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Song title | |||
"ピース・メイカー" Romaji: Piisu Meikaa English: Peace Maker | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
August 10, 2019 | |||
Singer | |||
Hiyama Kiyoteru | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
2,500+ (BB), 92,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
billibilli Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
This song was first released as part of the Kadoh-ann-a-ruk-a=Gjallarhorn album. |
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Japanese | Romaji | English |
もっとラブアンドピース | motto rabu ando piisu | More love and peace |
(もっとラブアンドピース) | (motto rabu ando piisu) | (More love and peace) |
もっと簡単に | motto kantan ni | More easily |
なんせ降りかかる火の粉だもの | nanse furikakaru hinoko da mono | The sparks will fall no matter what |
やりたい放題やっちゃって | yaritai houdai yacchatte | So just do what you want |
オーケー議論は仕方がない | ookee giron wa shikata ga nai | Okay, there’ll always be arguments |
(Don’t let me down) | (Don’t let me down) | (Don’t let me down) |
もう一度言ってほら…… | mou ichido itte hora… | Say it one more time, come on… |
(mighter than the gun) | (mightier than the gun) | (mightier than the gun) |
黙れ | damare | Shut up! |
波間に魔に放つ銃弾 | namima ni ma ni hanatsu juudan | A bullet fired at a demon in the trough of the wave |
敲く鼓動 飛沫浴びる糾弾 | tataku kodou himetsu abiru kyuudan | With heart pounding, censure basking in the spray |
撃ち落としてやる | uchiotoshite yaru | I’ll shoot it down |
有象無象兎角謳う賞賛 | uzoumuzou tokaku utau shousan | The masses sing its praises |
偽証ギミック欺瞞偽善上等 | gishou gimikku giman gizen joutou | Perjury, gimmicks, deceit, hypocrisy–bring ’em on! |
気楽でいたいだけさ | kiraku de itai dake sa | I just want to take it easy |
なんて冗談通じる? 通じない? | nante joudan toojiru? toojinai? | Well then, do you get the joke? Or not? |
さながらジョンオブザラックランドの聴問会 | sanagara jon obu za rakkurando no choumonkai | It’s just like the trial of John Lackland |
マグナカルタのうだる調べ | maguna karuta no udaru shirabe | The seething investigation of the Magna Carta |
(Don’t let me down) | (Don’t let me down) | (Don’t let me down) |
少しだけ聞いてほら…… | sukoshi dake kiite hora… | Just listen for a bit, come on… |
(mighter than the gun) | (mightier than the gun) | (mightier than the gun) |
黙れ | damare | Shut up! |
アニマに真に放つ銃弾 | anima ni ma ni hanatsu juudan | A bullet fired at the honesty in your soul |
飼いならす死線鳴らす鉄の遊底 | kainarasu shisen narasu kane no yuutei | At the tamed border between life and death, the breechblock rings out |
ナルシシズムと | narushishizumu to | With narcissism |
昨日不安機能不全幻想 | kinou fuan kinoufuzen gensou | Yesterday’s uncertainty and dysfunction are an illusion |
以上異常全部貫いて | ijou ijou zenbu tsuranuite | Pierce through disorder and everything else |
自分でいたいだけさ | jibun de itai dake sa | I just want to be myself |
上々、多分朗報 放蕩気分で流れる情報 | joujou, tabun rouhou houtou kibun de nagareru jouhou | Good news, the best, probably–the information flows with a feeling of self-indulgence |
ジャック 存外異常気象 衣装奇妙 印象インテリジェント | jakku zongai ijou kishou ishou kimyou inshou interijento | Jack: an unexpected disordered disposition, strange clothes, but an intelligent impression |
平穏、音すら追い越す速さの電光石火はラブアンドピース | heion, on sura oikosu hayasa no denkousekka wa rabu ando piisu | Peaceful–the lightning flash that overtakes the speed of sound is love and peace |
アンドピースなら当然叶えるニーズ | ando piisu nara touzen kanaeru niizu | “And peace,” naturally, can fulfill your needs |
アンドエースならもれなく備えるピース | ando eesu nara morenaku sonaeru piisu | “And ace” will furnish you with all of the pieces |
もう乱れるままに絡まって | mou midareru mama ni karamatte | Now, entwine in disarray |
(mighter than the gun) | (mightier than the gun) | (mightier than the gun) |
夜さりに凪ぐ魔弾のシューター | yosari ni nagu madan no shuutaa | The magic-bullet shooter grows calm as night draws on |
握るその拳が望んでいる | nigiru sono kobushi ga nozonde iru | Wishing, with clenched fist |
危険危急不安不穏闘争 | kiken kikyuu fuan fuon tousou | For danger, crisis, suspense, turbulence, conflict |
震え痺れひり付く展開を | fue shibire hiritsuku tenkai o | For a development causing trembling, numbness, stinging |
明日に撃ち放つ銃弾 | asu ni uchihanatsu juudan | A bullet fired at tomorrow |
敲く鼓動 飛沫浴びる糾弾 | tataku kodou himetsu abiru kyuudan | With heart pounding, censure basking in the spray |
撃ち落としてやる | uchiotoshite yaru | I’ll shoot it down |
有象無象兎角謳う賞賛 | uzoumuzou tokaku utau shousan | The masses sing its praises |
偽証ギミック欺瞞偽善上等 | gishou gimikku giman gizen joutou | Perjury, gimmicks, deceit, hypocrisy–bring ’em on! |
独りでいたいだけさ | hitori de itai dake sa | I just want to be alone |
English translation by bluepenguin
External Links[]
- Pixiv - illustration
- VocaDB
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- Translation Source