima o otte hanii The sky and the sea, honey
マリンスノー深く塞いでいる marin sunoo fukaku fusaide iru The marine snow is piling deep
君を連れ出すよサブマリン kimi o tsuredasu yo sabumarin I’ll take you out on this submarine

空に浸したラジオ sora ni hitashita rajio We’ve soaked our radio in the sky,
透明な夏を聴いていた線路 toumei na natsu o kiite ita senro Listened to a clear summer on the railway line
浮き沈みチグハグな君の憂いを ukishizumi chiguhagu na kimi no urei o If you don’t want to spill your sorrow,
零さないようにフリーケンシー上げて kobosanai you ni furiikenshii agete With its crazy ups-and-downs, turn up the frequency

捉えた言葉はエニグマにはない toraeta kotoba wa eniguma ni wa nai The words we’ve caught are not from an enigma
胸のハッチ開けて mune no hacchi akete So open the hatch of your heart

時間切れ 行くよクラッシュダイブ jikangire iku yo kurasshu daibu We’re out of time, let’s go, crash dive!

空も そう海も 同じこと sora mo sou umi mo onaji koto Yes, the sky and the sea are the same thing
手を取ってハニー te o totte hanii Take my hand, honey
ソナー揺らす心 魔法のように sonaa yurasu kokoro mahou you ni Our hearts move the sonar, and like magic,
変えてくこのサブマリン kaeteku kono sabumarin It transforms this submarine

飛沫くリフトドラッグレシオ shibuku rifuto doraggu reshio The lift-to-drag ratio splashes high
吐息は近付いて toiki wa chikazuite A sigh comes close
青く遠ざかってく aoku touzakatteku And fades away in blue
微熱は弾ける binetsu wa hajikeru A slight fever bursts forth,
炭酸のパルサー tansan no parusaa A carbonic acid pulsar
答えは求めた kotae wa motometa The answer we’ve been looking for is
幾何学にはないロマン kikagaku ni wa nai roman romance that can’t be found in geometry

きっとハニカムな笑顔 kitto hanikamu na egao Surely, it’s a honeycomb smile

空と海の碧さを sora to umi no aosa o Carve out the blueness
切り取ってハニー kiritotte hanii Of the sky and sea, honey
ブルーホール 思い出にイマを buruu hooru omoide ni ima o In the blue hole, “now” turns into a memory
変えてくアクアマリン kaeteku akuamarin Because of the aquamarine

(マール(アンド)フォンブラウン) x8 (maaru ando fonburaun) x8 (Marl and Von Braun) x8

抱え込んだアーキテクチャ kakaekonda aakitekucha It’s time for us to draw
描き出さなきゃ egakidasanakya The architecture we hold in our arms

空と海は同じ距離 sora to umi wa onaji kyori The sky and the sea are the same distance away
いつだってハニー itsu datte hanii At any time, honey
スクリュー乱す心 推されていく背中 sukuryuu midasu kokoro osarete iku senaka Our hearts jumble up the screws, pushing us from behind
変えてく イマを明日に kaeteku ima o ashita ni Transforming “now” into tomorrow

ピンを放つスカイラボラトリ pin o hanatsu sukai raboratori The sky laboratory releases a pin
さざ波の唄うメロディー sazanami no utau merodii The ripples sing a melody
君はもう大丈夫だよ kimi wa mou daijoubu da yo You’re alright now
ダーリン ダーリン daarin daarin Darling, darling

今日ペリスコープへと塗り足す kyou perisukoopu e to nuri tasu The sky is as pale as a breath
呼吸みたいに淡い空 kokyuu mitai ni awai sora Today we’ll color it onto the periscope
もう一度 もう一度 mou ichido mou ichido One more time, one more time
もう一度その手届くまで mou ichido sono te todoku made One more time, until those hands can reach it,
絵空事信じて esoragoto shinjite Keep believing in the pipe dream


English translation by Azayaka

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