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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Fan Letter Oboro Harusame
Song title
Romaji: Fan Retaa
English: Fan Letter
Original Upload Date
February 14, 2023
Oboro Harusame (music, lyrics)
1,500+ (NN), 1,800+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
消えてなくなりたい日がある kiete nakunaritai hi ga aru Sometimes, I just want to evaporate.
理由もなく息を吸うのが億劫で riyuu mo naku iki o suu no ga okkuu de For no reason, I’m too lazy to take a single breath.
もう 歩きたくないな mou arukitakunai na I don’t feel like walking along anymore
こんな何にも見えない暗い道 konna nannimo mienai kurai michi On this dark road where you can’t see a thing.

でも 明かりがあったんだ demo akari ga atta nda However, there was a light—
僕の一歩を待ってくれる優しさのかたまりが boku no ippo o matte kureru yasashisa no katamari ga The incarnation of kindness waiting for me to take a step forward.

きら きら きら きら と輝いて kira kira kira kira to kagayaite Twinkle, sparkle, you glitter.
呼んでる 聞こえる yonderu kikoeru You’re calling for me. I can hear that.

君が優しすぎるくらいに優しいから kimi ga yasashisugiru kurai ni yasashii kara You’re always kind and generous to a fault,
たまにどうしようもなくもどかしく思うけど tama ni dousiyou mo naku modokashiku omou kedo And it sometimes gives me butterflies in my stomach.
その優しさも好きなんだって sono yasashisa mo suki nanda tte It wasn’t until recently that I realized
気付いたのは結構最近なんだ kizuita no wa kekkou saikin nanda That I love you for being kind-hearted like that, too!
君に笑っていてほしいな kimi ni waratte ite hoshii na I hope you don’t forget your smile
ずっと zutto Forever!
おひさまみたいにきらきらと ohisama mitai ni kirakira to Will you continue to shine and sparkle
僕の心をあたためて boku no kokoro o atatamete Like the sun to warm up my heart,
ねえ nee Please?

全て 消し去りたい日がある subete keshisaritai hi ga aru Sometimes, I just want to erase everything.
力も無く藻掻く無様が滑稽で chikara mo naku mogaku buzama ga kokkei de I find it quite funny that I’m struggling powerlessly.
もう 止まってしまおうかな mou tomatte shimaou kana Should I just stop walking here already
こんな苦しみを生む霧中の道 konna kurushimi o umu muchuu no naka On this foggy road that only brings about suffering?

でも 光がさしたんだ demo hikari ga sashita nda However, a streak of light shone upon me—
僕の歩く元気をくれる優しさのかたまりが boku no aruku genki o kureru yasashisa no katamari ga The incarnation of kindness that gives me the energy to resume my walk.

きら きら きら きら と輝いて kira kira kira kira to kagayaite Twinkle, sparkle, you glitter.
おどけて 手を引く odokete te o hiku In a jokey mood, you lead me by the hand.

君が笑っちゃうくらいに優しいから kimi ga waracchau kurai ni yasashii kara You’re always kind and generous to a fault,
何を頼まれても全力で頑張るけど nani o tanomarete mo zenryoku de ganbaru kedo So you give your best whatever you’re asked to do,
その優しさに指さされて嗤われると sono yasashisa ni yubi sasarete warawareru to But when they point at and laugh at that kindness,
僕は面白くないよ boku wa omoshirokunai yo I feel so uncomfortable.
君にこそ笑っていてほしいんだ kimi ni koso waratte ite hoshii nda I wish you have the biggest smile in the world
ずっと zutto Forever!
霧雨みたいに ざらざらと kirisame mitai ni zarazara to Things torment my heart so roughly
僕の心を苛んで boku no kokoro o sainande Like a drizzly rain—
ああ aa Aah!

でも 君の声は demo kimi no koe wa However, your voice
それすら照らしてあたためてくれるから sore sura terashite atatamete kureru kara Even lights it up and keep it warm and cozy.
かなわないな kanawanai na I owe you so much.

何よりも優しくて nani yori mo yasashikute Kinder than anything else,
何よりも強い nani yori mo tsuyoi Stronger than anything else,
僕の世界を照らす boku no sekai o terasu You’re a warm sun
ぽかぽかの pokapoka no Who illuminates
おひさま ohisama My world.

君が優しすぎるくらいに優しいから kimi ga yasashisugiru kurai ni yasashii kara You’re always kind and generous to a fault,
たまにどうしようもなくもどかしく思うけど tama ni dousiyou mo naku modokashiku omou kedo And it sometimes gives me butterflies in my stomach.
その優しさも好きなんだって sono yasashisa mo suki nanda tte But I really love you for being kind-hearted like that,
(soft的な意味でも) (soft teki na imi demo) (For being so soft as well!)
真っ直ぐな君も好きなんだって massugu na kimi mo suki nanda tte Also for being so straightforward like that,
(straight的な意味でも) (straight teki na imi demo) (For being straight, you know.)
(そのまま、じゃないんです?) (sono mama, ja nai ndesu?) (...Isn’t that meant to be that way?)
なんなら全部 好きなんだって nannara zenbu suki nanda tte Or in fact, I love everything about you!
(whisperもEnglishもいいぞ。) (whisper mo English mo ii zo.) (Whisper and English are also so good...)
(V1の声、いいよね…) (V1 no koe, ii yo ne...) (Nothing can beat V1 voice, huh...)
君に歌っていてほしいな kimi ni utatte ite hoshii na I hope you don’t stop singing
ずっと zutto Forever!
その きらきらの 歌声で sono kirakira no utagoe de Will you let that shining, sparkling
僕の心をあたためて boku no kokoro o atatamete Voice of yours to warm up my heart,
ねえ nee Please?

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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