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Song title
Romaji: Feaueru Redi
English: Farewell Lady
Original Upload Date
August 31, 2018 (album release)
Sep.19.2019 (PV)
Kagamine Rin
nyanyannya (music, lyrics)
Yokanko (illustration)
19,000+ (YT), 2,000+ (BB)
YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast


The following translation was made by Releska, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
(ままならない想いばかり (mamanaranai omoi bakari (I can’t control how I feel,
でも笑って demo waratte but I smile
探している物語 sagashite iru monogatari because I’ll keep searching
きっともっとずっと) kitto motto zutto) for even more stories, always.)

千切るくらいに虹の端っこを捕まえ chigiru kurai ni niji no hashikko o tsukamae I grab the rainbow’s edge so tightly I could tear it off.
何方(どちら)へゆくの?色に聞いて dochira e yuku no? iro ni kiite “Where are you going?” I ask the colours.

筆を曳けば掠れ fude o hikeba kasure When I pull my brush, it scrapes.
ステップ刻めば裾を踏み suteppu kizameba suso o fumi When I dance, I step on my hem.
もうどうしようもなく mou dou shiyou mo naku It’s the night before the picnic
ピクニック前夜 熱を出した pikunikku zenya netsu o dashita but I’m in an awful state.
子供みたいね ほら? kodomo mitai ne hora? I’m like a feverish child. See?

さぁ!堂々胸張って 大切と言えるものを saa! doudou mune hatte taisetsu to ieru mono o Come on! Let’s go, damsel, and keep searching
鉛姫(ダムゼル) このセカイで damuzeru kono sekai de for something in this world
十万回百万回探しましょう それには juumankai hyakumankai sagashimashou sore ni wa we can call precious with pride. To do that,
鉛姫(ダムゼル) 心がけが大事 damuzeru kokorogake ga daiji damsel, attitude is key.

ありがとう セカイ arigatou sekai Thank you, world!

立派な値札で気取った他所の子も rippa na nefuda de kidotta yoso no ko mo That other child had a fine price tag.
ちょっとお気に召さない chotto oki ni mesanai I didn’t really care for them.
本物が欲しければ 創るしかないの honmono ga hoshikereba tsukuru shikanai no If I want the real thing, I have to make it
この手で kono te de with my own hands.

呼吸もできないくらい kokyuu mo dekinai kurai After all, a world
素敵なセカイがあるから suteki na sekai ga aru kara that’s breathlessly splendid is right there.

ショウウィンドウのシュガーケーキを眺めて shou uindou no shugaa keeki o nagamete I looked at the sugar cake in the display window
そっとため息吐けば sotto tameiki tsukeba and sighed.
何にも知らないまま灰色の自分が写る nan ni mo shiranai mama haiiro no jibun ga utsuru My ignorant, ashen self was reflected in the glass.
そんなのってもう沢山よ sonna no tte mou takusan yo I’m sick of it.

勇気を出せばその分だけ怖くなる yuuki o daseba sono bun dake kowaku naru The more courage I show, the more scared I get
きっと間違うから kitto machigau kara because I’ll definitely mess up.
でも(おでこ)の"にきび"みたいに 気が付いたら demo odeko no "nikibi" mitai ni ki ga tsuitara But, just like a pimple on my forehead,
絶対 そのままじゃいられない zettai sono mama ja irarenai once I notice it I can’t let it be

だから大切なものを dakara taisetsu na mono o so I’ll search for something important
(大切なものを) (taisetsu na mono o) (something important.)
アナタも探して anata mo sagashite I’ll search for you too.

(旅に出るアナタへと (tabi ni deru anata e to (I smile at you today
今日は笑って kyou wa waratte as you depart.
手を叩いてお別れを te o tataite owakare o I applaud in farewell.
もっともっともっと そっと......) motto motto motto sotto......) More, more, more… gently…)

フェアウェル feaueru Farewell.

English translation by Releska


This song was featured on the following album:

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