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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Fatal Ego Aoris
Song title
Romaji: Feitaru Ego
English: Fatal Ego
Original Upload Date
July 28, 2022
Aoris (music, lyrics)
180,000+ (NN), 43,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
醜状呈している小団円 shuutai teishite iru shoudan'en Disgraceful is this paltry denouement.
アネクドトスに縋って anekudotosu ni sugatte Clinging on to the anecdote,
冗々、虚妄の焦燥 joujou, kyomou no shousou I’m long-windedly fretting over nothing.
()された容 hesareta you What a squashed content!

茫々たる心理の倦労を bouboutaru shinri no kenrou o This obscure, mental fatigue
培った腑甲斐無い様相 tsuchikatta fugainai yousou Has been fostered in a shiftless manner.
形骸すら欠いていて keigai sura kaite ite It’s lacking even in its empty shell;
夙に散っていたって tsuto ni chitte ita tte Though it’s long since scattered,
屹度そう希っている kitto sou koinegatte iru I strongly do wish it were so.

だけの、今日を dake no, kyou o That’s all I did today,
繰り返した理由を kurikaeshita riyuu o And day after day; lest I grasp
掴まないよう(そむ)いた tsukamanai you somuita The reason why I did that, I ran counter to it,
から(すが)れている kara sugarete iru Which should be why I’m shriveling now.

挙句は(わら)えない ageku wa waraenai As a result, smiles won’t bloom upon me.
寸途そうだろう zutto sou darou Never will I come to wear one,
朱色が濁る迄は shuiro ga nigoru made wa Until the vermilion becomes thick.

僻んでうらぶれて臍噛んで higande uraburete heso kande Growing jealous, going downhill, regretting bitterly,
一切の御役目は捨て置いて issai no oyakume wa suteoite And leaving everything as it stands, sitting on my hands,
獄の辺での救を goku no be de no sukui o On the bank of the inferno, I’ve always
待っているんだ matte iru nda Been waiting for salvation,
伸々(のうのう)と! nounou to! In such a sluggish way!

(ことづ)けて(かま)けて穿(つらぬ)いて kotozukete kamakete tsuranuite Putting out an alibi, being too busy with a single task, sticking to it,
狼狽え蹲り遁げていて urotae uzukumari nigete ite Panicking, crouching, and falling from reality—
不埒な胸の奥に furachi na mune no oku ni My unpardonable mind
巣食っている迷妄、 sukutte iru meimou, Is haunted by illusions,

僮蒙(どうもう)冥々(めいめい)傾頽(けいたい) doumou, meimei, keitai, Ignorance, dimness, disintegration,
懊悩(おうのう)潺湲(せんかん)澎湃(ほうはい) ounou, senkan, houhai, Anguish, whimpering, groundswell,
卦体(けったい)沮喪(そそう)因業(いんごう) kettai, sosou, ingou Ominousness, demoralization, and karma.

(いたずら)に千切れて疎を抱いて itazura ni chigirete so o daite Pointlessly breaking into pieces, embracing sparsity,
弥縫(びぼう)すら出来ずに手を焼いて bibou sura dekizu ni te o yaite Being incompetent to patch things up and having a hard time with it,
疚しいぐらい穢れてる大義背負って yamashii gurai kegareteru taigi seotte I’m burdened with opprobriously defiled justice;
南無阿弥陀! namuamida! Homage to Amida Buddha!

彼岸でも変わらず臍噛んで higan demo kawarazu heso kande Even in Nirvana, I never stop blaming myself,
退嬰的態度で二の舞へ taieiteki taido de ninomai e And I adopt a conservative policy only to fall into the same rut.
致命的な自我の(おり) chimeiteki na jiga no ori The sediment of this fatal ego;
宿ったまま転生(てんしょう)を! yadotta mama tenshou o! As it still dwells here, reincarnate me!

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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